If you were the leader of a country, what would you do to ensure the nation is comprised of Chads and not of virgins?
If you were the leader of a country, what would you do to ensure the nation is comprised of Chads and not of virgins?
ever heard of sparta?
By replacing Maths class with lifting weights class.
everyone must own one dog and take it for 2 walks every day. - executive order.
Might work
Anavar and Vyvanse in the water supply
legalize drugs and let the weak kill themselves
And legalize testosterone boosters instead of mandating estrogen mimickers.
It's statistically impossible for everyone to be a chad, there are not enough women to men
You can't Chad-Virgin mechanism is an essential mechanism of Nature. If Nature wanted she would make all girls pretty but that isn't the case...same with Chads and Virgins.
Promote chad behavior, support competitiveness in schools. Not everyone is a winner. To be a winner you have to win, not just participate. This way everyone will strive to be a winner or be an outcast.
The Chads of Sparta were a minority and they were all "butch" (masculine) faggots, it was a construct that was completely against the Natural Order hence it collapse under it own weight.
-Not letting literal retards come into existence(downs, blah, etc.)
-Breeding stock women only, rest are purged
-No niggers of course
-Free speech
kill every single human baby. Only thing left would be based real animals that won't die when the internet breaks down.
>that shirt
>those tats
>that fake gay hair
This guy gets it
Its from a satirical TV comedy user.. ffs
>what would you do to ensure the nation is comprised of 20% and not of 80%?
Sorry but no leader of country has ability to distort realm of mathematics beyond laws of this world so that 20% is simultaneously 100%.
Women will not fuck you because of how ripped you are. Women fuck you because you belong to mast attractive minority. Make whole country lift and they will fuck only those who lift most of all, or tallest, whatever. Ban lifting and limit food, and they absolutely wont mind fucking skeletons as long as these are best 20% skeletons around.
Those shirts are great. They let you cool off if a nice comfortable way that doesn't look as douchey as a wife beater, faggot-ass tank top, or turning a t-shirt all the way into a tank top like somebody living the bro lyfe.
>what would you do to ensure the nation is comprised of Chads and not of virgins?
Make any name besides "Chad" illegal to have
Perhaps you're right. Perhaps you can't chad everyone. However look at Ww2, it made everyone a chad
Kalafatidis is that you?
Sorry user I am not
By the age of twelve every boy will have to take a fitness test as well as getting some blood and saliva DNA samples to see if they naturally produce more testosterone than other boys. All the boys who pass the fitness test and have higher testosterone will spend the rest of their years building a chad übermensch physique to breed with women and spread their chad genes to save the white race. However, any of the boys who failed the fitness test and produce lower testosterone than average will be forced to take hrt and consume onions while exercising to get a more feminine physique and fully become traps at the age of 18 where they will either serve the chads as their maids to clean and watch over the house or work in prostitution at the red light district brothel.
I read somewhere that almost all men produce a healthy amount of testosterone. However, some don't have the ability to absorb it all
when I said onions I meant onions///lent
Is chad and virgin relative? Like if you created a nation full of 10/10 chads, would women view the bottom 80% of them as unfuckable virgins?
By encouraging virgins to become chads, not by shunning them, that would only result in them being more anti-social.
I would deport all of the lesser than me men elsewhere and then have my harem of millions all to myself.
And thus the virgin Chad
The fuck are you smoking?? There is more women than men.
> he thinks being chad is determined by anything other than facial aesthetics
You think women care about his gay shirt or his gay tat or that his hair is died?
Force kids to fuck, best fucker get a lollipop and a loli
>bottom 80%
I still like my idea because the system would encourage boys who have been genetically proven to have more testosterone to exercise far more than other boys so they are also encouraged to have as many white babies as possible. It might reduce the white race to be nigger-tier but this race is in a desperate need of brawns over brains with all the blacked BM/WF shit being pushed by the media. But then again, would you rather have strong, muscular, musclehead, white chads or skinny, lanky, white virgins who are addicted to cuck porn?
