Every fucking day. Every fucking day I have to drive past this piece of shit

Every fucking day. Every fucking day I have to drive past this piece of shit.

Any other West Palm fags annoyed by this fucking thing?

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I feel like I should make it clear that i'm talking about the sign, Not the presidential motorcade, before secret service comes knocking on my door at 11PM.

its pretty vauge
1. it doesnt tell you who to impeach
2. it doesnt tell you why

sure it implies trump but with o actual facts its fake news

remember those anti-vape billboards about 'blowing smoke' and 'embalming fluid'

yeah those didnt work either, fake news is always fake

why not just buy your own

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if I were you I'd vandalize the fuck out of it with some spray paint

just draw a BBC or say #rekt

add a hashtag so we can cover your move by making it go viral on twatter

yea i fucking hate miami too.

i don't have $4,000 a month in surplus income to spend on a billboard

You're right! They could mean Hillary.

Fucking idiot.

Woah, America looks weird

Write #NPC on it.

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>I have to drive past this piece of shit.
Typical Trumptard - Hates free speech.

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have you guys ever even been to a major city? those things are high as fuck and extremely scary. i was going to say idk how the niggers are able to climb up them and graffiti them but then i remembered niggers don't have a sense of fear

West Palm Beach is hardly representative of America. It's where the American Dream goes to die.

561 represent! But I don’t really go that far south to see that sign. The furthest I go is to Glades rd for FAU

start a go fund me

Paintball gun? Come on man.

It's over

Just kidding. I just noticed that this is southern and that I work around the corner from this pic and see the motor case from work.

It's ok, user. They just didn't finish the sign.

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change it and post it...

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Tax evasion is a moral duty

Glad to be in Jupiter, where that shit isn't so rampant.

Says the typical redditor. No one likes you.

Its so weird I know exactly where that is and have driven through it

That exact picture isn't really much different from any other similar roadway anywhere in the USA.
The brit thinks its weird because the road is so wide. It's blowing his mind right now.
t. driven all over the place in the USA and the UK too

>no proof
still your president

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We take matters into our own hands in Orlando. Can you climb?

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Never did one of those. But would be fucking lulzy if we put a smug pepe up there with "Trump 2020". How do we make this happen?

Fill the bridge sidewalk up with fat ugly pussyhat wearing women and male betas and watch the effort massively backfire.

impeachment can be imposed on any political figure kiddo

Jupiter is nice, I like stuart a lot though

Free speech, faggot. Buy a billboard right next to it.

Get a drone up there and blast the fuck out of it with a remote-controlled paint gun

That's not very NAP of you.

Just goes to show that Anarcho-capitalism is purely a meme and even its so-called adherents know that it's a fantasy that will never work, which is why none of you have ever successfully refuted pic related.

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Why hasn't there been a Jow Forums florida meetup? I swear 1/4th of this board is from Florida. We could do it in orlando somewhere

i normally would be like "is miami that bad?" but i spent a little time down in florida stationed there and thought cubans were a little shifty and they tend to be in miami so i have a vague idea of what you speak..

Buy your own billboard you poor libtard anti constitutionalist fuck.

Shoot it with a paintball gun.

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I should reply to this Facebook-tier shitposting, but...
The billboard represents thoughtless retardation.
There were right wingers wanting Obama hanged for treason. He's a shitty president, but that's fucking nonsense.

Consider suicide should you choose to post again.

Refute it? You are America's hat, get back up there now. Who wants to explain this to the maple leaf?
Too stupid to even generate a real convo

Is this off of Gateway? Haven't been there in a few months


>implying conservatives will spend money on a billboard just to say impeach killary
You fucking retard.

Southern and I-95

why havent you done something about it. It has a ladder on it

What’s your point? The sign is clearly silly. Just complaining? Don’t be a dingus and take your lumps, the world wasn’t made just for you sweetheart

Nice meme dad
Nice meme mom
Epic troll dad

Because he committed treason. This is short yellow bus night

I can see you glowing all the way from here

No idea but I agree it would be fucking hilarious, I'd throw 100 bones at it

Gentlemen we are witness to a new meme.

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nigger but redpilled
ancaps are literally the most jewish ideology of all

I'd shoot the sign with a paintball gun. Load up the right colors to make it say something else.

suburbans, armored truck, press van. who are you?

Fuck Donald Trump.

I find your idiocy far more offensive than that billboard.

Dude, it’s just a Ford Transit. Relax, they’re actually not that bad of vans

Living rent free in the empty cavity leftie heads.

Tax evasion != avoiding tax

>he thinks targgers are good niggas
It’s mostly middle class white kids doing it. Keep your kids in check honkey.

Right on, Neto.

I'm like 90% sure that ladder can only be accessed with a boom lift.

I mean, nobody would leave a ladder down for a billboard, i think..?

kickstart it

>West Palm
Enjoy your Niggers and Spics, I live in an above 55 year old mostly Jewish gated community in Boca Raton. Only niggers that come around here are the help.

You’ve not said what’s wrong with the sign. Just that you disagree with it and find it insipid?

Oil well or glass shop?

you overestimate burger engineering

Rawviera checking in. We Trump town up in here. Pussy ass wpb niggas

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Get a high power laser and char the hashtag into the sign

They are here to seek your approval. Roll it outside now. Godspeed

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Trembling at UAB engineering department

Then blow it up

West palm/Rivierafag here were tf is this sign I've never seen it once. Here is a coconut

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Its not that hard climbing up those things, ladder down fully or not. My... friend did it from time to time.

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why not break the sign op?

It takes a major set of kahonas to climb up a massive billboard on a super busy highway and try to "break the sign" as you so simply put it.

Climb up and deface it then you faggot.

Know of one with a burning range of over 100'?

why is it not in spanish?

ok i have an idea, do you have a water gun, vodka, and some matches.

We've got a shitload of Cubans here. Even the Guatemalans like Trump and half of them would get deported if ICE cracked down here.

That’s Southern Blvd bro

>Drone + modified roofing torch
Problem Solved

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idk why you keep referencing someone who holds no political office it just makes you look uneducated

Watergun? Do you have any idea how high up those are? If I'm going to pitch in the effort im going in head first and just grabbing a whole Jerry can and popping that bitch right at the top next to the sign

Kings Point fag

Fuck you

Don't like it, leave. There's at least 30 other states where you won't be annoyed.

Paint this in the corner

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I thought WPB is were old Jews go to die?

Kys kike the only places in Florida that is allowed to be shit on is Coward County and (((Miami-dade))) any true Floridian would know this

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Billboards are prohibited in Vermont. Still, stay out of Vermont conservatives and liberals don’t want you moving there.

I really hate my nigger loving wife

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You're thinking of palm beach island

Yup, me. Let's meet up and torch it. What's your address? I'll be right over.

ask trump for a small loan of 4,000 dollars to make palm beach billboards great again.