Want to take a stand against the feminist narrative that all men are rapists until proven guilty?
Vote Republican in EVERY SINGLE ELECTION ON November 6. That's 39 days away.
Remember...Every. Single. One.
Get every single sane person you know in real life and on the internet to do the same. Make a list of all of them. Throw an election party on that day. Remember, November 6.
i am like 90% sure this is shadman but that 10% is keeping me from posting coffin nails into this thread sage until it becomes clear
Cameron Flores
First things first, realize that November 6, 2018 is going to be upon us very soon! That means you are going to have to commit to being as passionate about this as if your life depends on it. Trump won in 2016 partly because people knew what the stakes were, and voted accordingly.
Here are a variety of things you can do. I’m going to update this article as regularly as possible to optimize things, so check back every now and then.
-Make a list of every right-leaning friends and family members you have in real life. These people are going to be the most receptive to vote against the left. Make it your personal responsibility to get EVERY SINGLE ONE of them out to the polls on NOVEMBER 6 (that’s a Tueday). Making this list should take around 5 minutes. Make it now
dear Red Storm: IOTBW will expose Dems and leftists as racist bigots who hate white people right before the midterms, it's a good strategy to help Republicans