Must serve in the armed forces for at least 3 years before getting public assistance
Be married by 25
Meat only diet
Shaving is forbidding
Boxing in phys ed.
There's no such thing as betas/alphas ect in humans, but there are people who have experiences full ego integrity by putting themselves completely on the line in competition against another males, as all males do, of most species, and there's people who haven't.
I was a kid long before the coddling attitudes of today, fighting was common, everybody got into a few scraps.
There is no such thing as somebody from any of my classes who hasn't had relationships with women, I can only think of a few people out of hundreds from school who have never had kids.
Even the "nerds" from my generation have kids.
Fighting is part of becoming a man, status games are prevalent in all juvenile mammals.
Fighting is an important part of growing up, fighting and losing and getting over it is especially important.
Many of the young now seem to be afraid, paralyzed by fear. They do not really try with women, they do not commit, because they are afraid, they don't realize that there is nothing to be afraid of.
You can lose today and nothing truly changes for you, you can still win tomorrow, everybody who has fought and lost knows this simple truth.
And there are those who never lose, a boy who does not fight may be such a person but they might never get to discover this.
So I would promote competition through boxing and make it mandatory, like the Canada Fitness Challenge was mandatory when I went to school.
Also I would compel schools etc to take a hands off approach to roughhousing unless somebody is seriously hurt, that's how shit used to work, and it was fine, it also promoted chivalry, we didn't kick people when they were down and so forth because that's when it turned from playing to a problem.
Get all the fellas GFs by enforcing strict standards of monogamous heterosexual marriage. Alternatively we do a 180 on that and just pay whorish women out of a sovereign wealth fund to have sex with every dude, because if all of them have had sex, none of them are virgins, and all of them can totally brag about the sex, making them appear to be Chads.
As an aside did any of you guys watch that Law and Order that covered this meme? I'm surprised I haven't seen it here.
>make power-lifting part of the national curriculum.
>teach that femininity in men is wrong.
That would solve most of the problems desu
>women decide what's manly
tits or gtfo
Responsibility, fitness, and an infinite percent increase in instances of women coming up to you to pet your dog.
Care to extrapolate?
I think he means that every chad has 12 girls sucking on his dick at any one time so you would need to kill a lot of boys at birth
You almost had the right idea
Rights are not granted to all. The only ones who are allowed to vote are white men above a to-be-determined IQ level. We'd shoot for about 20-30% being naturally allowed to vote. The others have to earn their right through military or public service.
The women will love these chadly smart/strong/brave men and will be more likely to breed with them rather than the rightless men. Women not being allowed to vote at all, unless they serve, will be more dependent on men as nature intended.
1.Sterilize all under 100 IQ and normalize the IQ test (this will be done every other generation)
2. Hitler Youth 2.0
3. Don't force people who will never understand math and science into untenable positions in education.
4. Incentivize blue-collar and military work.
4. Keep women in their roles, and praise them as the bearers of the next generation of strong men, even so far as to prioritize them for the state's needs.
5. Keep the nation in perpetual conflict to keep morale high and the men psychologically locked into a higher cause to ward off degeneracy.
>Mandatory military service at age 18
>Mandatory and free education in every level BUT focused on history, nationalism, maths, heavy morals and theology classes
>Policy of only 2 children
>healthy orphans must be given to the state to create an elite force, the president personal bodyguards, special forces, spys
>Christianism is the oficial religión of the state and we must protect by any means
>National pride parades every 6 months showing our army and guns
>Jail to weak men, like those can't take care of their family or impregnate and don't marry the girl later, marriage is the base of our civilization.
>Abortion illegal with exeptions if the baby is unfit to life, with mental retardation or an STD mortal like aids, if they baby is the result of rape and it's healthy he must be sent to the elite force mentioned before to be raised as a son of the country.
