Anthony Bourdain

Why did he kill himself?
And don’t say the Jews.

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the kid sent him the tape

by the way the kids a jew

Probably the Jews

Because it was all so sordid and fucking confusing. It was too much to take.

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He realized that he was a pretentious faggot.

It was Jews

He got cucked by an alpha 17 year old.

the geeeU's

seems likely that he was murdered

Jimmy Bennett

he was broke as fuck after paying the kid her gf raped


Found out Gf commited stat rape after she made a huge fuss over rape. Also cocaine.

> alpha
does having a neckbeard and high levels of oestrogen make you alpha now? WEEEEEW LAD.

Asia Argento Jimmy Bennet

He was murdered. Classic Mossad hit job.

Black Cube is all ex Mossad

Asia Argento, Bourdains gf was being blackmailed by the minor she fucked.

Anthony died broke. Take a wild guess

hello newfriends

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You’re forgetting the part where she had the audacity to claim the kid raped her too, then when he showed the police their texts they told her to fuck off for wasting their time

He david caradine'd himself retard
Who hangs themselves with their belt in the bathroom?

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>Anthony Bourdain
jimmy buffet
>cheeseburger in paradise

if i got those shitty tattoos id kill myself too

God's chosen

He was prob jerking it, look up auto erotic asphyxiation

He had relapsed into his heroin addiction.

>Cheesepizza in paradise

Pizzagate connection to Bourdain confirmed

Literally cucked to death by a teenage boy

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3 theories (excluding kikes)
>got Clintoned
>had late stage aids, cancer, or organ failure from his horrid lifestyle, decided to go out on his terms
>redpilled so hard he couldn't handle that his entire life was a lie

He was going to talk and got killed.

This. Bourdain was kind of douche hipster, but overall decent person. He was in love with a psychotic manipulative succubus and when he peeled back the layers was probably hopeless and destroyed emotionally. It was all too much to take on top of the years of drug abuse and over indulgence in alcohol so he checked out. Id I were in his situation I probably would have just gone back to heavy drinking for a couple months to cope instead of hanging myself. But I think he was hit with it all at once, the horrible reality of his bitch of a girlfriend, and probably had many intense conflicting emotions causing him to exit this nightmare he found himself in

What? The kid got head from a Hollywood milf when he was a teenager, banged her brains out, got hundreds of thousands of dollars as hush money, and then still exposed her for sexual abuse which is even crazier given that she’s the one who started the #metoo movement.

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Chris Cornell and that Linking Park guy. Chester.

Talk about what, vauge fag?

the fact of having been cucked multiple times and again by both his partners destroyed.
the latest event happening hours before his suicide was the last drop

What a fag Bourdain was

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he was suffering from severe depression and "slipped." He likely didn't even plan that being the day. People who cave and kill themselves at noon likely ate breakfast that day. That's just how it works

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it's always the jews.

probably realized he was surrounded by anti-white prostitutes for foreign interests.

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that is the face of a man dead inside

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He was an NPC that broke his programming and couldn't handle what he found.

I dont know, and I dont care.

I could literally not care less about celebrities.

He wanted to save white people by genociding Jews like himself.

Based and redpilled

>Why did he kill himself?

His slutty girlfriend cheated on him and it triggered some kind unresolved abandonment shit.

He tried to punish a woman who has no feelings.

What a dummy.

That other guy looked literally insane

Ah, that only confirms the suspicions. It's the jews again.

He mentioned he was taking it, and always mentioned how depressed he got.

>Don't blame the Jews
Do you want people to blame the Jews? Because that's how you get people to blame the Jews

>A jew kills himself
>Don't say its the Jews

bourdain was a jew

jew divorce lawyers i think


He knew the rope is coming for the pedo cult he moonlighted with, and got out while the going was good. Same with McCain.

I'm not sure if you remember, but Randy Quaid and his wife were asking for asylum in Canada because they feared for their lives. Randy said that there were death squads/ or people that went around killing celebrities, and they feared they were next.
Knowing how hollywood functions, and they need death to rejuvenate the industry, as crazy as it sounded, I actually believe that it is possible that the kikes go around killing selected celebrities.

>Why did he kill himself?
implying he killed himself.

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the Jews

Depression from Jews

Maybe he was murdered to scare someone else. Someone who's sudden death would have been too obvious by itself.

One less scatological kike the world needs to deal with. Jews have Mind Aids and and infect the rest of us. Those who catch Mind Aids end up becoming rabbid leftists or Antifa.

exactly, bourdaine got played in the worst way. then she was walking around holding hands with another guy. when confronted about it after bourdaines death she said they had an understanding
>understanding bourdain pays her blackmail she fucks him then runs off to bang some new guy while shes out of town

this whore is the lowest of the low.

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That actually sounds like a funny comedy sketch idea. I see it as a fake commercial for a medication that relieves depression for neo-nazis.

WAS the jews. Normally they kill people they want gone. But because he was a kike they gave him the easy way out and let him kill himself.



Year after year, millions of people are affect from depression. The direct cause, the Jews. However we have a way to eliminate this dirty money grab epidemic, be a decent human being and burn the nearest jew.

Goes on to list 1000 side affects.

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Another probable suspect

Ive been wondering if they aren't given an option for a paid death. Having someone kill them voluntarily.

Himself, a Jew.

>And don’t say the Jews.
The kikes.

