>gravity can hold a tank upside down >gravity can overcome centrifugal force of 1000 mph >gravity allows transfer of angular momentum between two separate objects >all of this but gravity does not squish you like a bug
when did you realize that gravity is a lie? what are the political ramifications of such a realization by the wider population? >inb4 flat earth fuck off
>not knowing that you are anti-gravity and that's why you don't get squished
Christopher Gutierrez
You're welcome to formulate your own theories and test them, if you aren't happy with the ones we currently have.
Parker Sanders
That's what we're here to discuss. No need to get so defensive.
Gabriel Kelly
>I failed high school physics: the thread
Hudson Phillips
There is a difference between questioning practical science when there is much kerfuffle and politics involved, and another thing altogether to say that the earth is flat or hollow, gravity doesn't exist etc
Zachary Lee
>the force exerted due to gravity is proportional to the masses of the objects
>durr why no squish?
Jose Morgan
You’re only programmed to identify two political groups. Denial is the first step
Gravity feels nonexistent because it comes from highers dimensions. When you open portal(black hole) through fourth dimension(multiple timelines), the gravity gets stronger because you remove one level of its power, this is why even light escapes.
Gravity is of higher dimension than light
Caleb Scott
>muh enlightened third positionism get your head out of your ass and stop falling for the Illuminati's tricks
Please explain it using your high school physics. Would love to see your explanation without resorting to circular .edu links. Thank you for your consideration.
You're right, because the latter is taught at a young age for a reason. Ingrained belief.
Evan Taylor
You are squished when there is a mass applying force to you, and the force is caused by gravity. Force is proportional to the mass. When there is no mass to squish you, and no force created by gravity to squish you, you are not squished. Hope this helps.
Eli Russell
>Why are the conservatives always the anti science ones?
This is the explanation you asked for. You're free to not believe it, but in OP you're claiming that there are contradictions in how physics sees gravity currently, and that's just not true - or at least you failed to demonstrate that there are contradictions.
Tyler Bell
Okay. Why should gravity squish you like a bug?
Adrian Davis
The force exerted due to gravity between two objects is equal to the gravitational constant times m_1 times m_2 divided by the square of the distance between the two objects. Unless you have empirical evidence that this is not true then we can take it as given.
Connor Campbell
>da grabity knows u weigh less so its more delakit
I'm sure there aren't any contradictions in your kabbalistic numbers game. Use some common sense. Ask yourself, does this make sense?
Ah so there is a gravitational constant you say. So why would the gravitational constant change just because you weigh less? Makes zero fucking sense except in your world of magic. It's literally hilarious you believe this over simplified explanation.
You simply don't understand what gravity is.
I deleted the other one because I had it backwards. Oh the irony
Dylan Scott
>not knowing gravity requires distance to notice it ie "height" gravity on earth isn't strong enough to crush our bodies. BUUUUUT, try jumping out set 10 story building.
This is exactly how it goes because the more/less mass the more/less attraction.
Tyler Perry
except it does do that, all the time, any time someone dies in a car crash that happens. earth is really the perfect situation for that not to happen, and thats why we formed here, and not somewhere where that would happen.
Ian Flores
>Ask yourself, does this make sense? Yes it makes sense. It was widely accepted as making sense from the very beginning because it explained distances between planets in solar system.
PS: The gravitational constant does not change. The force changes. We don't know why, we know this just is true from experimentation.
Luke Baker
>We wuz Semite wizards and sheit
Asher Johnson
Let's explore that.
Why? What is causing this attraction?
Camden Robinson
Common sense.
Elijah Bell
Magnetic/Electric effect. Electric Universe
Aiden Foster
The gravitational constant does not change. It's a fucking constant. What exactly do you think "constant" means? Pi doesn't change, e doesn't change, it's a fucking constant you literal retard.
I believe the general formula for force due to gravity is accurate because it can be verified experimentally. Do you have any experimental data that shows it is not accurate? Please share
Luke Robinson
Did you even make it to high school, OP?
Thomas Wilson
This may be an alien concept to you, but something can be happening even if you don't know why it is happening.
Daniel Robinson
>We don't know why Because your model of gravity is wrong. The fact that you come to its defense rather than try to model something better is exactly the problem.
Jaxson Bailey
>upside down In a heliocentric model in space there is no "right side up" of a sphere. Nice strawman argument, kike. You are trying to make flat earthers look stupid with a fake argument about not understanding physics.
Colton Thompson
Some believe that there are gravitons which cause of the gravitational attraction. Regardless, I suggest you look at things such as mass of earth, sun their average distance, etc so you can start learning about experimentation
Grayson Torres
Why do you think it is wrong? It lets you predict what will happen with extreme precision.
Bentley Young
>gravitons Did you get this word off of Star Trek or something?
OP I know I already took the bait, but keep on trolling, you're doing an excellent job.
Austin Fisher
Just because we don't fully understand something doesn't mean that we can't make a working model of it. This is the entirety of your argument and it's just incorrect. The model works, and you're free to demonstrate otherwise - show an example of something that happens in real world differently to how gravity model would predict it to happen.
Joshua Clark
That is a legitimate theoretical particle. Yet to be observed
Jose James
Obviously it reduces your HP by 3/4 Heavier versions go by 2/4 to 1/2
I realized it when I was 12 years old and witnessed a glowing spacecraft shoot out of the atmosphere from a stationary position. Went from perfectly still to 1000's mph within 2-3 seconds. Thought I may have hallucinated it until years later when youtube came out and people started posting videos of similar craft. They just look like bright stars, but move like strange inertia-free electrodynamic spacecraft. Definitely not sprites or ball lightening either. Lot's of anti-gravity research was done by aerospace industry until the late 50's when it was all hushed.
