What do the Democrats mean by this? What is their end game?


Attached: undocumented blue wave.png (837x637, 520K)

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Import as many spics are possible and spread them everywhere to make Democrats win forever. They know what they're doing, we know what they're doing, the Republicans know what they're doing, only good goy whites are naive enough to ignore it

>the Republicans know what they're doing
Republicans are scared to be called racist, for the most part.

Why is mammy running? Job at Mrs Butterworth’s running out?

I want monarchy, fascism, or even fucking Juche. Anything but this.

You know their end game
They've pissed off Americans so bad they cant win nation wide so they need to import a new voter base. But our immigration system is so fucked up it takes too long and they want those beaners here now so, pedro gets welcomed aboard and allowed to vote to try and sway this shit in his new government subsidized section 8 housing in a red state


it means that they are going to try to get illegals to vote again.

>run for governor in georgia
>have fundraiser in manhattan
Sick of this out of state money shit

It should be completely illegal if we're being entirely honest.

>undocumented people should be allowed to vote
>Russia meddles in our elections

undocumented-voters= Soros voting machines!
The ones Obama tried to hack in the 2016 election in Georgia, or the county that BUSTED them in Georgia which had thousands of votes over total number of voters in that county!

Yeah well if the opponent wasn't the guy in charge of counting ballots then it'd be unfair. But southern GOP is as crooked as the cliches.

Also she wants to end cannabis prohibition; all you right-wingers who talk about personal freedom and all other lies you don't actually embrace because you don't have spines should wake up an embrace politicians who actually want a thriving economy and expanded freedoms.

After today with what happened in Canada you guys have no arguments. You are cucks supporting the police state party.

AKA illegals vote. and they say it don't happen. get that voter ID out ASAP

Until we arrest these politicans as traitors we're doomed. No point in following any of this. It's all just social gossip.

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Abrams saw an opening to allege
So she's just saying shit

Yes. Listening to Sean Hannity is cingy as fuck. He was all blown away by how Texas could vote blue.
>This is Texas! It's up to you to fight back and vote.
Hey faggot, it's demographic changes, and your denial of it and constant "I'm not racist" civnat shit is doing it. Fucking idiot.

Paid, retard.

Shut the fuck up and eat a bullet race traitor

Gap - toothed cunt gonna get her ass handed to her by GOP candidate in November just like that pajama boy Ossoff did last year.

Cry more faggot

Get drowned in the blue wave

damn kemp is going to count all the ballots in his favor damn its just true

Not for long


Kemp is definitely /ourguy/

What would happen if illegal immigrants started voting Red en masse?

>embrace politicians who actually want a thriving economy
Stacey Abrams is in over 200k in debt. What the hell does she know about a "thriving economy"?

Attached: lol economics.png (906x661, 73K)

Attached: Ethnostate-when.png (640x493, 529K)

$200,000 personal debt, but her real debt is over $500,000!

It doesn't matter because they would never vote for a party that wants to deport them.

I’m a pothead myself and you need to shut the fuck up. You single issue voters are retarded. You can get pot as easy as anything and only niggers get arrested for possessing it. And you know what? I’m ok with that. Change my mind faggot.


Oh what’s happening in Canada you say? Trudeau giving Canadians money to fucking ISIS fighters? Employers being allowed to deny native white canadiens jobs because of who they are? Trudeau literally giving away billions of their dollars to other countries and causes that do nothing for the average Canadian? What does buying some legal pot matter when your leaders are throwing your larger future away you asshole? You come on here thinking you know everything and are gonna act all preachy and get everyone to agree with you because lol dude weed! But you have no idea what’s actually going on. You would march into a fucking execution chamber if your trusted elected officials promised you a joint. I like pot too. I’m gonna keep getting it and smoking it no matter what the fucking law says, and I’d love to get high and watch the execution of every liberal by firing squad on the tv. Go. Fucking. Kill. Yourself. For the good of your poor family and the entire world.

>Thrive in an economy
Last i recall the entire time nigbama was in office we were in a recession bordering total collapse. Sure sounds like the kinda economy i want......fuckin liberal dolts lel

$200k in credit card debt? She's been exploited by usury. She never should have had that high of a line of credit to begin with.

Waaaaa pot waaaaa nothing else matters! I’ll have my precious pot even if my own town is overrun by sqatemalans!!! You’re the kind of person I wouldn’t mind seeing beheaded by a cartel honestly. Shut your mouth for good punk.

How the fuck can you call yourself a first world country without automatic voter registration and ID checks?

This is literally not only fucking illegal, BUT TREASON. Only citizens have the right to vote.

In the 2016 election they were like "there are no illegals voting goy" now they admit it but spin it as a good thing.

At least a white leader cares about white people even if he is a dictator.
Jewish rats care about no one but Jews

Texans are even worse about it. They'll say shit like how the Hispanics over there are more based than the ones in California.


