Sky Sports complete package edition.
Brit/pol/ - The Chronicles of Ngubu
Reminder: 14 days till IOTBW posters go up on Halloween
1. Posters go up on public spaces and campuses on Oct 31st
2. Only use the original design (pic related)
3. No vandalism or crime
4. (optional) wear a Halloween costume with a mask to blend in with trick-or-treaters for anonymity
Hows life leaf
redpill me on the norf
i can feel the suspense building towards the poster date... and the power
Hard drugs.
Lovely scenery.. in parts
Friendlier than here down souf
Not recovered from the ravages of thatcher
>I’m afraid she is losing the confidence now of colleagues of all shades of opinion, people who have been supportive of her throughout this process. They are close to despair at the state of this negotiation because there is a fear that both the government and the European Union are trying to run out the clock, that they are trying to leave this so late that they can then credibly say that there’s no alternative but a no deal Brexit. And most people agree that would be chaos. Now that is not an acceptable way for a leader of a government to behave.
Nick Boles on Today this morning.
Lol you lot are pathetic