What's it like living around Mexicans? Is it overall better than living around Blacks?

What's it like living around Mexicans? Is it overall better than living around Blacks?

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just barely

I honestly hate it worse than living around blacks. Not sure why but I manage to get along with blacks a little better.

Barely. Though it really depends, the anchors are even more entitled than WUZ SLAVES and trannyfag milennial whites.

The full pisa/wetbacks still have a slight fear for going full uppity.

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I'm going to tell you something that no one wants to talk about.

Mexicans...are white.

At least part.

I would love to live around Mexicans desu. Mexican women are beautiful.

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Literally cucks.

Not white enough, Pedro.

Living around Mexicans, they play their shitty music too loud and constantly, they won't talk to you or help you with anything

Living around blacks, their kids will rob and vandalize your house, they will play their music too loud, but they will at least shoot the shit with you and help you if you ask

oh hey. another thread for Jow Forums to build up more hate towards everyone south of the border.

very based. very redpilled.

Hey, the question wasn't comparing them to white people.

Anyone who says it’s worse is deluded or trolling.

Mexicans work hard, keep to themselves, HATE niggers, and tend to have conservative values, better looking women and delicious food.

>attempt to colonize a Latino colony from the 18th century during the 20th century
>fail this hard

Do you really think that's what the brown midgets that invade our country look like?


"Mexican" is a misnomer these days. 30 years ago maybe. These days you are probably seeing El Salvadoreans, Guatemalans, etc. Mexico itself settled down pretty well and we don't get as many immigrants from there.

El Salvador, on the other hand, has practically evacuated the whole nation to America.

Mexicans are the most racist kind of people

This is a valid argument.

yeah clearly you never saw mexican women. 99% of them are complete azteca troll women.
This is what you will see in America unless you are in Beverly Hills or somewhere where the mexicans happen to be millionaires. The pic you posted may as well be a welsh woman.

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pretty much this. not that bad to be around. just wish they would make an effort to fucking speak english.

What's it like living around Indians? I'll pass on the constructive criticism to my frens in the US?

Their language is really annoying

Do you guys refer to it as "south of the border"?


>Work hard.
yeah fucking right. They do the shittiest jobs I have ever seen at best, at worst they will outright rip you off. Has happened every time I have ever hired a mexican to do anything. They either won't finish the job or it will fall apart in a few months. I would honestly hire a black before a mexican.

They mind their own business.
They make their kids go to church with them.
They work like 5 shitty jobs instead of training up in a profession.

Basically they are better white people than white people because they spent the last 60 years looking over the border at our prosperity and believed that was the result of our culture, and not our international dominance following WW2 and the Cold War, both of which we won with only one attack on US soil.

>Hires random illegal for shit pay
>Does shit job

WTF did you expect?

Hola Paco.

How's the weather in Phoenix?

No, they're darker and more hairy. Notice how they had to glam her up and make her look more white so they could get a nice shot. Just sayin'

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Why have I never seen one posted like that?

>T. Flyover boomer making 200k in a gated community outside of spic infection

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It's better, but it's still not good.

>What's it like

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I was born in one of those highway bordered blocks. 1990. Very white then, very brown now. It sucks alright, but not as bad as nigger areas for sure!

North of 105, south of 5, west of 605, east of 710.

most of the poos that come here own businesses or work white collar jobs so they're half decent. Just need to be very careful trusting them, they could teach the jews a thing or two about tricks.

They get the indios so chances are they are the same or worse.

one big problem...they tend to their property exactly like blacks do. A neighborhood full of mexicans is going to eventually look identical except they manage to set up corner stores on every other block, which is actually pretty convenient

Strong food smells.
>t. grew up in what was practically an Indian ghetto

Nah, I live in California in a poor rural area actually.
The Mexicans in our area are doing better than the white people because they actually expect to have to work.
I've had to work 2 jobs before, and it sucked, but for them its basically standard.
The hotel I used to work at would put their kids to work at like age 14 when we were short on housekeepers.

Ironic considering the prevalence of landscaping careers.

Boomer Billy here gets his leaves blown real cheap by the beans, but he won't pay a cent to help his son with student loan debt.

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Loud euro-waltz music.
Dirty unkept yards
Gangs (but more organized and less dangerous to civilians than nigger gangs)

Good car culture though (nice muscle cars, nice import cars, nice 4x4 scene, nice trucks) . I like autos, so it's nice to see some young people get into cars. Young white kids don't like cars out here in California.

When I go out to OHV roads or SVRA, the only non-whites I see are Mexicans. Same thing when I go camping and fishing.

I can find common ground with Mexicans that I can't with niggers and asians.

Them being lazy drunks is not a meme and will drink and play loud music every day of the week

because you live in a british fantasy land where you never see actual mexicans besides hollywood ones?
This pic is accurate

>went to new york on 2008 with my family

>wanted to visit the usual sights, especially the statue of liberty.

>called for a cab. white guy. we chatted him up in english although only me and my dad can talk fluently.

>we asked him to take us to the peer so we could go to the island to see the statue.

