My sister told me she was a tranny today Jow Forums

My sister told me she was a tranny today Jow Forums.
What do I do?

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Kill her and live stream it here
Is what some people here might say to you.
Good luck user

How old is she?
Could be just a phase

The only thing you can do; give her an ultimatum. Either you never speak to her again, or she stops this bullshit. Tell her she is sick, that you care about her. Mutilating her body won't change what she feels. Tell her that it would kill you to lose her, but that this is not the path she should take. Hug her after this, if you can. Then, give her 5 days.

tell her you think she may have been influenced by pop culture but you love her regardless

In her current mental state, she never bathes and spends all day watching anime and talking to pillpushers on discord. At this rate, adding being a tranny to the mix ensures suicide, but she's still my sister so I'm at a loss.
I don't know how to confront her about it since being too pushy might make her cut me off completely.
20 yo NEET living at parents house


Honor killing is the only correct action can take now

steal her free, legal test injections for yourself

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She's a girl with a vagina user. That's why I'm saying she.

suck her feminine cock

>20 yo
All is lost

There’s only one thing you can do, user...

fuck her ass

show her the videos of a FtM transition and the so called penis that xer will have after. Also show here mutilated cunts after the MtF version

Your parents failed, user.

>20 year old neet who thinks she’s a tranny

definitely has had incest fantasies. Give her the D to convince her to stay a girl.

>My sister told me she was a tranny today Jow Forums.
So she's going to """transition""" to being a boy?
You know this means she has unresolved sexual feelings towards you, or possibly your other brothers, right?

Get your suit drycleaned and're going to her funeral shortly...

>Look her in the eye and ask if she wants a penis.
>guide her hand onto your throbbing one

That's not how he identifies now, user.

OP is a fag, who will not do what is necessary to save his sister.

Show her a bunch of thing about how FTMs just want to be forced to be feminine. If that doesn't work post frankenpeens and regret stories at her.

Post pics

Op sister wants the D from him

Does she look like a tranny or is she just potentially normal and caught up in the constant bombardment of brainwashing from every direction?

Short, overweight and cut off most of her hair a few years back
Fuck you nigga I care about her and want the best for her

does she have trump derangement syndrome? Could be a side effect. Hopefully she will grow out of it by 2024

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Treat her to a boxing match in the back yard.

Offer to have sex with her. The pleasure of being a woman will be all you need to end this degeneracy (at the expense of creating another).

Is she fat?

Then you would do what I detailed above. I know it hurts, but if she truly cares about you, she will do it.

I’d just advise her to actually TRY being a woman before she takes any permanent actions. I mean, honestly try. Cut the dyke attention whore hairstyle/garb bullshit, lose a bit of weight, and just try to be who she is instead of who she thinks will make her feel better. Offer to work out with her. I dunno, man. If this isn’t a strange larp, I wish you the best, man.

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Wait until she looks like this.

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>sister thinks she's a tranny
You should get her motivated to join a mixed sportsball team with you. She can identify as a man as much as she wants because mixed team.

Be a good brother and pre-tie her noose for her. If you really wanna go the extra mile proof read her suicide note.

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Animals like this need prison and harsh punishment

Kiwi boi is correct, show her the mangled skin tubes sewn to the clit area like a science experiment.

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Fuck her before and after transition. Do it for science man.

Hypothesis: Incest is best with trannies

Honor killing, it's the one thing Islam got right.

Suck her dick.

rape her

it's the only way

Sounds like she's just depressed and chemically unbalanced. Convince her to start going on walks/jogs with you.

How did your parents react? Are they brainwarshed into the agenda and support her decision?

That is what degeneracy looks like

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>leaf posting
Absolutly cancerous

my brother told me he's in love with our family dog

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