The left will start a civil war

The Supreme Court is going to vote down abortion, affirmative action, DACA and all the rest of it. And maybe even gay marriage.

And the worst thing about it is, none of this can be changed for over 30 years while they wait for justices to age. They are losing ground, when they were expecting so much progress.

There is no other way out for them.
They will lay the groundwork and fire the first shots, only when they believe they have the upper hand. Their base is completely feral and unhinged, they'll go along with anything.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Bring it nogunz libtards

Oh they can start it but they won't win it

remember, if given the command, leftist will charge into into machine gun nests en mass with bombs strapped to their chests. They are their own classification of people who are completely subservient to propaganda, in times past this was used as a strength to expand Western Dominance. now it is being used for self destruction.

Sanctuary cities will BTFO
Deportation Force established
National voter ID laws

OP is a faggot

Hour many hours do you think it’ll last?

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im telling you guys its going to be bad. Imagine human wave attacks with tens of thousands charging into a formation of main battle tanks till the mechanisms are clogged up with gore, then the crew cut from the vehicles and dismembered while the angry mob screeches social justice slogans.

None of them understand how simple their shackles imposed on us dissolve

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at this moment i will do all i can to prevent such a war from occurring, i want to live in a world of peace. however, if a war comes into existence i will have no mercy, will take no prisoners, and i will never surrender

You make it sound like this is a bad thing. Let the fun begin. I look forward to having a rainbow colored assortment of scalps from lefties.

Don't equate the noble Muslim suicide bomber to your shitty man-children.
Even though Muslims are generally pieces of shit, at least they are closer in line morally to what this country should be.

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The left
>either obese or emaciated
>No guns
>No shooting experience
>Already have PTSD for no reason
>Most don’t own cars
>Most live in urban shitholes
>Can’t March in a straight line
>Can’t sustain a chant or even chant in time with eachother
>Addicted to Starbucks
>Addicted to Social Media
>Never been in a fist fight because of zero tolerance policies
>Puts women on the frontlines
>Literally petrified of mean words
>Hates toxic male vets and service members
>Hates the police
Yeahhh still not worried

I'm telling you that these people are different on a genetic level. During the middle ages, feudal lords bred their population like cattle for desired traits. this resulted in 70% of the population becoming genetically subservient to authority.
This is also why nobility was so paranoid about bloodlines, they did not want to throw away their lineages individuality with the genes of what were essentially human cattle. The discovery of the new world provided an outlet for the disgruntled 30 percent who did not have these traits to expand their population in a new homeland. As a result, Europe and America have inverse ratios of these people.

once the propaganda tells them to pick up guns and fight till the last man. then its game on.

>vote down abortion
never ever. Not even if all 9 of them were Evangelicals

first of all, everyone needs to stop calling it progressivism. Moving/changing isn't always forward. The left is regressing society at this point by causing racial tension, spreading hate, and even abusing mentally ill people in their sick political game. Call it regressivism or regression. Bonus points is the reeeeeing that this causes in real life.

>>Already have PTSD for no reason

lol'd hard.

Ah, I see now what you're saying.
They'll zerg rush because they're pretty much worthless, and that's the only strategy they can have strength, is in numbers.
So it's their ~20million total vs, what, ~325million?
The crazy lefties are a smaller demographic than they claim to be, they project large numbers, but that's just because of how loud they are, votes show where the majority are.
I am no expert, however, this is my vantage on the situation.

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Have you ever held a fully loaded semi auto? Imagine doing it with 35 lbs less muscle mass for a few hours.

We can only hope. This would be a best outcome scenario. If WE have to initiate it, the conflict will have more fence sitters. Years of propaganda do that to the NPC's. But if they go there, REALLY go there, its GG for them and they know it.

All out of spite for this seditious shit.
Thanks DNC

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Thats how the current ruling class still sees them, nothing more than disposable pawns which can be replenished from elsewhere. In America their numbers are still within a narrow minority which is why you have seen the agenda stall out and get delayed here. But in Europe it's pretty much full steam ahead.

you know how dems do bussing for votes? They'd probably do the same.

>vote down abortion, affirmative action, DACA and all the rest of it. And maybe even gay marriage.

Someone has to bring it to the court. Affirmative action is most likely the first to go, and good riddance. That's actually an equal employment issue.