>We must encorage martial arts over guns because guns are for fags unfit to fight, only cops and army are allowed to use them against criminals and invasors from foreingn lands, we protect our land and never invade another country for natural resources
>We must banish all the jews and take over all national industries, but even if the industry is owned by the state it must be run like a private one and not like a commie one
>Our tv only show history documentals and our government gift 3 free books every Christmas that can be claimed on oficial places.
>Náhuatl must be tought in schools we must take back our culture and roots
>We must genocide the criollos inside our land or send em back to Arabia Aka spain but keep the women and absorb them in the society
> Keep the nation in perpetual conflict to keep morale high and the men psychologically locked into a higher cause to ward off degeneracy.
And how are you going to ensure that this country always stays at war for all eternity?
Hm....everyone's giving a joke answer, might as well try a serious one.
First, I'd remove the incentives from divorce. No more child support, no more alimony, shared child custody is the default unless PROVEN abuse. If allegations of abuse are made, they have to be investigated and if the parent lied to try and manipulate the court, it's prison for them. Ensure a role for fathers in the lives of their kids (provided they aren't abusers) and treat attempts at parental alienation and leaving the state/nation with the kids as a major felony.
Second, end all forced diversity quotas in schools and businesses. Engage in tort reform to make allegations of discrimination harder to push without solid evidence and start punishing people who make false accusations.
Third, make all rape accusations police investigation mandatory whether they're made to the police or just on some talk show. Prison time for false accusers.
Fourth, start purging the fucking schools of anything without academic rigor. No more gender studies. No more soft sciences. In fact, start purging the schools of Marxists in general. Start hiring more male teachers and kick any female out who unironically calls xerself a feminist.
Fifth, start making it perfectly clear to violent and stupid minority groups that the free ride is over. They either assimilate or get the fuck out. Anyone who won't leave willingly will be tattooed and kicked out along with their children. If the nation in this case is the US, the auto-citizenship for kids born in the US to non-citizen parents part of the constitution has to go.
Finally, start bringing back unironic nationalism Respect for ones nation and community. Start loosening the laws and encourage people to solve their own problems again. Stop relying so much on the state. If someone is a complete dick to you and you deck them, that shouldn't be anything more than an infraction. Again, tort reform will work wonders here.
You know this means that most scientists, writers, accountants, financiers, etc., right? I'm not talking about basedbois here, I'm talking about men who are just more cerebral and less physical than others. Many of these men become leaders in time, or are perhaps just late developers into puberty.
I read somewhere than males with higher intelligence go through puberty later than men with lower intelligence (hence the skinny smart kid vs big dumb jock stereotype) but it would be a serious mistake to remove those more intelligent men from the gene pool just because they can't bench 200 lb
>If you were the leader of a country, what would you do to ensure the nation is comprised of Chads and not of virgins?
All fertile women will be impregnated by my seed alone.
>we protect our land and never invade another country for natural resources
And what are you going to do when your nation runs out of resources? I don't think Mexico is going to have a space force in the next 100 years.
Because people weren't afraid to die for what they believe in and everyone trained daily for the war, also being alpha and beta isnt a binary thing, its a spectrum.
Endorse polygamy, ban monotheistic religions, enforce mandatory military service, implement a population cap, add educational curriculum's centered on financial and physical health.
>If you were the leader of a country, what would you do to ensure the nation is comprised of Chads and not of virgins?
You need both though, Alphas are leaders, alphas produce the best quality offspring, alphas drive society onwards. Betas are needed to do the menial tasks and jobs, to follow orders, to be cannon fodder and to produce and consume goods etc.
Chads already do what they are meant to do, take the best quality females and reproduce, often with beta's wife lol, chads are running companies and leading virgin cannon fodder into war. IT ALL WORKS AS INTENDED.
Romans took them out bro, it was initially by Thebes but they still kept their political independence until the Romans arrived.
>Incentivize blue-collar and military work.
>Sterilize all under 100 IQ and normalize the IQ test
People with low IQs can still be useful in blue collar environments. Someone with an IQ of 130 is going to get bored doing a simple task over and over again, but someone with an IQ of 99 might find it fulfilling.
