How rich are these fucks? They make the president of united states look like a pawn

How rich are these fucks? They make the president of united states look like a pawn.

Attached: Saudi Arabia.png (274x184, 6K)

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aramco (monarch owned) is worth 2 trillion dollars

look it up

>The family is estimated to comprise 15,000 members, but the majority of the power and wealth is possessed by a group of about 2,000 of them.

>With a estimated combined wealth of over $1 trillion, the House of Saud is one of the wealthiest families in the world.

Attached: best allies.png (600x357, 194K)

2 Trillion dollars that is about 1/50th the wealth of the all US citizens combined. And as much wealth as all the citizens of Sweden. They have about 3 times the wealth of all of their own citizens combined (700B usd).


Your mighty God emperor is our bitch

Dopey Prince @Alwaleed_Talal wants to control our U.S. politicians with daddy’s money. Can’t do it when I get elected.


So basically killing 1500 those ragheads will earn US 2 trillion dollar overnight. lmao let's do this!

Attached: 1539680740163.jpg (400x400, 20K)

you murricans should do one decent thing already and attack those subhumans.
saudi arabia, the emirates, they have to go.

Too bad you are too dumb for a normal conversation or I could explain you how dumb you are

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The US doesn't need your oil anymore.
I would be very worried if I were you.

Funny you say that when they keep 74% of all your nations wealth for their family, and leave the rest of your nation with the scraps.Seems more like you guys are their bitches if anyone is.

The US wants to sell weapons.

why don't we just fucking nuke Saudi arabia? serious question

Funny you say that when the so-called scraps still make ordinary citizens not affiliated with the royal family relatively obscenely rich compared to you europoors.

Attached: Saudis in London.jpg (1100x619, 161K)

Yet Trump was begging us to increase production, which we can but won't. We paid him lip service instead, that gullible cheetoman.

Very rich. Basically the entire Russia Election Hackers, the whole Let's Invade Syria, Let's WW3 with Russia narrative, is because they pay off politicians in the US millions upon millions of dollars to get them to do what they want.

Hillary's gotten like a quarter billion from Saudis to her Clinton Foundation. All that of course trickled out to her other democrat allies and was used to help them, too. Ripples in the pond, in the end you have hysterical leftist idiots that were former supposed hippies and such, that basically want world war 3 with the Slavs.

Attached: Clinton2.jpg (960x960, 141K)

well the us doesn't even need your shitty crude anymore. Have fun with your war against Iran

I don't thing you get who calls the shots in the US-Saudi relationship burger...

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Attached: page1-500px-United_States_Shale_gas_plays,_May_2011.pdf.jpg (500x386, 114K)

Turkey did it

Dutch citizens (17M) have more 4 times more wealth than all the citizens of Saudi Arabi (33M).
Dutch mean wealth is 204,045 per adult. Saudi Arabian mean wealth is 35,042 per adult.

I am pretty sure you are using a proxy, because ever real Saudi would know most Saudis are dirt poor.

Attached: 1532348777560.png (470x470, 412K)

>Dutch citizens (17M) have 4 times more wealth than all the citizens of Saudi Arabia (33M)*

Nah dude, see that guy Trump replied to on twitter was the bad terrorist! We sell weapons to the good terrorists! 6D Jew Dicksucking Chess!

15.000 family members ? How the fuck is that possible

Go and watch some videos where those sandy bois are drifting cars in the desert and destroying them. Every singe car still has the dealership info sticker in the passenger side window. These oil rich orangutangs buy a container off a ship, full to the brim, and give them out like party favors to all their cousin fucking cousins.

Attached: 1539827332513.png (639x960, 680K)

he's a twitter investor. tell the left, every time they tweet, they're sucking his dick.

so are you btw.

>Yet Trump was begging us to increase production
Because the US is still supporting the global trade system. And for that, it needs the oil to flow. Even if it's oil that it wouldn't need for itself.
>which we can but won't.
There's huge public support for the US to retire completely from the middle east. Most people do not understand what this would mean for the world, but it does not matter and the US would be fine no matter what now.
You better pray to that goat fucker of yours that this does not happen. Instead of having a decade or two to adapt as was originally planned, you could have just a few months.

All you increasing oil production means to anyone here outside the oil industries (and some portion of residuals that can adjust either way; oil transportation, some manufacturing of materials to do it) is just well, cheaper oil and gas prices which benefit everyone and everything aside that one sector of the economy.

Flood us again, you sand niggers. Cheap gas is good for the economy. The uptick during it shows it's fine. All dollars saved per tank fill up, price of good manufactured or freight shipment costs lowered just benefits all of us here.

And it's been quite proven by the resuming ramp up of domestic production as soon as prices came back up, that you're not going to destroy our ability ever to drill our own, just by feeding us cheap oil again. Of course he's going to attempt to have you do it.