The libs will not start a war. When civil war finally comes to America again, it will be libtards and conservatives standing against oppressive government. Not each other. The panic of alternating parties occupying the seats of power has increased that power. The govt is running rampant and no one is checking them. When you're giving up 75% of your paycheck to support the government, that's when people will stop paying taxes and the skirmishes will begin. Hear me now believe me later.

now imagine it being three months later and that person has no problem with it.

Well, they kind of are?
Both sides have people who just follow what others tell them, without thinking.
Lefties who go to protests without any actual understanding of what they're protesting, people on here who share infographics without actually understanding what they say, they're pretty much just filler for where proper humans should be.
Hence, they fall into the NPC meme.

I was so fucking pissed to wake up and find out that gay marriage had just been legalized out of fucking nowhere.

That shit better be reversed. Look back in time, that's when society and social norms starting going to shit which is why we have the clusterfuck we have today.

>I was so fucking pissed to wake up and find out that gay marriage had just been legalized out of fucking nowhere.
have you been in a Coma for 10 years?

true, but this time is different. the left has spent billions on psychology, sociology and have advanced their propaganda to the point where it has broken the human condition. Those who are susceptible to this will be ensnared by it. The left is also good at finding free thinkers and placing them into positions of authority. This is what makes them so dangerous, They can throw away masses of human lives without regret and micromanage local operations with pinpoint precision.

This rambling shit show of a country is going to limp on for a long, long time.

Sounds like Illuminati level shit, but it's completely observable.
Reality is stranger than fiction these days.

It’s so true though. On virtually every count they’re toast in a war. I don’t know but maybe if they are NPCs they think they’ll respawn if they get killed in the civil war like NPCs in game.

The free thinkers they place in management potions are always viewed with distrust as they are of the same stock who break the rules and try to claim more power than what is afforded to them. As a result they are kept on a short leash with blackmail. Anything that can be perceived as a power play will lead to that persons immediate destruction/blackballing and rapid replacement. Those in control know how to manage human resources.

Just let it be known that no society has "come back" from the brink of societal collapse from within, in terms of reversing policies. Best we can hope for is preventative measures from future fuckery. I'll consider it a miracle from God if we see either Affirmative Action, Abortion, Gay marriage, or even DACA reversed.

Pick up what guns? Even if they were armed by Soros or whoever the fuck they’re counting on for that they don’t have experience with guns most will be afraid to even pick one up. If ANTIFA is any indication then they’ll run away as soon as they can’t find something to hide behind. Not worried

what happens when that antifa runs behind an armored car that was purchased with donated money and intentionally overlooked by select people in the government? lives will be thrown away and advisors sent into train until they work out a winning formula.

As soon as the left regains the WH, 2 or 3 conservative SCOTUS judges will be assassinated. Problem solved.

trips of truth
tpbp and checked

>im telling you guys its going to be bad. Imagine human wave attacks with tens of thousands charging into a formation of main battle tanks till the mechanisms are clogged up with gore, then the crew cut from the vehicles and dismembered while the angry mob screeches social justice slogans.

Fan fiction. I

Civil war? Jokes on them; if they dare to it would be more of a slaughter than a civil war.

They think the military will crush us.
They don't realize we ARE the military


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Just remember, by filling a steel bucket with gasoline, and putting styrofoam into it until the styrofoam stops dissolving, you can make napalm.
Armored guerrillas still burn, and bulletproofing makes vehicles prone to keeping thermal energy longer.

>probably causes cancer

You don't seem to understand what it would mean for the Supreme Court to rescind its decisions on those matters. If the Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade, this doesn't mean that abortion is banned; it means it's no longer the case that states are compelled for it to be legal. As such, after such a repeal, the majority of states will allow abortion by state law (and, in fact, a federal law may be passed as well) -- as all Democrats will be in favor, all libertarian-leaning Republicans, and a non-trivial fraction of mainstream Republicans. The case is similar with gay marriage. In fact, most states already had gay marriage laws on the books by the time of the Supreme Court decision.

What you’re not considering is that those on the left who want war are the also the exact same ones on the left that are too incompetent, cowardly, and badly positioned to fight in one, let alone win one. Everyone else has better sense than that.

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It's styrofoam and gasoline, no shit you shouldn't breathe the fumes of the burning product.
But it sticks to surfaces well and burns hot.
Lots of smoke, don't be down wind of the target, of wear respiratory and eyewear protection

It's gonna be hell

The left uses the threat of war as a political tool, whenever their agenda encounters resistance. An army of thousands of protesters will assemble and threaten war over the issue. forcing the opposing faction to capitulate or face consequences. Think about color revolutions. this is how they start.