>says he'll drive us to the best place to get there.

>gets us to a lonely area that doesn't seem very touristy.

>cab rider tells us to wait for the boat and drives away.

>we're confused.

>ask a dude in the peer if this is where we can wait for the boat.

>turns out this is where those trash boats come by.

>realize that guy left us there to be picked up as trash.

First time I've experienced someone being racist towards me. Or looking down on me. We later got on a cab with a dude from Colombia and he took us to Liberty Island.

The lesson here is... the statue of liberty is smaller than what it seems in the movies.

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Some are quite white some are not at all.

Looks like Catherine Welshman Jones

They're lazy and dumb, but for the most part nice and non-violent people. Just imagine living around thousands of very short and ugly brown people with annoying voices that contribute absolutely nothing to the world.

But a Mexican is good only in proportion to how bleached he is. Some of the whiter ones aren't stupid and are good-looking.

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based and redpilled cabby

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I like the ones who come here.
The ones who can afford to immigrate to America are probably the cream of the crop, though.


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> work hard.

Nah, fuck off. Most of them watch univision or smoke weed all day.

t. a new mexican

I know you must be desperate being a virgin surrounded by those 10/10 british women I hear so much about but not even you should steep so low to fuck a goblina. None of them even remotely look like what you imagine, instead they look like the actual incarnation of the mutt meme.

Yeah, their property maintenance is generally pretty janky but at least they do it at all.
Can't say the same for blacks. Or whites in my area for that matter.
You guys gotta realize, my small ass mountain town for the first 15 years I lived here was basically just a tourist hub for the national park nearby populated by meth heads and white people with severe mental or health issues.
So when we started getting mexicans from the valley, it was actually a breath of fresh air to have some people who actually wanted to work.

Kiss my kangaroo ass

Not denying that.

I guess my point was compared to africans, asians, etc...there's a little more genetically in common as well as culturally. Most mexicans are Catholics. They'd vote right wing if the dems we're bribing them through welfare/services.

Food smell gets into the walls, you can tell which office floor has the most Indian staff. Men are a bit creepy unless second generation. The women are very nice

this. ironically people who do 75% of the landscaping, cleaning and building in this country aren't very anal about tending to their own property.

They do the bare minimum on the job, go home, get drunk, repeat. no time for tending to their rental home.

I like how bit by bit they are pushing out the blacks.

The ones that run the corner stores always look whiter than the hordes of them that gather around them. Puerto Ricans tend to be much 'whiter' than mexicans in their behavior in my experience.

Okay, Jewish shill.

I know what you mean. I work with Dominicans

Remember to kill partisans on sight.

It's actually terrible and I plan on leaving California next year because of it. This shit isn't even worth fighting for anymore. Mexicans have done more damage to Los Angeles county than niggers could ever hope to. The mountains surrounding us are covered with shitty baby diapers and trash... The traffic is even worse than people say it is...

Yeah, true. Usually the richer they are, the whiter they are. Although in my city and a few others the chinks mostly own their business and hirer the Mexicans as cheap labor. lol based chinks don't give a fuck.

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She does.

>Most of them watch univision or smoke weed all day.
>t. a new mexican

To be fair the whites here mostly smoke weed all day as well. That, or they're the yuppie boomer hippy wannabes in Santa Fe/Taos, or their insufferable millennial spawn, who complain about fucking white males while watching the Jon Oliver and smoking weed all day.

They’re the kikes of shitskins. They have all the properties of a shitskin but they try to implement really horribly thought out schemes to steal from you that always fail and results in direct violence anyway. It’s so fucking tiresome and I’d frankly rather be around niggers. At least they kill their kids.

I don’t even date white British women. The only local lass I’ve ever been with in years was half Indian and looked like what I imagine(d) most Mexicans to look like.

Whats it like living around Iranians/Persians pol/...

Nevermind. Youre all probabaly too poor to live in our areas.

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I hope not

Sorry bout that


IDK what Indians abroad are putting in their food that the smell is so strong it gets into the walls. Or maybe I've become accustomed to it.

As a Mestizo, this is true. The reason is because their respective countries have fucked over their own people and are just listening to (their) masters and by fucking over their country, they immigrate to the United States and cause other types of problems. I promise you that once they and the shitty evil governments are gone, they will move back immediately (this is currently happening in Mexico for the past couple of years and the trend will grow much more once AMLO is president).

>Whats it like living around Iranians/Persians pol/..

It's fine until they start speaking in that garbled language that sounds like a cheese grater was taken to their larynx. I don't know why but listening to it really grates on me. That and the uni-brows that they never groom.

The one thing you can't stand about Mexicans is their fucking circus music that they have playing on their beaner festivals and while they are leaving their shitbox at idle they have to be playing the same fucking circus music at full blast.

If you're living around Mexicans don't be surprised to be kept up during the weekends by that fucking circus music.

they blast polka music out of their cars as if it was the coolest shit in the world. youtu.be/wjJrxuZrQSA
its fucking zany

True. This state is fucking trash. I reckon over 50% of people here are drug addicts.

