Women serving in combat roles

Good or bad idea, Jow Forums?

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This a hentai? Link please

How'd it work out for her?

a bullet is a bullet, dont matter if a woman shot it. we arent vikings anymore charging at breaches. war has been civilized


You’re still facing death and women are cowards. We’ve had projectiles for centuries. Women have never fought wars.

bad bait

Guns are heavy and require strength to operate them properly.

Better. Its Goblin Slayer

unepic and goblin pilled

Depends on how much social interaction with the native populace we need. In our modern combat, seems reasonable.

Soldiers have to do a lot more than point and shoot. If we were in a total war scenario then you draft men first for pragmatic reasons.


This is a good read: washingtonian.com/1979/11/01/jim-webb-women-cant-fight/

Goblin Slayer; the manga is better, and it's not a hentai.

Only in units where they are all women and no men. Mixed units is just asking for trouble on and off the battlefield.

You'll change your tune when you need a woman to carry your injured ass a hundred yards to cover.

it's sjw slayer

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>women are cowards
gender has nothing to do with. most people break when the chips are down, dick or not.
which is why fitness tests exist.

it says that society has forgotten what war is. tuff society do not send women to war, sheltered ones do.

>Be Goblins
>Chillin in your caves
>Some fucking rich assholes try to slay you in your home

The Goblins were just doing self defense

I'm just waiting for a global war to break out and all female soldiers to be raped and/or used as sex slaves and kek at the reeeeeeeing Feminists

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Its a great idea as long as it's ALL FEMALE units and they are sent in on the first wave of any airfield siezures and beach assaults.

>be goblins
>loot and pillage villages
>take and rape women from said villages
>now people are after you

Goblins are niggers.

you couldnt carry me faggot. whats that got to do with anything? like i said, war has changed. we arent charging trenches. anyone who has a problem with women serving are just r9k virgins who would never get accepted into service anyway. as usual with Jow Forums its all projection

i know one woman who saw combat

she is now 'disabled' aka fat, has a service dog because she convinced the va her deeply rooted, severe mental illness is related to combat ptsd

she spends most of her time shitting on facebook, hates men, hates whites, hates trump and openly disrespects her husband

she can be great to hang out with as long as you never forget that she unironically wants my kids to be raped to death by niggers

aren't loaded nuggets like 4~kg?

I literally just watched the first episode of this
She got rekt then sexually assaulted by the smaller goblins

As spies yes

Good show


Btw, look at the last fucking sentence in that description, and yes it is rage-inducing.

Jews are so triggered.

When Eren Yaegar kills Titans, is it because of “extreme prejudice?”

When the characters in High School of the Dead kill zombies, is it because of “extreme prejudice?”

So why would they put such a biased, foolish claim in the description?

It’s literally all because a bunch of NPC’s on Twitter compared them to Jews, and now they are becoming aware.

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they want to breed out the killer instinct of the white man

She likes gets 20g in disability every year, among other benefits

if they meet the same standards that men do then I don't see a problem with them serving. lowering the standards for women because they're considerably weaker on average is retarded though

Women bring down the morale of troops because they're not held to the same standard as male recruits are during boot camps. They're also given special privileges out in the field like private latrines.

As long as they complete the training and understand the risks, why not? They just can't say "We need this" and then freak out at the horrors of war that men have faced for centuries.

You don't know what extreme prejudice actually means, do you?

“Terminate with extreme prejudice” is military terminology. It basically means to attack the enemy with the intent to kill rather than subdue or capture.

good if you are on the opposite side

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Good. Less likely I will ever have to be cannon fodder for my faggot country.

These lefties love their dragon age fantasy right? I wonder if they ever pieced together that the way a broodmother is created is by darkspawn kidnapping women from the surface and raping them over and over until their tainted spunk turned them into horrific breeding amalgamations. When you depict a horrendous group of vile creatures committing universally understood atrocities, it makes it sink in easier that you're supposed to hate them. It's good writing, but I guess now a days good writing is too offensive, t. modern dragon age

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I literally have no problem with it so long as physical standards aren't lowered. If a woman is willing to push herself to her absolute limits to be able to physically perform the same tasks as the average man, she deserves to be a soldier.

