Marijuana should remain illegal.
Marijuana should remain illegal
How is it possible to lack so much self control that you need the government to tell you that something is ok or not?
lolbers are the absolute worst
>Marijuana should remain illegal.
Too bad I'm not, less government intervention the better. This goes for pretty much everything, the government isn't there to control every aspect of peoples lives.
> a maple syrup guzzling moose molester has an opinion
100% ignored.
It’s more a matter of the stupid masses already being awful, let’s not allow them to consuming another drug that makes them even worse.
Then be ideologically consistent and get rid of them all.
Do you also believe alcohol and tobacco should be illegal?
banning a hallucinogenic =/= "control every aspect of people's lives"
Fuck off everyone already has no motivation and most are crippled by anxiety and depression
it honestly doesn't matter if it's legal or not, it's super easy to get either way and retards will simply keep smuggling it or growing it
>tfw it showed me that being schizo-affective likely is hereditary in my family
Weak argument.
People don't act like retarded zombies for hours after having a cigarette. People who drink aren't allowed to:
-be intoxicated in public
It shouldn’t be illegal , helps me to identify people I should avoid.
Never met an ambitious weed smoker or anyone worth networking with, Reddit being thrilled (reddit mostly being retail workers) should tell you everything
Now add in the context you dumb nigger.
>This goes for pretty much everything
I didn't say banning cannabis is the government controlling every aspect of your life, I said it's not there to do that in the first place.
There's a parallel between prohibitionist and inoculationist propaganda. Both implicitly assume that everyone to a man will smoke dope/get a catastrophic and fatal case of the illness and there are not whatsoever society-costs to prohibition/adverse reactions to vaccines.
How's it a weak argument? Alcohol and tobacco are way more dangerous than marijuana and yet no one wants them illegal, but they want marijuana illegal. And people don't act like retarded zombies after smoking marijuana, but they do after drinking alcohol. So what if people who drink aren't allowed to be intoxicated in public or drive? That doesn't stop them from doing it.
> Facts
As an ex pot-head that ruined my education I can attest to the majority of these being true for me.
>Marijuana should remain illegal.
If so, it needs to be taken seriously. It's not even considered a crime in the UK, just a rebellious act with few consequences.
I'd far rather it were "legal" but that facts such as these were more widely publicised. Keeping it illegal makes these facts sound like propaganda.
I need it to tell that to other people who don'y have self control.
It's cute that you lot are all still making a big deal about weed.
Those things only happen if you smoke all the time. If you drink alcohol all the time in excess you will be far worse off.
But you still shouldn't smoke it, and we should still make fun of potheads. Just like alcohol and other drugs.
You should legally be able to do pretty much whatever the fuck you want as long as you don't hurt someone else more or less directly.
Anti marijuana jews are almost as bad as weed niggers
ban flouride in the water and 5g atennas wtf are you bashing a plant 24/7 you faggot
t. brainlet who bought rockefeller propaganda
It was legal until last year over here
Refugees got it banned because they smoked it in public and were annoying with it by trying to sell it to old people in the metro
It was legal to posses ~2g if it is explainable that it's for use only and not for dealing
They could fine you ~100€ for disturbing the peace and taking it from you if you acted retarded with it like smoking it in public for example
Legalization drove the prices up in certain states with taxes so yea, should've stayed illegal. The weed was a lot better about 10 years ago in CA, seems worse now.
link vid
sounds like alcohol