Space exploration is the only way

It’s the only way to create a perfect society, and you all know it.

There are essentially 4 places where humans can live
A. Earth
B. in space on space stations
C. on another planet in our solar system
D. on an exoplanet

A. can’t be made into a perfect society, we all know that. D. are too far away. That leaves B. and C. Let’s go!

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Not during our lifetime though

It'd be pretty neat, I'd love to go to space someday.

Mars suck. Average surface temp colder than Antarctica's average surface temp. Ambient air pressure is essentially a vacuum, it is a small fraction of 1 Earth atmosphere and it is almost all CO2. No magnetic field or ozone layer to shield protect from harmful solar radiation. I don't want to live 100% indoors or in a space suit my entire life. Imagine never experiencing a single breath of fresh air EVER. Only recycled and filtered farts.
That would take thousands of years and is just science fiction.

Reaching another star system is still totally science fiction at this stage. The closest star is a few light years away. We can't even do a space mission that is self sufficient for a few years, let alone reach velocities that are a significant % of the speed of light making the trip to the closest star take ONLY decades or maybe centuries.

Actually there is only one place where humans can live and it's Earth. Space exploration is still something we should do.

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can we at least all agree that niggers and jews cant come to space with us?

You're forgetting moons and asteroids. There's far more room on them and in them than planets. For example, we can't colonize Jupiter, Saturn, or Uranus. They're gas giants. However, they have tons of moons and asteroids that we can. The Asteroid Belt is also quite massive and relatively close.

>Imagine never experiencing a single breath of fresh air EVER
All "fresh air" is bad and always has been. Artificial air is far superior since you can control exactly what you breathe in. It's optimized, refreshing, and energizing.