>back in the olden days of Jow Forums there was a 50/50 split between natsocs and libertarians >now the libertarians are all gone and the only people left are loony natsocs >muh jews >muh SJWs >muh NPCs >no talk of rights or freedom, only of creating an ethnostate and imposing your views on people who are not like yourself >no libertarians to counter-balance the droolers
peak Jow Forums was so far away it is but a distant memory.
>It is said that what is called "the spirit of an age" is something to which one cannot return. That this spirit gradually dissipates is due to the world's coming to an end. For this reason, although one would like to change today's world back to the spirit of one hundred years or more ago, it cannot be done. Thus it is important to make the best out of every generation.”
Jow Forums was not splut you fucking retard. We have natsoc split with liberatarians and literal fucking necons
Christopher Jones
Oh the irony
Lucas Hill
Wyatt Davis
nu/pol/ faggot ancap garbage
Joseph Sanders
Lolbertarians became natsoc when they realized that libertarianism will never happen without a homogeneous white state which adamantly protects the things which make it great in the first place, allowing libertarianism to exist
Get out of here you chink-fucking fuck You will die alone and forgotten
libertards are just degenerate drug addicts who want to lower the age of marriage to five and allow nonwhites into the country. Their whole ideology is the worst parts of capitalism along with the socially liberal parts that degrade society.
Gabriel Murphy
Still libertarian Still here. Libertarian ideals don't preclude you from being aware of "muh jews muh SJWs muh NPCs".
Isaac Barnes
We're still here, friend. Libertarians are here to stay.
We're still here. I just spend most of my time discussing current events rather than wanking off over my own philosophy or getting into the same old argument about what real libertarianism is.
Nazis just never seem to get board of wanking off to the same old shit so they tend to have more of a profile.
I'm a monarchist user, not a faggy natsoc A state must be balanced between the secular and religious, with a king endowed with divine right presiding over lords who keep his power in check. Add more individual property rights tho so you don't have faggy lords taking all their citizens' labor.
Carson Wilson
If you say a child cant consent what would stop an 80 year olds from stopping you from consenting or trading with the same arguments you used to stop a child?
Gerontocracy has no place in the world. It's just old people's tyranny.
Ayden Foster
holy fuck did you just quote the Hagakure? yamamoto tsunetomo chan.
Gabriel Kelly
The libertarians all turned into cucks. The Natsocs just got more radicalized because they were right and proven right every fucking day.
There is no NAP or community trust without racial homogeneity. All of the social and societal incentive to contribute to humanity instead of your own personal interests is eroded.
How'd that work out for the U.K. once (((Cromwell))) let the jews back in?
Carter Adams
Name one. And just because they don't have age of consent there doesn't mean that they're lolbertarian
I used to be a libertarian, though. I didn't go anywhere, I just changed. I'm probably still a libertarian at heart but we're at war and drastic times call for drastic measures.
>lolbertarianism will work and persist in a non-white Brazil version of American society that values socialism and collectivism (for POC only) above all else and has absolutely no interest in maintaining the sorts of freedoms lolbertarians and conservatives value
You don't have to be a Nazbee but you need to find another way
Is he still handing out ferry pamphlets for the chance to banter with passersby?
Samuel Stewart
>everyone who isn't a full blown authoritarian Nazi and holds a different opinion to me is a kike
Kayden Young
libertarian ideology is basically identical to neo liberal ideology except for foreign policy, thats probably why no one in their right mind espouses those ideas anymore around here
Hunter Hughes
>i'll play in the mud if it gets me closer to the pigs
another way heh?
Hudson Cox
The libertarians all got trod on and this is what happened.
Jason Murphy
have a central bank under the state's complete control that doesn't practice (((fractional reserve banking))) or usury. A monarch is necessary to federate the people and preserve cultural identity. Despite all its flaws, the English still retain some modicum of national identity because of the Crown. They should have their power checked by a council of secular and religious lords, however.
Elijah Ross
t. tranny
Eli Ortiz
ok fuck you now prachya pritttkramparang; this cannot be real you fuggin prankster
Isaiah Perry
>muh freedumb, muh liberty, muh corporations are people, muh markets, muh wall street, muh merchants, muh religious liberty, muh And Rand... Go back to sucking ladyboi cock
Josiah Nguyen
>Hong Kong is libertarian You do know that the government owns nearly all the land and only rents it out to people in hidden black-box bidding, artificially inflating the market via unnecessary government interference? You surely know that HK is integrating into PRC and will be fully integrated (likely as a SEZ) by 2050
>implying It's a Republican club at this point user, Rockwell would roll in his grave seeing these LARPers
Landon Gray
Nat Soc is a psyop to discredit, further divide and conquer, and eventually destroy this board. Look no further how the Kanye get was immediately 404'd and any thread that arose on it was as well. The reason imo is that they don't want a black Republican figure, they dont want whites and black coming together. They want a divided populace, they want the right to slide further towards white supremacy and the left towards minority supremacy. So that they're easier to control and so nothing gets done.
Plenty of us still here, regular polls show its around half. People are just tired of trying to argue with people whose only arguments are buzzwords.
Libertarianism isn't for open borders or the welfare state which cause non-white population booms. I don't think libertarians became natsoc so much as dumb people became something that sounded cooler after not having basic understanding of the thing they claimed to be before.
Sebastian Peterson
Libertarians saw how much the rnc and msm fucked Ron Paul in 2012. The rnc and msm treated Trump the same way but Trump won. Most libertarians are probably on the Trump train or just along for the ride at this point. Either was it has been upside down bizarro clown world for two years. Trump took over the rnc and the dnc is slowly turning into full socialism.
