The end game of the left is to exterminate western civilization and the white race

I was taking a look at the wikipedia article on "New left".

to learn more about the origins of cultural marxism. And I found a link to the political ideology of "Anti-Japaneseism". What the fuck is this? I thought. So I clicked this.

"The Anti-Japanism theory posed that Japan's actions since the Meiji period had been tainted by imperialism, and a new regime was needed. According to Anti-Japanism, Japan's moral failure can be redeemed if the Imperial family is purged and the country forcibly transitioned to a communist "people's republic". Anti-Japaneseism radicalized this argument by claiming that even communist revolution could not redeem Japan because the Japanese themselves possess an inherent "aggressive nature". Proponents of this theory believe that the only way to redeem oneself from the "oppressor and criminal Japanese race" is to fight against all Japanese interests until the "Japanese" archipelago has been purged of anything Japanese."

Mind you that this theory is of 1970s. Fast forward to this day. People like Kaperninck attacks patriotism and the national symbols. Leftist promote mass inmigration and multiculturalism. Historical figures are attacked and historical accomplishment are categorized as genocide and Imperialism. What the radical leftists were promoting in the 70s is the mainstream today.

Attached: Antideutsche_rassisten.jpg (220x165, 14K)

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The effects of this kind of out of control self criticism were sometimes hilarious.

"One of the factions further radicalized into the infamous United Red Army which killed twelve of its own members in self-criticism sessions."

The logical result of out of ocontrol self-criticism taken to the extreme.

Curiosly this groups continued to be excedingly violent for years.

>From 1969 to 2003, from 1 to 4 people died every year as the result of internal conflict between New Left groups

The Japs just copied this shit from us.

The end game of the left is really just to get power by any means necessary. They've just chosen to ally with various enemies of society because they want to use them to destroy they society that they hate, gain power, and forcibly implement their desired society.

Anti-German pro-sionists also exist

"The basic standpoint of the anti-Germans includes opposition to German nationalism, a critique of mainstream left anti-capitalist views, which are thought to be simplistic and structurally anti-Semitic, and a critique of anti-Semitism, which is considered to be deeply rooted in German cultural history. As a result of this analysis of anti-semitism, support for Israel and opposition to Anti-Zionism is a primary unifying factor of the anti-German movement. The critical theory of Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer is often cited by anti-German theorists."

This are the retarded cousins of the mainstream left but only because they state openly the ideological underpinings of the left.

True. Their main aim is to achive power and implement their totalitarian top to down approach to government. In the 60s they understood that patriotic nationalism was an enemy. Their dogmatic dialectic approach to everything also mean that since whites and the West have the power they have to be oppresors.

Leftists loved nationalism in the 1800s because it was seen as "progressive" (read: a centralization compared to the previous government). There's no real underlying ideology beyond gaining power.

But their ideogolical underpinnings also mean that they have to identify races as oppresors and oppresed and the way to "fix" this is to destroy races themselves. So their genocidal policies.

False. See.

Not quite. It's basically left-wing crypto-imperialism. You manage to get some power via workers movements, but you still need more power, so you invent some bullshit that lets you mobilize the entire planet's dregs against your own country so that you can gain more centralized power, but this time over the entire world.

Leftists weren't particularly anti-racist in the 1800s. It wasn't the core of their platform like it is post-1960. This has a lot to do with the fact that America was the center of leftism since the 60s. Color revolutions, the New Left etc. - all CIA, mostly CIA attempts to outflank the USSR from the left on social issues to prevent blacks, students, and the like from being turned into intelligence assets by the USSR.

It's not just bullshit mind you. there is an element of calculous in this, but don't be mistaken, this people are fanatics that truly believe in what they say.
When they say
>The United Sates was never great
It's not only a way to diminish trust into patriotism and promote cynicism about the country, their institutions and traditions. Is that true, but they also believe it because their ideology.

It's very difficult to me to believe the CIA theory without further proof.

It actually was the CIA though. Not even kidding. The influence of the CIA on practically every aspect of postwar society seems unbelievable, but it's fucking true.

>The Anti-Japanism theory
And...we see how far that went. The Island of Japan is still very Japanese.
>The end game of the left is to exterminate western civilization and the white race
I agree with you that, that is the goal of these people, although they could not have picked a more impossible goal to pursue. Picking a fight with white people on this planet is literally like digging your own grave. No more inventive ways to kill have been devised on this earth than by any other peoples.