Notice what happens to the black area

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The immigrants that look like that (pure-blooded) are very rare because most of them are located in the southern states of Mexico, where they're too poor to even immigrate to the United States. Most immigrants have a high indigenous ancestry with low European ancestry that have just money to immigrate (most are never fully indigenous).

yall have some wild shit going on in California. Worked in Oakland a few times and the spics there made the niggers look tame. Was like watching an LA cop movie from the 90s or playing San Andreas

>lowrider bicycles
>tank top with khakis/half buttoned flannel, neck and face tattoos, bandanas
>whores on every corner
>EVERY building in certain blocks was graffitied

But you guys have Nortenos and Sorenos. A lot of talk about MS13 here in the DMV area but there's nothing here like Oakland.

they are shit and the 2nd/3rd generation "Mexican-Americans" that come after the illegal alien parents are even worse racist troublemaking assholes

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Mexicans are mostly short, ugly, dumb, cunning, loud and generally annoying to be around.They can be violent. There are also the extremely short skinny male ones that always wear backpacks and have glassy uncivilized eyes. The decent ones that don't try to rip you off one way or another are rare.Very high breeding rate and short gestation time.

Blacks tend to be more civilized one on one but much more dangerous in groups (think roving baboons in heat). They are less cunning than Mexicans but also more prone to overt violence. High breeding rate typically cancels out their ability toddy off, leaving a more balanced population.


Mexicans mind their business, Blacks focus on you. Spics work, Niggs Rob.

>This state is fucking trash

It's a beautiful place, but it's filled with trash people. Luckily I'm white with a decent job, and therefore at the absolute top of the social pile.

Don't believe the lie about them being good Catholics. Most Mexicans emulate nigger culture while simultaneously believing in the superiority of Mexico while also packing into the US. Odd people.

nothing is worse than living around blacks, user

They are the most entitled group I have ever seen, actually, wouldn't They? the even convinced the whole country to translate for them...

False. I've lived in various PA cities from Scranton to Philadelphia and tons of the mexicans look exactly like her.

>top of the social pile
wage slave tier deserves no respect
but whats this gotta do with NPCs?

They don’t look like Charli XCX that’s for sure

Every other race on earth hate niggers.

Mexicans are WAY better than blacks, anyone who says otherwise is black themselves or some kind of nigger tier white.
Mexicans have better looking women. Not by a ton, but blacks are sheboon level garbage.
Mexicans are less violent. If some mexican neighbors are having a bbq and they ask me to go I'd actually go. Probably won't be a fight, and if there is you're likely not gonna be involved. Blacks I wouldn't say the same, some random chimpout and then a guy you never even talked to will take the opportunity to sucker punch you just because.

Puerto Ricans are not whiter than Mexicans. Many of them have higher African ancestry compared to Mexicans. Many Mexicans from the North are Whiter, genetically and physically speaking. Many Mexicans you see are from Central Mexico or Southern Mexico where it's common to see them with a higher Indigenous ancestry and low amount of European ancestry.

I live in Arizona, I'm in tempe so it's not rich white people and Indians entirely and not entirely Mexicans, it's a mix between those. My HS has a lot of Mexicans and they're fine, most of then like anime or are just normal/not gangbangers. I love arizona Mexicans, also a lot have conservative and liberal values but I think that's mostly because they're normal people, which pol has led to me believing don't exist.

Dominicans have a higher African percentage than Indigenous ancestry, not even mentioning the 1% of European ancestry they have (although there are still some White Dominicans or Mestizos for that matter but are rare to find).

Charli just looks like a typical unkempt white London slag desu. There is no ‘exotic’ strain about her like there is about , or my ex.

Worse. Blacks at least speak some sort of English dialect and have lived with us long enough for there to be a mutual understanding. The obnoxious and violent ones are an exception but overall I don't have an overwhelming, burning hatred of them like I do Mexicans.

Mexicans piss me off every single time I see them and it is a feeling of rage. They are an invading people, coming here without opposition and reproducing at an insane rate while they walk about freely. They keep their language and teach it to their kids, and the sheer amount of Mexican children I see plus the size of their families... I am watching the demographic destruction of my people and the destruction of my nation's heritage walking about on the streets. It is paraded in front of us, used to taunt us and our history, making it very clear that they are an alien people and are here to stay and there's nothing you can do about it. It is maddening.

Pic related is why you should worry.

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I generally like all of my Indian IT coworkers but their accents typically fucking suck and I barely understand anything they say, it's especially bad over the phone or through webex. Please work on it. Also, the "bad indian programmer" thing is kind of a myth although all of my indian coworkers are way more chill than my american coworkers and one gave me $100 to buy food when I lost my debit card.. they have a good sense of humanity and plus indians are the last people on earth to be worshiping an Indo-European religion, so that's also great.

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In Texas they all look like this by the time they’re 20.

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Yeah the pure Iberian haplotypes aren’t coming to the US. It’s aztecas mullatos and mestizo.

I suspect the Iberians are behind the whole thing to dump their retarded burden on the US