Of course, stuff like that only happens in movies about heroic women (written by men), and real women only want to be soldiers because society, "like totally says I can't", and then they sue the government for making them march.

Cute anime girls being raped makes me sad.

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get a load of this faggot.
>you couldnt carry me
400kgs of sweaty whiteknight horse shit is a bit much for most people to carry, let alone having the put up with the smell of desperation that perspires from you.


That's why it's effective at making you want to watch the goblin slayer slay goblins


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>in the middle of combat
>rape anyways
Goblins have their priorities straight.

And that was the desired outcome, retards think goblin slayer is rape fantasy because they don't have the mental capacity to understand context

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women can beat any male if they're trained

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Like first woman that died from failed to land?
Hell yes. Let them die more.

When did goblin slayer get an anime?

It fucking is.
Ep2 now iirc

Very recently

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I don't get why they're mad. The show is about a guy genociding an all male species because of their propensity for rape

>a bullet is a bullet, dont matter if a woman shot it.
Women are find for support staff and defending an outpost. Men have the advantage for actual combat because they are bigger. Males possess greater physical strength which aids in carrying more and overcoming obstacles. Like breaching a door or climbing something.

Actually they force feed them darkspawn flesh.

No women can pass male fitness tests, that's why they have to have female specific standards which are universally lower.

>leftists literally advocating for goblins rights


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If you think the avg 5ft6 women can do as much as the avg 6ft man your in for a shock stop consuming femeist garbage media
Most women have a weak upper body and over all bone density and muscle mass to the point America and aus had to lower the fitness test levels for women just so they could enter and try out let alone pass
>wanting breeding mommies to enter front line combat
Here's how it would go down
>be ww3 2029
>Get shot by muslummabad binbagdad
>bleeding out in the hot desert sand
>Busty blond Valkyrie comes running over and tries to drag you away
>She is also shot because most women have shit spacial awareness especially under stress
>watch the life drain from her big blue eyes
>imagine the life you could have had togoif you wherent both serving a bunch of kabalist Jewish warlords using white people as cannon fodder
>another women comes running over and tries to drag you both to cover
>she struggles but cannot her meek frame and small build strains just to carry a reduced combat outfit with no gun
>takes the whole squad + another squad just to come and get you because it's all mixed platoons with a couple of token trannies on hrt who are looking a bit run down since they can't get their girlie pills on the front line and haven't had time to shave
>finally get back to temporary base with a women in charge old 40 something gen y boomer and a bunch of women in (support passive roles) with no guns
>the boomer lady looks at you angrily and queefs loud WHY DID YOU GET SHOT YOU ENDANGERED OUR WHOLE PLATOON FAGGOT
>starts smothering you with her large breasts as a show of dominance
>you black out
>by the time you wake up your in a cis jail back on home soil for combat carelessness and hurting womens feelings by implying they are not as capable as men in the military workforce because they could not save you without casualties because of your exceedingly average build
You then kill yourself

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Women should be excluded from the military for the following reasons.

1. They are mentally and physically interior to men and the process to find the ones that aren't is a waste of time and resources.
2. They lack the emotional maturity to handle and operate in stressful situations.
3. They cause disunity between men.
4. Men's protective instincts towards women lead to tactical errors.
5. Complicates logistics (female bathrooms, quarters, etc).
6. Medical liabilities regarding reproduction.

This applies to gays as well. Also women should be excluded from voting.

if woman really wants to fight for her country she is better off on her back being a broodmare
>inb4 but what about if is 200IQ 6.4 amazon
then she should have 10 200iq 6.4 amazon children with the 50/50 split that's five sons for the war machine

>>leftists literally advocating for goblins rights
it's why they love spics

>In their mouth they spew

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Have never seen a more completely correct list here on 4kahn.

And god forbid CQC ever comes up. A woman will get destroyed if you try to use her in the same capacity as a male for soldiering. It's criminally negligent.
I don't mind female soldiers, but realism needs to win out over the delusion of parity.