Leftism is odd. Yuri Bezmenov's lectures give some good insight though. It's not be accident that everything the left does is a systematic effort to destabilize the country. They want to bring the country into crisis; that way they can implant their own leaders with emergency powers to restore order. Ted Kaczynski's idea that they act so absurd because they want to rebel and get a reaction out of people, without actually threatening the real power brokers, is interesting. I think this is an underlying part of their group psychology, but not the raison d'etre of leftism. There's also the theory many on Jow Forums agree with, that the Jews are just evil and want to kill what's good. All three of these could be correct; they're not mutually exclusive.

I'm still largely bewildered by the left. All I can say for certain about the left is that I want it totally destroyed. The only word I can think of that describes them is demonic.

It's a good thing white people are killing themselves then.

>1.2 billion white people
>a few wingnut countries make bad decisions
Yea, such a crisis of epic proportions, we're literally on the brink.

Attached: unimpressed.jpg (900x900, 58K)

Is this why Fascism is the eternal enemy of leftists? Because Fascists use the crisis they themselves create to seize power?

>It's not be accident that everything the left does is a systematic effort to destabilize the country. They want to bring the country into crisis
As Spanish I know this very well. Antifa political groups in Catalonia are the core of violent separatism and have stated this plainly. their goal is to promote separatism to create a crisis they can ride into revolution. Meanwhile Podemos crypto-Communists try to suppress a firm reaction against separatism to drag on the crisis. It's like a playbook.

>they themselves create
I think you have it turned around. Fascists use the crisis leftists create to seize power.
>soft men create hard times > hard times create hard men > hard men create good times > good times create soft men, etc

I'm not sure what you mean. Everyone is struggling for power whenever there's an opening. Fascists don't really agitate the way leftists do either. They usually restrict their fighting to enemies, rather than the left which defines anything peaceful and healthy as an enemy. Fascists will attempt coups, but they don't really try to create a crisis the same way the left does.

What surprises me the most is that an openly self-genocidal left did indeed exist. And unsurprisingly traces their origins to the "New left". The same root assumptions and ideology are the backbone of today left.

Interiorized racism, historical revisionism, intersectional oppression conspiracy theories are just means towards weakening society and seizing power, but at the same time show the ideology that the left would try to implement if they win.

This people are exceedingly dangerous.

They've gotten very explicit about their anti-white anti-west values recently, but you're right. It's amazing how open they were about it. It's also amazing how no one seems to catch on to what they're up to, even though they've done this same process dozens of times.

Seems more like a natural conclusion

Yes and because they copy their methods in general. Hitler justifies political violence with the incapability of the established parties to counter the radical left with their civil means.
The 'AntiFa are duh real Fascists' crowd have it backwards, really it's the Fascists who are reverse Communists.

So basically are we repeating history?
A global leftist attempt of takeover (Foro de São Paulo in Latin America, Momentum in Britain, Democrat party in US, EU bureaucrats in Europe, UN bureaucrats, Podemos, Syriza) fought off by a rising nationalist movement.

It's not the left exterminating the white race. It's globalist capitalism.

Yeah but now with blue-haired overweight commies and cartoon frog posting Fascists.
Also this time it was the left that openly brought race into it while a ninety years ago it was the right and only in Germany.

Capitalism and Marxist-Socialism are two sides of the same shekel.

That's another worrying difference. This time the left has all the financial backing, luckily this seem to be less important thanks to the internet giving everyone the ability to share information and not requiring a publisher to print a party newsletter etc..

Both are materialistic. But I will take soviet communism over white genocide anglo-american mulatto-tranny captialism anyday.
The soviet Union was ironically - by proxy - pro white.

So...Marx was right for once?
>History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce.

"then left" has been cucked by capitalist liberals into oblivion. There is basically no "left" left. The few classic Marxist/Socialist who are still around have to go to RT to get a platform. The entire "left" in 1st world countries is composed of anti-white, imperialist liberals.

>trips again
They now demand racial and gender equity and no longer financial equity, but it's essentially the same attempt to make unequal things equal.
Ofc that isn't perceived as a threat by capitalists, even though it might eventually become one and since they are looking for short term gain they support it.

He's either being sarcastic or he's trying to demoralize further

Remember your fallen brothers. Never forget what they did to them. Support those you still can.

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