Cities can't exist without midwest food imports and interest payments.

But that's great. Your chance to crush them. I would come over as a hessian soldier and fight with you.

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Nah, you are a teenager ass deep in a chair larping about a civil war on an anime image-board.
The military is a diverse as fuck organization that is the largest single employer in the world.

Roman republic to Empire

>Implying your cuck ass government would allow you to.

How does american supreme justice work?
Can supreme judges just get rid of any law they want, willy nilly?
Don't you need a lawsuit on the topic of abortion or whatever to go through a shitload of appeals till it gets to the Supreme Court before they can make a decision about it?

>Actually believes that lefties won't crumple in the first few hours of civil war

user, I...

Id be amazed if 30%of registered Democrats posses at least one firearm.

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Yes. But in America everyone is suing everybody, all the time.

Actually you retarded faggot I'm a vet and I already know that most of the combat troops are conservatives, maybe some of the POGs are faggots like you but they won't win a war.
But, keep thinking bitches like you will have any chance at all when shit hits the fan, retard.

And it just so happens that most of them voted for Trump

He's just a little bitch trying to act hard on the internet. He doesn't realize a lot of the infantry is conservative.
It might actually not be great for me, either. I'm a vet but a lot of those guys are more racist than Jow Forums and I'm not white.

I have had a vision. This coming war, neither right nor left can truly comprehend how bloody it will be. We as a people have forgotten what it means to suffer. We view death every day as an image on a screen, it is like looking at a picture of the stars as compared to seeing the real thing on a clear night far from the city lights. The lights will be the first to go. You will be in the dark, alone, and soon the food will run out.

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>Actually you retarded faggot I'm a vet
Sure you are, larping teenager #478475893.
>most of the combat troops are conservatives
And our combat troops are like what? 1/4th 1/5th of our total troops?
Not to mention they take their orders and operate on intel from higher echelons of command, not their fucking most frequented imageboard.
>But, keep thinking bitches like you will have any chance at all when shit hits the fan, retard.
Keep thinking the national guard is going to do anything but waste you the second you backwards ass retards try your bullshit civil war larp.

Awwwww don't be mad someone is ruining your larp.
Just ignore all other information than your retarded fantasies, it makes it easier.

These people pride themselves on being victims who aren’t ashamed to cry in public. On top of being unarmed by choice they openly project weakness as though it’s their strength which means they can’t effectively intimidate people into capitulating.

Jesus fuck

Retarded fantasies? Like Trump getting elected was a retarded fantasy and that would never happen?

Oh, the faggot is back.
>And our combat troops are like what? 1/4th 1/5th of our total troops?
And you expect the cooks and supply guys to beat millions of rednecks?
>Keep thinking the national guard is going to do anything but waste you the second you backwards ass retards try your bullshit civil war larp
Do stupid faggots like you STILL not comprehend an occupying army isn't great for fighting an insurgency, even after Vietnam, iraq, and afghanistan?
Oh right, shitheads like you still think communism can work

Oh, the faggot is back.
>And our combat troops are like what? 1/4th 1/5th of our total troops?
And you expect the cooks and supply guys to beat millions of rednecks?
>Keep thinking the national guard is going to do anything but waste you the second you backwards ass retards try your bullshit civil war larp
Do stupid faggots like you STILL not comprehend an occupying army isn't great for fighting an insurgency, even after Vietnam, iraq, and afghanistan?
Oh right, shitheads like you still think communism can work.
>operate on intel from higher echelons of command
You type like an absolute homo

firing into a mass of charging leftists would be a real treat but it's not going to happen like that

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Lol what a buttblasted little commie you are. Probably live in an urban shithole too

Yah promise, user?

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No abortion = more blacks and other undesirables. If you’re pro life just don’t get an abortion, let the heathens kill their young. The negative effects of this are infinite.

I think about that a lot too. I think part of why Europe is so cucked is they saw firsthand the horror that war is and decided to never let it happen.

Ironically enough that effort has destroyed what Europe is more than any war has.

Shitting Bull already destroyed affirmative action for us. kek

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Bro that's completely out of touch. No one needs to be in the tanks, we have AI piloting. But we don't even NEED tanks. Look up slaughterbots. A swarm of them can murder half a city with extreme precision. They can discern hostile from benign faster than soldiers.