We're not your bitch. Without your payoffs to Hillary/NeoCon republicans working, to make us fight your wars for you, you're Our resource pigs.

>35,042 per adult
Lmao what currency? If usd then that's less than what an ordinary Saudi and his family spends on annual vacations
>most Saudis are dirt poor
>unironically thinks all the pajeets and yemeni workers here are Saudi and includes them in his statistics

Which is why I said we won't increase the production. We will make you spend extra shekels at the pump just because we can.
>mutt reading comprehension

Scrooge Mcduck rich.

hmm i wonder who would win that without foreign intervention haha. The negotiation position of Saudi Arabia has never been weaker the last 50 years, and it is all down hill from here.

There's your catch-22 though Hajji. Either you give over cheap oil, or we just drill our own. You're not coming out of this for long as not the resource piggy. Either way, we win. Cheap gas or ultimately becoming independent from needing You.

Pretty sure Pajeets and Yemeni's don't get citizenship to Saudi so they probably won't count in the statistics.

Mean wealth 35,042 usd per adult, Median wealth 11,555 usd (see link below).

>If usd then that's less than what an ordinary Saudi and his family spends on annual vacations
Spending is not wealth, Income is not wealth, net savings is wealth.

>most Saudis are dirt poor
Median wealth 11,555 usd.So yes they are. You guys might live beyond your means for now because of the oil income. But most Saudi's are useless human being with a poor education. Just because you can point out some individuals who spend money lavishly, on ghastly golden cars to compensate for their inferiority complex does not mean Saudi's are wealthy.

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I used to hate saudis and Israel but now that Trump came along I finally realized the complex geo-petro-political situtation in middle east. We have to protect saudis and Israel AT ALL costs


their oil consumption is growing very fast, they're on track to become an importer in the 2030s

Attached: saudi-arabia-oil-production-exports.png (765x460, 54K)

They do count. Look up the stats of Qatar for instance, for citizens you would need to multiply the numbers by at least 10 to match the reality. Same goes for the rest of the gulf.

>Does not understand the difference between income and wealth.
No they do not count, it is just citizens not inhabitants i.e. illegals and foreign works + citizens.

>National net wealth, also known as national net worth, is the total sum of the value of a nation's assets minus its liabilities. It refers to the total value of net wealth possessed by the citizens of a nation at a set point in time.

Saudi Arabia national wealth is 772B usd
22,707,576 Saudi nationals


Tfw you realize it has all been a lie, and Saudis are driving expensive cars payed for by borrowed money.

well, they produce the most oil in the world so...

No the US does.

I generally dislike Saudi Arabia because of their propaganda.
With that being said "The House of Saud" literally sounds like a family from Krypton so I can't truly hate these guys.

you mean they did for a short period before the saudis raised their output recently after the OPEC agreement.

Got a source the most recent i have is of 9th of April 2018?

Money isn't real, and oil is plentiful, and derived from biomass.

Money is but a small part of all the assets that constitute wealth.

>Dutch mean wealth is 204,045 per adult.
WTF why are you guys so rich?

German mean wealth is 203,946. we are not extra ordinary rich, compared other western European countries, take a look.

German mean wealth per adult*

Their GDP is 683 Million
The state of Texas' is 1.6 Trillion

That's wrong though. The average Saudi earns less than a citizen of a developed country, the Saudi royal is so corrupt, the average Saudi would be much better off if the House of Saud never ruled them.

>Their GDP is 683 Million
683 Billion usd, but GDP is almost the same as income. and not the same as wealth.

Ah sorry I‘m dumb, wealth isn‘t disposable income obviously.

Petro dollar

Attached: IMG_20180915_131400.jpg (2048x1152, 983K)

Net assets, but yeah that would be astonishing if our mean income was 200K usd a year.

And your son will ride a camel again.

why are you guys so flashy? i mean, you could have all the bells and whistles, but why the golden cars and the 30" wheels and such?

Arabs have gaudy and shit taste. That's one more reason to call them sandniggers.

>the NATO states allowed the stone age muslims to become so rich their money is now infiltrating western politics and corrupting all of our politicians

Jews are to blame for this

Typical nouveau riche, no matter how wealthy you get you can never buy a family history. To compensate for their inferiority complex try try to show off their wealth as much as possible so they do not get confused with the camel driver/shoe polisher/rice farmer their ancestors were. And this

go back to twitter and never comeback.

Oil and saudi airline.
All Muslims around the world visited saudi Arabia at least once.
I went their 5 times.

All those cars are stolen from car dealers kek, that's why they don't give a fuck about them. Saudi citizens are poor as fuck.

that alaweed guy is worth like 20 bil.


You need to improve your English skills of you want to shill well.

t. Pajeet