The weight of the gear an infantry soldier carries is actually heavier now than it was in medieval times. Even knights in full plate carried less weight than our soldiers do today.

Women just aren't fit for that sort of exertion.

Goblin slayer lol. First episode starts like most hentai doujinshi about beast rapes, but in the middle, when usually all of the interesting parts start, some fag with armor directly from Dark souls ruins all the mood.That was lame actually. And 2nd episode is about some of the most klisheed friendship in anime, which i ever watched. Dropped it, they better should make a decent hentai out of this shitty story.

It's true. Over half of women suffer injury during boot camp just from hiking with their kit.

This anime was fucking fantastic, it was obvious the goblins are supposed to symbolize Africans.
>Raiding villages for livestock and produce because they don't understand agriculture.
>Kidnaping and raping/torturing/killing women because they lack the concept of morality.
>Reproduce fast but barely care for their offspring.

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Very bad idea.

Reasons why women shouldn't be in combat roles
>If captured will be quickly subjected to rape, sexual torture, enslavement, etc
>Not intimidating in the slightest
>High pitched voices command little respect and women lowering their voices are hard to understand and sound off
>Mentally weaker and thus more prone to panic, PTSD, and cowardice
>Prone to stress fractures even when doing half of what a man does
>Men instinctively will do anything to save/protect the women even if it means sacrificing multiple men and the mission to do so
>Unless a dyke or raped, prone to pregnancy
>Unless a dyke, will destroy troop morale as they fight over her
>Unless a dyke, men will focus on her rather than the mission or mentally preparing themselves for war
>Unless a dyke, men will try to impress her and get injured doing so

Reasons to have them
>Most countries we have and will fight in culturally separate men and women and thus you'd need a woman around to communicate with local women

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Eh cant be that bad.

The anime is shit, it has no budget at all, read the manga instead

Lets see a 6 foot 5 240 pound hobgoblin vs a 5 foot 2 110 pound girl. It's very clearly a bad idea that will lead to a lot of women getting raped, and killed.

20 year vet and I concur with this assessment. Thing is for every 1 decent female in the service, there are 1000 useless whores that fuck everything up for everyone. The military is to fight wars not be a social experiment.

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>what is recoil?


The anime is okay, but the manga is a fuck ton better.
I'm hoping the anime paces itself better once Goblin Slayer gets his party.

I've trained in bjj since I was 13, wrestled through high school and in college and still train on the regular. Never in my life other than when I was 14 and had the misfortune of grappling 19 years old bulldyke who had 40 pounds and about 5 inches on me have I lost to a woman. Two identically skilled wrestlers of different genders going at 100 times will result in an almost complete dominate 99/100. Men and women are different period basing a belief on the reception exemption is fucking retarded and is exactly why the west is in turmoil.

t. nigger

I will check it out, thanks guys

Number 3 and 4 is the biggest problems the rest could be said of any men today besides the army is full of soya fags trannies post and pre ops as well as token dykes and reverse traps on hrt
This how the fuck are we going to fight any wares if we don't have any fucking babies? What we are all going to be using the same immigrants as cannon fodder? Not fucking likely China Africa India and whoever else will just hold onto their own in that scenario
I don't mind what female soldiers used to be
Qt nurses and doctors support roles like office bunnies and emotional mommy's but for God sake keep them off the front line
Sexism has nothing to do with it women are not suitable biologically emotionally or situationally for high stress high mortality work
Women suffer (back pain) just from having big boobs that's how weak most women are
It's just more meat for the Talmudic military industrial complex why limit their pointless war intake to 50% of the population when you have have 100%
These fucks don't care who wins or dies as long as there is some sort of (war) someone somewhere is making sheckles

This is a big one most people forget about. It's enough of a pain to stuff front-liners with constipating MREs, but taking hormone drugs to prevent poorly-timed menstruation can hurt the woman long term in a way MREs never could.
B-but muh manlets...
>smaller, weaker, stress fractures
The #1 reason to keep them off the front lines unless the numbers are absolutely necessary (protip: they never are). No matter how small they are, they still need to carry combat gear, which is well over 60 lb. Carrying 150 lb. (possibly more than their entire body weight) as a heavy infantry is out of the question.