Owen Wood
Find a bigger planet and you'll get crushed just by standing on it. Or find a neutron star/black hole
Asher Harris
You forgot that gravity is strong enough to make the moon orbit but not strong enough to pull our head through our back.
Cooper James
hold a tank upside down?
Aiden Rivera
look nigger I get that you're just trolling retards here but please provide your empirical evidence that the general formula for force exerted due to gravity is not accurate.
Isaiah Young
Damn I just looked up the reason why and it turns out scientists don't even know. They're so fucking useless.
Carter Morris
look into the electric universe desu
Julian Turner
>Yet to be observed Like God, right science fren?
I explained the entirety of my argument. You can't understand it because you are emotionally invested in the preservation of your "gravity" meme. Read it again and try to understand.
You don't know why the force of the gravitational constant is dependent on weight. That doesn't sound like you understand gravity then and gives much more credence to the electric model.
I'm not saying some "force" doesn't exist. I'm saying YOUR concept is poorly thought through and therefore, gravity as its current concept does not exist. It is fundamentally flawed in its explanation.
Julian Butler
Foo Fighters.
Charles Johnson
I have never met someone who has actually taken college physics/math classes and believes this. I know that’s an appeal to authority, but everyone who believes flat earth or no gravity is a Dunning-Kruger case.
You can consider it poorly thought through as much as you want, but as long as you don't come up with evidence of it predicting behavior of objects in real world incorrectly you are not in position to claim that the model is wrong. It is not supposed to explain why - it explains how in practice is happens - and its explanation happens to verifiably correct.
Sebastian Allen
I'm mocking the gravy babies ITT
My theory is the sun comes up every day because I want it to. Does that mean my theory is correct? No. Just like yours isn't.
Time will show you gravity tards to be nothing more than scientific fundamentals.
It is funny that you choose to put the word "because" into your very first sentence in response to my post saying that a model does not answer "why", it answers how in practice things will happen.
Eli Sanchez
I believe in God you idiot, but Im also a physicist so I definitely think gravity is real. We have a decent model that describes complex behavior very well. I see no reason not to at least use it as a heuristic if you're skeptical.
Ayden Nelson
sage meme flag sage >Gravity can hold a tank upside down What? >Gravity can overcome centrifugal force of 1000mph incomplete equation numbnuts. .... And i give up, sage it got too retarded for me to compute
Colton Turner
>read the thread
You stopped replying to me when I asked for empirical evidence that the genera formula for force exerted due to gravity was inaccurate. Provide your data now or you are officially a nigger
Sebastian Rogers
You don't understand the phrasing of the problem that I am presenting. Go back and read again. I had to clarify it for the vodka nigger 5 times.
Hunter Morgan
Gravity is the atheists' god.
Nathan Collins
And not a single one of those clarifications makes sense. You are claiming that if you don't completely understand something, you can't make a working model of it, and that's entirely incorrect.
Gabriel Cook
gimme your fucking data you literal nigger. You're like an obnoxious undergrad that smokes too much weed to understand how retarded you are, wasting everybody's time with your retarded questions.
Aiden Morales
But you don't know why.
Here's a proposal.
Your mass = number of atoms which comprise you or any object. The greater your number of atoms the great your electrical attraction with earth. Was that so hard?
Dominic Hall
Go look up the falling speed of object in methane vs hydrogen
Parker Sanchez
Thats actually the scientific method though. Its not up to us to prove gravity doesnt exist. No one has ever proved gravity DOES exist so the burden of proof is on you. All physical evidence says the earth is flat. Until you can prove otherwise without using manipulated and false images, then we will continue to question the accepted theories
Ethan Bennett
Yikes. Theres a reason thats called theoretical physics, bud.
Jacob Wright
>>My theory is the sun comes up every day because I want it to. Does that mean my theory is correct? No. Just like yours isn't. Expanding upon that, if you offer your theory to scientific community, you'd be expected to provide a good demonstration of why it's supposed to be true. For one, you'd definitely be asked for one morning to not want for the sun to come up, and if you'd manage that, then yes, I would believe your theory. The reality is the sun will come up regardless of your wishes, which makes your theory wrong. The same can't be applied to gravity - it explains how things will act extremely well.
Are you on recreational drugs? How is this related in any way to what we discussed. I told you, multiple times, that "why" is not needed for the gravitational model to be verified as correct - gravitational model does not deal with "why", it's entirely unrelated to it.
Logan Johnson
Centrifugal force the average human experiences at equator is 0.0342343 m/s^2 eat shit, sage
Landon Brown
>I believe in God you idiot, but Im also a physicist My graduate advisor was like you. I don't understand how one can study such a strictly empirical field, where we depend so heavily on uncertainty, and still believe with any conviction in a higher being.
This thread is a forced meme. OP is taking inspiration from flat earthers, which recently gained traction. You're all fags.
Adam Lee
>falling speed
did you mean acceleration, nigger?
the force exerted due to gravity is given by the general formula. There are other forces exerted on a falling object, such as friction. Post a picture of your forearm with a time stamp to prove you aren't a nigger
Jackson Gray
>"why", it's entirely unrelated to it. what a meek copout for you to avoid having any accountability or partiality in this debate. you are afraid of risks and afraid of being wrong so you won't state why.
Whatever you want to call it. Go look it up and report back.
You put blind faith in more than you realize. It's hilarious.
Jonathan Wright
Physics gets inspiration from physical reality but the entire machinery is mathematical. In the final analysis, everything is proven mathematically. Im on the platonist side of things so ,for me, its a somewhat simple leap from "believing" in numbers/algebraic structures to higher order abstractions like God.