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>"I determine not to hang myself from the shower stall of my lonely hotel room."

-No Reservations, S5E4 @ 18:50.

>"When you wake up feeling like you're really just not sure whether you want to curl up into a fetal ball and start crying, projectile vomit, or hang yourself in the shower."

No Reservations, S1E2 @ 39:15

>"I determine not to hang myself from the shower stall of my lonely hotel room."

No Reservations, S5E4 @ 18:50

>"The painful story of my life and less than distinguished career ended up as five episodes of a sitcom on Fox, at the end of which I pretty much wanted to hang myself in the shower."

No Reservations, S5E13 @ 7:00

>“Generally after these events I want to hang myself in the shower stall, and tonight's no different.”

No Reservations, Season 1, Episode 9

It was a running joke but then it wasn't. Basically the guy left the mother of his children for a dog licking whore who cheated on him on some french guy after Bourdaine supported her against Weinstein and paid hush money to some younger guy who was trying to blackmail her with abuse aligations.

based and redpilled

i dont believe for a second anthony bourdain killed himself

>CNN Chef no one heard of until suicide
>Was anti-Drumpf, pro-suicide

This guy

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>cut to scene of man in nazi regalia with chaplin mustache
"Do you have trouble sleeping at night"
>scene change to same man waiting in line at the bank, visibly frustated
"Are you sick of dealing with your frustration"
>cut to scene of same man kneeling down, nursing a scraped knee
"Ask your doctor about "Zionix"
>cut to scene of man walking through city with swastica flags on display

Yada yada yada.

on this episode of anthony bourdain parts unknown anthony bourdain visits hell.

I still think this is reverse psychology

newfags. he was a blood sacrifice.

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His life had no meaning. He didn't believe in anything really, he was just a hedonistic nihilist who kept himself constantly distracted. When he was poor he kept himself distracted with heroin, when he was rich he did it with travel, women and the best booze and food on the planet.

Ultimately though none of it had meaning and he knew it.

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bourdain is a jew himself so it was the jews

Bourdain was Syrian

He didn't, jews did.
Those jewish supremacists got insulted by bare truth that came out of Bourdain's mouth and you see what happened.

He was a cuck guys..Once he found out that cucking is a hoax..He decided to kill him self regretting the fact that some one else was fucking his wife..

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In my opinion it was more complicated than that. The guy probably was self-aware about basically being just a short order cook from 80s New York and felt like a phony once everybody started sucking his cock. The whole Hollywood thing is just smoke and mirrors and he might have been desperate for authenticity. Then you've got all those huksters sucking his cock, trying to leech off, pretending to be his friends and all to the point where he started supporting me too, only to realize that's bullshit as well.

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have you ever seen his show or read his shit? dude was clearly depressed.

he had a couple references to hanging himself or necking himself in his book too.

Most people thought he was just playing it up for comedic effect trying to appear cynical and detached. Like Hunter S Thompson or some shit.

He is a food critic. Has to be the juice

this isnt pol related

when you feel hopeless because you know what
you stole is going to be taken away from you.
it gets kind of hard to go on in life, he didn't
believe the lie the rest of his tribe is telling
themselves, that they will be able to keep
power over something that is not theirs.

he's probably in hades doing ground hog
day cooking crap that made him happy.
he'll be there till judgement day comes.

some background to consider-
Parts Unknown “Russia.”
“Bad things seem to happen to critics of Vladimir Putin. Journalists, activists, even powerful oligarchs once seemingly untouchable are now fair game if they displease The Leader,” narrates Bourdain, before seguing to a restaurant dinner scene with Boris Nemtsov, a leading Putin critic.

According to Bourdain, he and his producers approached “four or five” Moscow restaurants about scheduling the scene with Nemtsov, and when they found out who the host was dining with, the establishments swiftly canceled the scene. After much hunting, they finally scored a spot at an unnamed restaurant with a British chef.


“Critics of the government—critics of Putin—bad things seem to happen to them,” Bourdain tells Nemtsov over borscht. “This is a case, the Litvinenko case, a known enemy of Putin stricken with a bout of radioactive polonium. Aren’t you concerned?”

“Tony, I was born here 54 years ago. This is my country. Russian people are in trouble. Russian court doesn’t work, Russian education decline every year, and I believe that Russia has a chance to be free. Has a chance. It’s difficult but we must do it,” says Nemtsov.

On Feb. 27, 2015, just nine months after the episode aired, Nemtsov was assassinated, shot four times in the back while crossing a bridge near the Kremlin. Opposition leaders blamed the state—and by extension, Putin—for the murder.

Reflecting on their dinner, Bourdain recalled, “I ask [Nemtsov] directly, ‘Aren’t you concerned? The enemies of Vladimir Putin, bad things have happened to them,’ and he laughed it off and said, ‘It would be too embarrassing. I’m too important. I’m a public figure.’ One has to wonder if that was in somebody’s mind as they shot him to death pretty much on the front lawn of the Kremlin. It’s not like they don’t want you to know who done it, you know? When they kill somebody with nerve gas or radioactive polonium in Central London, they want you to know who done it. That’s the whole point.”

The episode ends with a defeated Bourdain describing—in voiceover—how Russia has recently annexed Crimea and amassed their troops at the Ukrainian border. “The world has done nothing. It will do nothing. As Vladimir well knew,” says Bourdain. “He wins. Again.”

Just to confirm. France or UK?
