Is there a country more cucked than Germany?

Is there a country more cucked than Germany?

>Plant trees in 1932
>Trees are decidous in a forest of evergreens
>A few weeks of every year it looks like a swastika
>Doesn't even get noticed until many many years later
>German government forces itself onto private property and cuts down trees because they're offensive, even though literally no one will ever notice them.
>Destroy history, and decades old trees for no reason

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Boo hoo fucking tree huger

Our country helped make this happen, faggot.

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If trees make a swastika in the forest and there is no one to see, will a kraut get upset?

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yes Canada

so now theres just an empty swastika shaped void ?

they also forbid 28 as combination on license tags because 2 = B, 8 = H B & H = Blood & Honor = US Neonazi gang

>so now theres just an empty swastika shaped void ?

all year.


so now there is a swastika shaped clearing in place of the missing trees?

What a bunch of evil traitors

knowing the jews they probably burnt the whole forest down now that i think about it

>our country
nice flag, bitch

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>Destroy history, and decades old trees for no reason
Not that i care but you clearly listed the reason

Tress can be replanted and will bloom just in time for the next world war.

thank the anglo and their masters for that

>Destroy history, and decades old trees for no reason
Are you implying that's a bad thing to do to Krauts?

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Nazi Germany is so evil they loved the environment and animals.

Fuck off jew


We keep out tree' honouring Il Duce.

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82 = Honor & Blood
88 = well, you know
14 = 14 Words
Need to meme them more, Kraut, such that the forbid huge swathes of plate #s.

that's fucking hilarious.
you absolutely KNOW that they didn't think it through at all.

>1 post by this ID
>A fucking leaf

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>Nu-Germany kills trees because they resemble a symbol. But they are the good guys.

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Germany its ok, man
You guys can stop, you have nothing to prove just stop

nature hating kike