Adrian Lopez
not surprised you misparsed my feedback, since UR NPC, but I called you a prankster, not hitler. nobody is seriously talking about gerontocracy and gene overlords.
Evan Moore
The realisation has dawned that no true freedom can actually endure in the real world. The best we can do is choose survival and stability over complete erasure.
Austin Smith
>being administrated by a Communist government is "close" Libertarianism
Libertarians are still here but the shills are saturating the board with larp Nazi threads to create a strawman excuse to take the board down, and to divide and conquer.
It's not all that effective so far.
Michael Brooks
this If you have ever been a Libertarian and are not currently a fascist, you have brain problems.
I misspoke user, I meant a treasury. Just rewatched Bill Still's Money Changers so (((central banks))) are still on my mind
Benjamin Sanders
Im not a stormfag by anymeans but I have lurked for a long time. This place is basically rural boomer central. Some members of Stormfront came here a long time ago to recruit incels and autists, just vulnerable young people. This place basically acts like Jail to keep those sad MK ultraed people to stop disrupting actual healthy boards. It is a containment board for people who are abusive, neurotic, and narcissistic. All arguments can refer to the stormfag doctrine. 1488 Race war now. Why? Because its the edgiest trolliest thing one can do. But only online ofc.
Pol is a shitty place, a place of apathy where you see the results of a MK ultraed dumbed down planet. Hidden gems sure, but literally rummaging through piss and shit.
Carter Sullivan
>"the other shit-libs" hate jews fuck almighty it doesn't matter how fast merkel goes, there is no saving germany
Ironically, though. /ptg/ is loaded of them blaming kikes but support someone who loves them. They can't have both.
Henry Young
lol no it isn't. Drowning out shit you don't like with memes and endless buzzword insults isn't winning in a marketplace of ideas. Its forming cliques and yelling.
Gabriel Young
Go back to Jow Forumsthe_donald unironically
Jason Myers
people can now see where libertarianism leads and they don't like it. basically one corporation acquiring all the others and ruling the earth.
idiotic. Communism is the single furthest common political ideology from libertarianism.
Josiah Foster
>>now the libertarians are all gone >peak Jow Forums was so far away it is but a distant memory.
Peak Jow Forums was called /new/ and died for the crime of telling the truth.
The libertarians are not gone, I still know a bunch of those guys from back then irl (several of them moved to Texas), they all work trades or are engineers or have other good professions, they are no less radical and the main view that has shifted is the understanding that the enemies of freedom won't leave anyone alone so you have to fight them.
I'm one of the few libertarians remaining and I hate all you newfags for the most part. We can't have good discussion anymore because you're too focused on niggers. You're playing into (((their))) hands
Ian Wood
(((They))) have the best info and research. We can reverse engineer things by looking at what they do. They are flooding white countries with turd-worlders They want to destroy us Therefore, race is important since they are targetting us as a race Libertarians would have no problem with their immigration and refugee shenanigans
Zachary Lee
Ironically National Socialist foreign policy, especially in regards to economics, is extremely Libertarian. It was an intercontinental barter system that ignored the (((rules))) the (((international financiers))) had lobbied governments to enforce. Sidestepping the legalese that made economics impossible to understand and easily manipulable by you know who.
Hunter Flores
>i-i was only pretending to be retarded The absolute state of "libertarians" Wew lad
>Trump took over the rnc and the dnc is slowly turning into full socialism.
But those are just people in suits doing that. Hollywood is still corrupting people. People are still being poisoned with bad food. Money is still being sent to Israel. Being 100% republican won't make those issues go away.
Easton Jones
Libertarianism used to be much stronger back in 2010. When Ron Paul used to talk about going back to a gold standard.
>>no talk of rights or freedom, only of creating an ethnostate and imposing your views on people who are not like yourself
Rights literally are not real. Anybody who talks about rights is mentally a child. It is as stupid as talking seriously about pokemon.
Freedom is a spook. A completely meaningless term. It isn't fucking real.
The entire purpose of life on this planet is to impose your views on people who are not like yourself. Kill or be killed. Dominate or be dominated. Oppress or be oppressed. There are only two kinds of people on this planet, those who impose their views on others and those who have others views imposed on them. The **entire purpose of life** is to struggle to be the one imposing rather than the one being imposed upon. Even leftists understand this. The fact that libertarians don't just shows that it is literally the stupidest and worse ideology on the planet. Worse than liberalism, worse than communism, worse than Islam, etc. At least they GET it. At least they understand the most basic point of life, that life is a competition, winner takes all. Libertarians do not. They are literally the stupidest people on planet Earth.
Libertarianism is to politics as not eating and starving to death is to diet. You completely failed to understand what politics even is at its most literal basic level (forcing your views on others).
I think my ideal monarchy state would be much the same, allowing for a lot of economic freedom with power at the top keeping any (((corporations))) from monopolizing or exploiting the people. I personally prefer monarchy because it has a certain spiritual and cultural strength that a more secular state like the NatSocs want does not
Daniel Bell
Not really. Look at the interactions on a macro scale Hitler's Germany had with other industrial nations. They just bartered for goods. Traded artillery pieces for oil, etc. It adapted situationally. Many cases of economics require a Libertarian approach. The whole "squeezing a handful of sand only makes it slip from your fingers faster" analogy to incentivizing worker efficiency and happiness.