I'm all for civilian guns and counter-military tech as a precaution, but the military side can't lose tactically, technologically, or logistically. A small group of operators could wipe out Chiraq with a single swarm.

one can dream.

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Jesus is life. Even when we die we won't die. Jesus resurected lazarus to prove this. His promis, as long you believe in him, God will gift you eternal life. Just like that, no ifs and buts.

What's there to fear? Nothing. Having life and love from god, is all that matters.

>He thinks a far right politician getting elected is comparable to a civil war happening in the US.
Impressive logic you have there retard.
Awww so mad he posted twice. How CUTE!
>an occupying army isn't great for fighting an insurgency, even after Vietnam, iraq, and afghanistan?
Are you retarded?
Are you actually comparing a foreign insurgency in country with a completely different cultural and language history to a US insurrection as regards to military effectiveness?
Jesus fucking Christ man, if you were in the military and still managed to be this fucking dense, then I guess there is something to the relaxed standards issue we've been seeing recently in the news.
>Oh right, shitheads like you still think communism can work.
Never even mentioned Communism.
I think you may be projecting a little. That or you are too butt-frustrated to come up with anything to say outside of your shill playbook.

>My IrRaTiOnAl FeAr, ThOuGh!
Fuck off the sci fi convention is next door.

>Call him a commie
>Made no mention of communism.
Newfag shills out!

>he thinks the Left won't disband the government before that time

being a officer faggot that was armor and then signal year most of the combat arms are white and 90% right wing, the soft skill pogs are defiantly pozzed but still about 60% right wing

>>Can’t March in a straight line

>>Already have PTSD for no reason
Just fucking nailed it. My crazy ex gf and I got into an argument the other day over "beliebing wamman" during the Kavanaugh stuff. She told me about how a guy at a bar brushed his hand over her stomach when she was wearing a halloween costume. That's it. Brushed his hand across her stomach, and she's basically a rape victim. She's also started to use the "I think I was molested because my brother was" line on me. Just mass fucking hysteria, and these people need to be stopped.

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It’s no regression either, well maybe it the short term but that’s not what they want

They want pure stagnation, they do not want change, they want a perpetual cycle of striking down perceived oppressors (since they will never admit the only thing oppressing them is their own incompetence). A meaningless, cycle of destruction where nothing actually changes. They want freedom from order but only if big brother is watching.

Ironically, they are right in the sense that progress is inevitable. But they are on the wrong side of history.

how exactly will they sight these guns in? even antifa puts out training videos shooting targets 5m away. Im not too worried when I can reach out and touch them at 500m reliably with a semi auto 308

Dumbass. I was pointing out another instance where you were delusional.You think the military will back your faggy saggy leftist asses, and I’m a retard for disagreeing? Good. I want you to gassed up on this bullshit because it makes that stupid look on your undoubtedly doughy face that much better when it hits you that you were wrong, it’s like baby’s first magic trick.

WoW chronicles had some sick art

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The higher echelon are conservatives. The junior enlisted are just here for free college. They don’t give a fuck about politics. They’re just waiting for the field training to finally be over so they can go back to the barracks and play Black Ops 4.

Be more mad newfag.
If you can't hang in debate then I will give the same suggestion I give to all the newfag retards who cannot logically analyse situations:
That or go the fuck back to yahoo news or reddit or whatever other normie bullshit you crawled out of.

>everytime with the fucking cuck drones

I really hate you faggots every time you bring up drones. You never understand how AI works and never understand how war works.

Any person who has designed software will tell you that the ability for users to find new ways to break your programming is inevitable.

A good example being an neural network was fed images of a bunch of wolves to try and teach it to find wolves in pictures.

What it ended up learning was how to find snow because most of the pictures of wolves fed into the machine had snow in the background of those photos.

Trust me when I tell you that your little fag drones will never work like you want them to. What would end up happening is people would tape pictures of their face to watermelons and set them out so you waste all your fag drones on killing watermelons because they can't tell the difference.

I saw some breakdown of the military's political leanings a while ago. I don't think it had a distinction between combat and non combat troops but it was around 40% republican, 25% or so dem, and the rest were independent but leaned republican. From what I could tell though it seemed most of the infantry were basically hardcore redneck. Those guys were funny as hell.

i need to make Jow Forums frens I'm stuck in a major shitlib city with no way out

who wants to be my Jow Forums fren hopefully somebody from the Midwest

Higher echelon people are more intelligent than the Jow Forums user-base, and almost nothing that is supported here would be supported by them.