It’s 4am and I’m here in the dark trying to digest this massive redpill

It’s 4am and I’m here in the dark trying to digest this massive redpill

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what do you mean by this, user?

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Open the bible and see for yourself.

Also, this is a really good rebuttal for pagan l4rpers who like to say we worship a kike on a stick.

Main thing is to focus on repentance and believe in Jesus.

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Reminder to all Catholics to pray the rosary and seven sorrows daily!

>It’s 4am and I’m here in the dark trying to digest this massive redpill

eat this

Attached: deut 20 17.jpg (960x960, 266K)

where did you find this, if seen atleast two other ones like this(pic related) curious of source and if there is more

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The real red pill is that you are following Jewish lore, basing your world view on Jewish philosophy, giving your children Jewish names, reading a book that details Jewish history (myths, that is), and at the same time you hate Jews and their influence on your life.

>But there can be no doubt: consider to whom one bows down in Rome itself today — and not only in Rome but over almost half the earth, everywhere that man has become tame or desires to become tame: in front of three Jews, as is known, and one Jewess (Jesus of Nazareth, the fisherman Peter, the rug weaver Paul, and the mother of the aforementioned Jesus, named Mary). This is very remarkable: without doubt Rome has been conquered. (Genealogy, 1.16)

>The Christian…is distinguished by acting differently: by not resisting, either in words or in his heart, those who treat him ill; by making no distinction between foreigner and native, between Jew and non-Jew (‘the neighbor’ — really the coreligionist, the Jew); by not growing angry with anybody, by not despising anybody… (sec. 33)