It's been 17 years. I think it's about time we got to the bottom of this one.
It's been 17 years. I think it's about time we got to the bottom of this one
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We already did Stoopid
So, my wife just stepped out of the shower and slipped into the satin robe and bra/panty set I bought her at Victoria's Secret yesterday. As I'm standing here in the doorway smoking my marlboro, she approached me to declare she "got it all smooth". She then pulled her panties to the side with one hand, and with the other she took my hand to run my fingers over her soft pussy lips as she bit her lip playfully. She then turned and started making her way to the bedroom but, not before she exposed her ass and slapped it as she looked over her shoulder to wink at me. Looks like a cool, crisp late night of pussy and weed is on the menu, boys. I'll probably have a double mojito, too.
Anyway, it was radical islamists in a well cooridinated attack. No conspiracies, you weird fuck.
What if Megan was working with the Jews the entire time?
It was Israel. The Zionists in the US government used it as a pretext to station the largest and most capable military in the world at their beck and call. They outlined their plan for the middle east in the 90s, none of that is secret. They had intelligence prior to the attack that they withheld, and it's equally likely that they orchestrated it themselves. They don't give a fuck about Americans or Arabs so why wouldn't they?
well she did work under one
We should definitely be planning for the next one - 9/11/2019
>“Let’s remember, this is the same King Salman who told me after 9/11 that the 9/11 attacks were an Israeli plot,” Former US Ambassador to Saudi Arabia Robert Jordan said. “He said that firmly. Did I believe that? Of course not."
It's pretty clear who was behind 911. Just look who benefitted from it