>Don't force people who will never understand math and science into untenable positions in education.
This. Only a tiny percentage of students will end up being scientists or mathematicians, and yet we teach it to everyone (obviously basic knowledge is needed for day-to-day use, but past that it should be up to the students to learn themselves.)
This might be the only acceptable leaf on Jow Forums, you completely right, only by stepping out of our comfort zone we can grow, men were made to take risks and women to play it safe.
And this whole alpha/beta thing is a spectrum nobody is 100% alpha nor beta.
More like Chads are dying by virgin hands.
The beta uprising is already here, every shooting proves it.
Who here /watchingitburn/
They did not collapse under their own weight, chuckluck.
Alexander did not conquer them out of respect and they only got assimilated later on, by the romans.
Spartans, like most of greece, used Helots for labour. Slaves. They were doing perfectly fine and were self-sufficient.
Damn, there are a lot of really great ideas in this thread.
>they still kept their political independence until the Romans arrived.
Independent but also impotent. The Spartans had sunk into irrelevancy by the time of Alexander the Great, partly because of the Peloponnese War but also because their rigid system of birth control and trying to turn every man into a soldier stunted them and resulted in population decline.
Prove your pic related isn't using steroids.
Same way every successful patriarchy has done it throughout history. Enforced monogamy, restriction of female agency and sexuality.
>And what are you going to do when your nation runs out of resources? I don't think Mexico is going to have a space force in the next 100 years.
Thats easy, my hipotetic México would never run out of them, as you can see i implemented a 2 child policy to prevent over population, also free and mandatory education to combat poverty, bad parents are jailed and taken away from the children ir sterilized, state take care of the children and supply them but raise them to be funcional citizens, my rule is focused on conservationim of the environment and moderation, we are not commies or capitalist, it's something in the middle, we belive in offer and demand but not in senseless and empty consumism, national industry is owned by the state but run like a private one, moderation is the key, we don't need to steal if we have an autarky economy.
I hate seeing this juiced manlet zoomer immitating zyzz.
Force testosterone upon men to get chads and force estrogen upon women for big tits.
wrong, it made every survivor a Chad
>nobody is 100% alpha nor beta.
Not strictly true, you are either alpha or you are not, you are either the dominant male among a particular group of males or you are not. Sure there are true heirarchies where all males in a group is ranked, but one and only one is the Alpha male (100% Alpha) at any given time, that is simply a fact.
For example I am the alpha male in my office, i am the senior manager, I am the strongest and fittest physically and the smartest man there, I am the leader, I am aware of what that means, I see the way all the females behave around me as opposed to the way the behave around my subordinates, if I was so inclined I could bang them all. However when I attend senior management meetings I am outranked by several other men, but more than that the big boss is another true alpha male, he is about my size but mentally he's more dominant, he gets the kind of respect in these meetings that I get in my office.
So I am 100% alpha in my office, in my home, I am still an alpha in the board meetings but I'm one of many alphas present, we are a group of alpha males and females, but only one of us is the dominant alpha in the room.
Alphas are alpha, betas are beta. It's really that black and white.
>force testosterone to get chads
2/3 of testosterone is converted to estradiol via aromatase. All you are going to get is chads with gyno tits shilling for open boarders. It's not that simple.
There is an obvious paradox here.
If everybody is a Chad, nobody is a Chad.
You need a small amount of alphas in any society to keep it balanced. There will be betas and a small amount of omegas, of course.
But you need the posibility to rise your status to keep the mass of betas under control.
I think Peterson has also a theory about lobster innate programation over this issue...
Breed all the women personally.
>The Chads of Sparta were a minority and they were all "butch" (masculine) faggots, it was a construct that was completely against the Natural Order hence it collapse under it own weight.
>for example I am the alpha
>in my office
Mandatory military service. Meaningful exercise programs. Death to subversives.
Chad is necessarily ripped
one man. a chad that have came from the depths of the galaxy will take on the world.
good post
manlet detected