Do you think white collar office work lowers test levels?
Do you think white collar office work lowers test levels?
With out a doubt. Sitting still all day like a good little cuck not allowed to move without mr shekelbergs permission.
Not working out lowers test levels. There are plenty of skinny fat blue collar works. Picking up a 15lb tool box and a wrench all day wont give you any gains if you dont go to the gym and dont eat two chicken breasts every other hour throughout the entire day
I think that shitty diet lowers test levels, because cucks eat it instead of lunch
I hate the faggots at work that eat cereal at their desk in the morning fucking clanking their spoons amd slurping their onions milk.
food looks good, the person taking the picture is obviously a faggot for fake typing to show off his watch and shirt with his soft fag hands.
Wouldn't it get tiring eating so much chicken?
You ever seen a jacked chicken? fuck all that chicken eat some beef
I don't know how they do it. I can only eat chicken once a week at most.
working manual labor is horrible
if the boss at your office is demanding a lot of tasks are paper work
if the boss is demanding on a worksite you need to break your back to get things done