>Fuck this nation, let's open all borders and let third worlders who ruined their country ruin this one becuz...dude...weed.
By the way, I'd be fine with de-criminalization but selling out your country for the freedom to smoke a joint in public, goddamn man, you were better off in your Dad's sock.

>personal freedom
um sweetie... "personal freedom" is a leftist red herring for breaking apart the family unit and driving native citizen birthrates down. The right has always advocated against this nonsense.

it would be nice, but would NEVER happen because no matter what, they are here illegally; that is why they vote dem

go to hell you degenerate fag

>Also she wants to end cannabis prohibition
I wouldn't mind that. But I also don't want her to give Stone Mountain the Taliban treatment.

Canadafag here. Being a degenerate is publicly acceotable and criticism is punishable. You can't use us for any sort of comparison to decency and freedom.

ya their bringing in 4000 new DNC NPCs from mehheeco just in time to vote for free gibs

I hope that was a slip of the tongue, and she meant "unprecedented".

so tired of the poor discriminated blacks argument. dig in your fucking couch for 10 dollars in change and get a state id.

Georgia Democratic gubernatorial candidate

Republicans just want to do it too, which is why they keep giving those spics amnesty
Doesn't help though

It wasn’t a mistake. It’s also why my wife and I are making efforts to early vote and make sure Kemp gets in. She is literally ny and california trying to buy Georgia into being a blue state by pandering to pussies in Atlanta.

She’s going to bankrupt the Hope scholarship, one of the best things about this state. She’s going to do this by fucking up the entire meaning of the scholarship - it’s supposed to be merit-based and she wants to make it need based, even though every other scholarship is need based. Fuck her.

>expanded freedoms
>pay for paco and jamal

A nigger with obvious kike dna.

I would argue that they are more interested in ANY minorities that they can control to obtain Globalism and they know they'll be at the top.

You would be betraying the principles of the Founding Fathers. Are you sure you want that? Would you at least accept going back to the way America was, circa Theodore Roosevelt's days?

>What is their end game?
destruction all the luxuries white society has provided for them

Attached: 2222.png (476x458, 237K)

basically they're boasting about cheating the system?

>mexican collusion

Epic, I like your writing style

>We are going to let endless amounts of hostile dumb immigrants into the country so they can keep us in power forever.
>thinking this wont cause a massive civil war where the people who facilitated this are all shot in the back of the head and dumped in a ditch.

I want them to win. Whites need to go to war or we lose everything. If there is one thing we are good at, its war.

is there a way to make trump point this out? kek, are you listening? we need you

4000 on the way from honduras as we speak


many states are deploying the national guard at the direction of the President
elections won't be meddled in by anyone this election

this is why Trump said that the election being lost won't be his fault
he did what he needs to secure the election
now we have to win fair and square
(they are fucked due to false polling data and low registration, and dwindling public approval of democrats)

Someone post this on the Coli, so the guys there will flip their shit on her and Keisha Lance Bottoms trying to throw black people under the bus in favor of illegals

"Muh principles." Their principles didn't work. The country has barely lasted 200 years and it's now a 56% white shitshow. If they were alive they'd be the first to tell you the American experiment has failed

You fucking degenerate faggot thinks 'personal freedoms' means fucking kids and leaving his aids needles on streets for the rest of us to clean up.

essentially, the democrats have given up on trying to win in red territory, so they are flooding thier territory with illegals. Even if none of them ever vote thier population counts on the census still go towards electoral votes.

This is why california is so pro illegal immigrant. They get about 8 of thier electoral votes just from thier illegal population, and that hasnt actually been tallied since 2010.

The political elite dont fight the wars user, we do. And as much as I relish the idea of violently expelling the cunts from my nation I can't help but feel that its still always better to prevent them from getting here in the first place.

you are weak white man

it's almost as if the point he was making flew right over your double digit IQ

user. Don’t feed the trolls. Jow Forums has forgotten this, but I will remind them. Jesus loves you.

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Rich or well off anons near the border, go down to your local home depot where day laborer Mexicans are and hire them to guard and push back against the 4000 plus horde. Use their greed against them to utlilize people that can't be called racist.

>what do they mean
They are telling you they want to destroy America and they don't care about you
>what is their end game
death to (((whiteness)))

Attached: disgusted admiral sw.png (640x480, 86K)

bump for more to know


Attached: brian kemp, electoral fraudster.jpg (480x679, 60K)

>fuck blacks
>fuck asians
>the future of America is undocumented illegal aliens
A bold strategy from the Democratic Party.

hannity is controlled opposition ensuring the international financiers are never mentioned
you'd think he would fight after they tried to #BlaseyFord him

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So...they want to win through foreign collusion/interference in our elections?