Fucking based


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and they probably all still want trump's dick

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Meanwhile they can't thenselves from making fun of trumps spray tan or his allegedly Toad shaped penis.

Attached: cnn.jpg (875x511, 71K)

But Warren doesn't even look Indian.

That's what that joke was about.

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and why would she

That's a pretty lenient choice out of the available Kelly quotes. Not a bad draft but I'd replace those first three irrelevants on the left with O'Donnell

>Based on looks
>Would do anything for a campaign donation
CNN can't even not lie about something that they almost have a point on


Dear Lord, my sides.

I dont see how putting a photograph of horseface where she looks like a literal hourseface helps their cause

>and they probably all still want trump's dick
Can't want what doesn't exist ;)

It's all so tiresome

>Warren and Gillibrand
>based on appearance

I hate victims now. I will no longer vote for a victim.

It's not like the left would make fun of Trumps appearance. No orange jokes, no wig jokes no fat jokes no mushroom jokes, that will never happen.

She claimed Native American status to get her position at Harvard, user. The name is sarcastically given.

Calling someone that
It's just terrible

But it's funny that he has a mushroom dick.

I honestly don't know why he said anything though. When someone of lower social status keeps filing frivolous lawsuits against you that keep getting dismissed, would probably be better to just ignore them.

>we need to be treated equally!
>but also you're not allowed to say anything negative about us ever

>adult film star
she's a porn star, stripwoman and a whore, top kek using that term to describe her

Attached: 8c3637965090382bc2fc66c0cdb137561c1a74f8debd0c45022bbd92ddf821b3.jpg (556x648, 205K)

It would be funnier if he always answered with "who?".

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"Bimbo", "Pocahontas" and "would do anything for campaign donations" are not insults related to looks.
Furthermore he excludes times when Trump has insulted men on their looks
And also he forgets most of these women and pretty much everyone on the left insults his for his looks as well conservative women .and its never a problem

Pay up, Michael

That stripper NPC should never have made it to release.

I'm sure these ladies never said anything bad about him or any other men, lol. Some of these are really lame too.

oh no he said some mean things, teacher teacher look!

t. Buttfrustated liberal.
Stay mad that the POTUS gets more ass then a toilet seat, and you're still jacking it to traps.

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Please tell me that is shopped

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CNN makes this too easy

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3/9 of their own examples don't have anything to do with appearance


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Trump should have just called her a fridge

Looks like she could suit up for the Giants.

The Gillibrand comment makes my dick hard and I don't know why.


>When your clothing size is refrigerator

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is that a melting clock tattoo over her ovary? bahahaha

Someone should do the same picture for attacks on Donald Trumps appearance. But I guess it doesn't matter, since attacking a man for his appearance is perfectly acceptable.

What's offensive about the Mika comment?

>please clap

Was this the secret weapon he was threatening with? Hahahaha
Eeeeeeeew what the fuck is wrong with her mid section? She looks like spongebob

>you can’t want what doesn’t exist
That doesn’t make any sense you retard there’s plenty to want that doesn’t exist
>white ethnostate
>anti-nigger hk drones
>ftl travel
>the holocaust
Just to name a few, dumb nigger

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Yes you can you fucking retard


> you want it as well faggot

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Oh shit!, I didn't even bother to count and it looks like she did lol!!!!!!!!!!

Someone respond with Trump's Attacks on Men's Appearances

Attached: bolsonaro.webm (640x352, 678K)

He's right you know

That's a fucking tranny.


How is gillibrand an attack on her appearance?

Literally a two dollar whore. Many such cases.

Al Frankenstien (sic)
Tom “marbles in his mouth” Brokaw
Sloppy Michael Moore
Sloppy Steve (Brannon)
Little George (Stephanopoulos)
Little Jeff Zucker

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No shit. So why does CNN consider it "look based"?

Stormy hard at work so she can pay back Trump I see.

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>CNN compile a list of Trumps insults
Cnn finally does something useful
this is gold

Linus Dick Tips here with another comparison!

Attached: Interbased vs Progressive.jpg (1536x682, 377K)

They are what we call "stupid"

Hello, new mousepad

>would do anything for campaign donations
>this is somehow a comment on appearance

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I forgot about half of those hahaha

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they forgot Rosie

Trump fucked this?

I feel the same way I did when I found out he eats well done steaks.

most of those aren't even about looks


who would fuck that?

How could they forget
>fat pig
Rosie O’donnell???

And yet, Trump is hit with a barrage of personal attacks on his appearance, his intellect, his wife, children, friends and cabinet members...on a daily basis.

>don't give a f*ck how Trump talks down about these rotten cunts

Please, Michael, keep posting, the harm you do to the left is priceless!