The rest of the concerns can be handled with good training and discipline, tho.

>expecting good training from the west that hadn't won a war since the 1960s

W-we're getting better, k-kangaroo-fucker!

Putting aside the fact that stupid niggers like you don't know what the paris peace accords are, and you think that post sadaam occupation counts as a "war", there's no way, absolutely NO fucking way, that you could possibly claim that Desert Storm was anything less than an overwhelming victory.

>The military is to fight wars not be a social experiment.
That was up until the point they were willing to take any loser who got a GED and could convince the court to scrub their felonious record. If you look at the recruitment commercials for the last decade the entire shtick is about how it's more than just combat and will be a net gain in terms of employment later on. This has fundamentally changed how people view the military. They went from seeing it as "Every man is a rifleman with a side job" to "I can get government gibs and do some easy job for a few years to pay for school and there's no competitive application process!"

>It's just more meat for the Talmudic military industrial complex why limit their pointless war intake to 50% of the population when you have have 100%
>These fucks don't care who wins or dies as long as there is some sort of (war) someone somewhere is making sheckles
This is very true. That's why the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were so long as they were not allowed to commit total warfare because if they did the war'd be over too quickly. A decade's long insurgency is a lot more profitable than a year's long roflstomp.

>The rest of the concerns can be handled with good training and discipline, tho.
Have you ever met your average, frontline, infantryman? No amount of training and discipline will stop them from being sub-85 IQ NPC's. I have a few friends who did the Military-to-College meme who are very intelligent and controlled and they lamented that 95% of grunts are little better than walking, talking, animals.

If you've ever seen Generation Kill, that level of mongaloid is the average.

Oh, also, Korea was in the 50s, not the 60s, and that one actually ended in a draw, not a US victory.

of course it was a victory when fighting for zog they drop all the human rights garbage that stops effective warfare. to put it simply US was let off it's leach

congratulations, you win the supreme faggot award

Iraq 2 was a kike war but how the fuck was Iraq 1 a kike war?

Oh yeah it was great hundreds of thousands of civilians dead the rest got radicalised just like your Jewish masters wanted
N-no your not you can't even stop infighting and run your country
It's the 1700-1800s all over again
Lol I always think of Vietkangs when I think of a big war we lost
Imagine if China kicks off ww3 Asia pacific is fucked its gonna be full tomorrow when the war began for us

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It makes easier the fight for the enemy, women fighters increase the chances of casualties in their own team by 800%.
Women cannot carry heavy equipment, doubt for minutes before they do ANYTHING, are loud when they shouldn't, and are totally incapable of teamwork (this is btw why in professional soccer women routinely lose to children).
The most common cause of death for female soldiers is suicide due to stress (and that's despite nobody being dumb enough to send them to actual dangerous places).
Female soldiers are sluts that want to fuck as many manly men as they can during the short period they are in the army before they abandon. They enlist voluntarily after reading that rape is commonplace in the army.

cliche and if u wanna get fancy add the accent on the e "cliché" because the root word is frogspeak my hacker friend. now stop subverting my erections with your poor english

on topic of thread, no women in direct combat roles. for the same reason we dont allow women to compete against men in the NFL or NHL or the olympics.

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Better use elsewhere. Reserve for the infertile.

Let em die for Uncle Sam.

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In the book Starship Troopers, basically all pilots were women. The rationale was that women were better with math or some junk, but also because women were more likely to fly back into the fray in order to pick the men up. Their nurturing mother instincts make them less likely to leave the men behind.

I don’t know if women are still like that today, but it probably made sense in the sixties when the book was written

>t. Shlomo

Is that Jim Webb that ran in the 2016 Democratic primary? They chose the wrong person to run the Democratic platform.

As long as they can debuff im fine with em. Could use some more armor piercing tho

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i find it funny how the only woman to meet the men as an equal is the one chick who acts like more of a man than some of the men, by which i mean very butch.

if i remember correctly the more normal female in the unit ends up tripping during live round training and shoots her squad member in the head which i think is on average more likely than the butch manly chick.