I will gladly pay 5%-10% more tax per year if we can ship the niggers back to their huts in the jungles of Africa

I will gladly pay 5%-10% more tax per year if we can ship the niggers back to their huts in the jungles of Africa.

Is anyone else willing to pay more tax for this?

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she's cute. why you want to get rid of her

You consider that "cute"?

The fuck.

>Is anyone else willing to pay more tax for this?

No, I would rather deal with the Jews, they are far more destructive. Blacks generally do not participate in the sort of civilization scale degeneracy that the Jewish have inflicted on the white race.

Jews make this country rich, yeah they're uppity but at least they make money.

>she will never suffocate you in between her thighs while demanding your white seed

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Does Thomas Sowell have to go? What about Larry Elder? There's plenty of black guys that are beneficial to this country.

Why spend the money to ship millions when a .22 cartridge can be manufactured for less than a penny?

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I agree.

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That's like 4 niggers.

give africa everyting you took as well motherfucker piece of shit tiny dick faggot

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I'd pay the extra tax just to keep them confined to detroit and other democrat shitholes.

Weird because when I was watching that twitter video and then clicked on her profile I thought "I'd probably put my dick in that." If you ship them back to africa I'd have to get all sorts of vaccinations just to get my dick near that. Seems like a lot of work.

I paid 30% in taxes this year and I'd pay another 20% if you include the heebs.

It's more beneficial to have an ethnically homogeneous society than to have any niggers.

>Muh dick

No wonder your people are so primitive.

Map's wrong. Gold goes in China.

Give me a Whiter version of this map.

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Why? It's not like you niggers were going to do anything with it. You hadn't even invented written language when we showed up.

you will need to pay less taxes in such a case, lel.

Damn she is pretty. Looks smart too. Gotta fap now.

I'd say it's probably in the thousands. A very small minority, to be sure.

What if that ethnically homogeneous society is half faggots, like Sweden? How long will it stay homogenous? If everyone is white, should we allow then to embrace communism?

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But they did invent the Compact Disc

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Alright, I will take this bait. Why isn't South America shown as beneficiary? They bought lots of slaves as well. Apart from that, they exploited native population of America.

As long as there's representation and proof.
Like a picture of the nigger my taxes went to send back would be a nice touch.
>For just 25ยข a day your money goes to ship these poor kangz back to their homeland.wav

OR, hear me out, we stop giving israel 12 billion a year and buy the nogs some fucking plane tickets.

But Africa is still the richest continent in the world

>What if that ethnically homogeneous society is half faggots, like Sweden?
As late as the 1970s Sweden had their own eugenics program. Them being faggots is a fairly recent phenomenon, most likely caused by the bullshit concept of "racism" we exported to Europe after the civil rights movement.

Fuck off kike

You make a good point

Not like you niggers deserve it

>back to their huts in /Africa
Not going to happen, sweetie.

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You don't get a choice nigger.

No need, outsource prisons to any african warlord.
If a black crosses the street improperly, ship it back.
It's time the experiment is over. It doesn't work.

Lets negotiate. Meet in the middle. Im willing to pay 7% of my income for 10-20 years to test for the few based blacks like Sowell and send the rest back to Africa. Although shipping them to Hait or Brazil might be cheaper. Also could cut costs if the government assumes their assets.

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Well. I mean, it was the British and their Navy that stopped the African slave trade for half of the world. Western Europe started adopting socialist policies immediately after WW2. The world was already tilting in that direction in a major way.
I guess it comes down to a disagreement about what is more important. Is the homogeneity of the People more important than the homogeneity of the State? Does unity of blood trump unity of purpose?
As far as historical context, did the people concerned with racial purity advance it by the expulsion and not subjugation of the other races, or the other way around? And why did they choose the path that they chose?

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maybe if they had mined the shit that was IN THEIR OWN LAND in the several THOUSAND years they had to develop technology they wouldn't have gotten nearly as anally fisted. I'd say it was a simple gg, but that'd be a lie.

I think it'd be more poetic if it were boat tickets.

It's a tricky thing. Because we could have a majority now, that agreed to those terms. That majority could say;
"We don't like these interlopers. They're costly to have around, both financially and socially. Let's send them back where they came from."
And it'll be an all white country. And then a little on down the road, the people of the mind to send niggers back to Africa is a minority. Now it's a majority, who are white, and say;
"We don't like these other white people. They're all nazis, and they're problematic to have around, both financially and socially. Let's ship them them back where they came from."

And now I have to live in Bongistan, with no guns, less freedoms, and surrounded by the shitskins I despise.

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If we did, there'd be no reason for you to pay extra taxes. We'd make the price of transport back in a quarter.

>And then a little on down the road, the people of the mind to send niggers back to Africa is a minority. Now it's a majority, who are white, and say;
>"We don't like these other white people. They're all nazis, and they're problematic to have around, both financially and socially. Let's ship them them back where they came from."

The whole thing is hypothetical. But I get you point. Its a respect of powers thing. Obama didnt want to use congress to get stuff done and did stuff by executive order and Librals are shocked when a Republican gets in and undoes them. They are not learning from it either, the supreme court is not going in their favor so they want to stack it, not thinking that a Republican would do the same right after.

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You are entirely right to see the disproportionate negative consequences the African races in the United States cause. The crime, the social decay, the financial burden we all share, or the lack of cogent policy as to how to deal with these problems.
But I cannot, in good conscience, lay these problems at the foot of every person who is darker than me. The overwhelming majority, certainly. But only in a case by case basis.
I cannot lay the blame of limp-wristed faggotry perpetrated by white liberals at your feet, either. The rise of transgender degeneracy, the push for "common sense gun control", Hollywood hedonism, pedophiles, furries, the rejection of masculinity and the vilification of manhood, the list goes on and on.

Maybe conflict is important. Maybe pressure and tension are needed.

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The west has more than paid back its debts to Africa.

Why send them back? There must have been a good reason we picked them up in the first place.

this. lil dick WH*TE BOIS CANT COMPETE

>Maybe conflict is important
yes.. let's ramp up the selection pressure big time

Too late whiteboi, we own your country now. Try and do anything and your countrymen will call you racist and throw you in jail. Here's a good redpill for you -- put "black" as your race when applying for a job, see how many more applications you get as opposed to "white."

Would gladly pay. Imagine what we could do with the ghettos.