Libertarianism or authoritarianism?

Libertarianism or authoritarianism?

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Radical centrist

Whichever one kills commies.

I s'pose the former would only kill commies if they tried to tread on them. The latter includes commies but also their arch enemies so...

Libertarianism and other liberal ideologies rests on the presumption that men know better for themselves what's best rather than their elite.

An, usually, absurd proposition.

>Libertarianism and other liberal ideologies rests on the presumption that men know better for themselves what's best rather than their elite.

When it comes to the free market they do

radical centrist who watches anime here

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Perhaps with respect to economic planning on the small scale, business and consumer practice, I would agree for the most part. But even then not always, certainly the market for heroin isn't an example of men knowing what's best for themselves, or for example the over consumption of sugary foods.

The damage men cause themselves through drug addiction is lesser than the damage government causes man through regulation.

How does libertarianism even work? How would you have a functional society based on the NAP?

They don't have half of America on there which is anti gay marriage Conservative Christian

Libertarianism is only for the superior human. All other plebs should live under dictatorship.

I see how being addicted to heroin is better than the government shutting down the heroin market.


Why would a superior human desire the freedom to buy or sell heroin? Or to engage in illicit sexual practices like sodomy or fornication?

What profit does such freedoms bring?

I agree most people can’t handle complete and true freedom but where do you draw the line? Who gets to be free and who doesn’t?

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A better question might be, why should someone be given any freedom? Perhaps freedom should be constrained to pro-social behaviors.

Meaning what exactly? Oh and checked.

Nah, Libertarianism isn't about what's best in the utilitarian sense, it's about what is ethical
It may be right to give a homeless man 10 dollars but only by choice. It is not right for a homeless man to steal 10 dollars from me even though the result is the same.

Behaviors that contribute positively to society, in terms of material and spiritual well being. I suppose this somewhat dependent on certain priors like what is good or a hierarchy of goods. Of which I'm of a Christian school of thought.


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>only for the superior human
>affiliated with more general degeneracy than those who are authoritarianist.

agreed, though as you said, these behaviors need to be defined. The most consistent definition I've found for a societal "good" is the promotion of life. Anything that hurts the promotion of life (NEETdom, not having children, homosexuality, murder) would be unethical

I don't really get the whole absolutist moral ethics thing contra utilitarianism without a theology, that so many Libertarians hold. Perhaps I'm assuming too many things, but surely adhering to an ethic qua the ethic itself is completely vain and nonsensical.

The heroin market has not been shut down. I don't know where you're getting your info from

A social good could literally mean anything. It’s too subjective. Is it a social good to purge those that do not contribute to society?

not all crimes are worthy of death. it is a societal good to encourage people to contribute to society, perhaps even punish those who don't, depending on what that punishment is

>A social good could literally mean anything. It’s too subjective.

I think people for the most part intuitively understand what a good is, I think most can see being healthy and fit and not addicted to drugs is a good thing. The only problem is there can be a rather wide variance with regards to men's hierarchy of goods. But of course, like I mentioned before, I have a normative good which is of the Christian variety and advocate that specifically.


>I have a normative good which is of the Christian variety and advocate that specifically.
Christianity is degenerate Semitic evil, the complete opposite of good. What you advocate is treason.

There's the problem bucko.


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>Christianity is degenerate Semitic evil, the complete opposite of good. What you advocate is treason.

treason to Varg Vikernes and the black metal scene

>Government regulation doesn't work after 100,000 failed attempts
>"You know what we need? More regulation"

The statist bashes his head against a wall hoping the wall breaks before his skull does

which one is elon musk?

>but surely adhering to an ethic qua the ethic itself is completely vain and nonsensical.
you don't need a god to logically come to the conclusion that murder is morally wrong
ethics need not appeal to a higher power
I'm no neckbeard atheist, I'm just saying there's a huge difference between asking and taking even though the result is the same. method matters

You think Libertarians of all people would understand incentives.

The consequences of imposing negative incentives via the state on drug markets is tautological.

Treason to those who recognize that Jews are manifest evil rather than worshiping one as the avatar of a Jewish tribal deity. Treason to those who adhere to ancestral tradition rather than adopting the culture and history of foreign scum. What you propose as good is the source of all of our current problems as societies, nations, and clans. Christianity is the degeneracy at the heart of it all.

>you don't need a god to logically come to the conclusion that murder is morally wrong

I agree, however in a secular ethical theory it makes no sense to follow it beyond the worldly goods that it can bring. In a secular world view it's not like your moral life is going to land you in heaven or hell.There must be some kind of utility that is gained by the ethical system, otherwise it's senseless to adhere to it, and in a secular one the goods that are involved are purely of a worldly nature.

I dare to commit treason against le anti-Christ gang.

And the only ancestral Tradition that I recognize is the Christian faith. Moreover it's clear to me that whatever you consider to be good is wildly at odds with the divine logos.

Authoritarianism until we finish removing subversive elements then Libertarianism


The natural order right here

>There must be some kind of utility that is gained by the ethical system, otherwise it's senseless to adhere to it, and in a secular one the goods that are involved are purely of a worldly nature.
No, even the Ancient Greeks knew that's not true. There is inherent value in leading a virtuous life and that value has nothing to do with the consequences of an afterlife.

>the only ancestral Tradition that I recognize is the Christian faith
There you have it, Christcucks recognize Hebrew tradition rather than that of their own people. All Christcucks are race traitors.

>The consequences of imposing negative incentives via the state on drug markets is tautological.

A hypothesis on the relation between government regulation and drug use is a Tautology. user you need to go to bed because you're saying nonsense

I agree that a clean conscience or otherwise fulfilling a sense of moral duty can be a reward in and of itself, but that sort of thing has a finite price and value, in a secular ethic.

I actually do need to go bed. Nonetheless I'm irresistibly correct that negative incentives work.

If I'm to be cut off from such a nation on account of my faith, I'm pleased to carry that cross in devotion to my God.

because it not our problem. people that are gona do it, do it anyway regardless of law

There is no such thing as libertarianism. Because all politics is imposition of power by one class upon another.

Watches anime