NPC interact with an NPC

This timeline is fucking gold

Attached: npc.jpg (604x918, 164K)

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Bump because this is actually funny. Now drop the memeflag you fucking kike

Too kek.

Attached: 1539408471701.gif (444x250, 3.04M)

blacks aren't npcs, just dumb.

Attached: reaperlol.gif (360x270, 1.63M)

Fucking niggers. Their stupidity never ceases to amaze and entertain me.

Attached: niggercook.jpg (1200x630, 48K)

That's just a black person user, it's not hard to trick them.

These NPC accounts should be like Data and not use contractions.

Attached: npc.jpg (694x530, 79K)

Not bad.

Attached: 84E83703-E081-4D58-A2E3-54F07A56E36B.jpg (640x640, 47K)


they've become selfaware