Celebrating Diversity

Welcome all fellow immigrants, people of color, multi-ethnic and none gender binary individuals, women and members of the LGBT community. This is our thread let these racists and bigots know they have no future, not even on Jow Forums. Celebrate your diversity from the ideals of white men and share your experiences dealing with hate! This is our community outreach these people are too sheltered for there own good let's add a little colour in their lives!

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Well, at least you aren't a meme flag, I'll give you that


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Russia and eastern Europe has always been 20 years behind the West you will soon catch up look at the vibrant communities of LGBTQ peoples and people of colour in Moscow and St Petersburg! Don't worry we love your hate let people be free and true to themselves.

God fucking damnit you faggot kill yourself before getting back to /lgbt/ trash

Either return to tumblr, or, kindly go to the /lgbt/ board.

We love your hate make yourselves know so we can pull you out of the darkness hate and intolerance have no place in the new world. Capitalism, Patriarchy the era of the white man will all end soon!

Well, we will need to first fix our economy for that. The way we are moving right now isn't very good for liberalism.

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This is Politics our world is changing whether you can deal with it or not it is happening why is it that you get to promote hate, intolerance and the most vile bigotry yet I can't promote love, peace, tolerance and most importantly acceptance? Let all the people here know that we have a voice and we're not going away ever so engage with us and learn to live in peace with diversity or there won't be a place for you in the future. We still want to help you even though you hate us.

What's the alternative more repression? More oppression, more restrictions, more hate, more violence, more misery? People want happiness Russians deserve to be happy.

You can't hide behind mockery and sarcasm forever learn to accept others.

What's the point in posting here, like you've said, "we" are a bunch of hate filled, intolerant bigots, but you're choosing here to post about acceptance? You don't change peoples minds by yelling at them to accept people. You change them by having conversations, chances are you're just baiting us tho.

Firstly, I wasn't saying that's the direction I support heading. But that's where Russia is going right now.

Liberalism is not a bad thing per se, but only when its applied in moderation. There is nothing bad in accepting good hard-working people from different cultures, that's actually beneficial for the society. Yet, letting in people with a different set of morals with hardly any check on their background is just stupid and inefficient. You can love these people all you want, it won't make them respect, let alone love you and your ideas.

Let's have a conversation then mister meme flag hail hortler! lmao sorry. Tell me why the flag why the hate it's the same old thing tried again and again and all we have get is endless blood shed and misery.

Got my dick this weekend. Tranny power!

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Well, the thing is. I can't speak for the majority, I guess the thing is, it seems like people like you forget that behind the user tag is a person. Like you or I, who probably goes to the store or has to use the shitter like everyone else. If the whole "acceptance" thing wasn't shoved down everyones throat, you probably wouldn't have people so angry at 'progressives'. Heck, most people just want to be left alone to get on with their lives.

As for the Hitler Flag, just reppin' my main man.

Of course I agree with you there 100% violent and lazy people need to be helped prison and welfare doesn't work and we need things and people to work but to be happy in their work. It takes time like you said I am not suggesting opening the gates for the entire world to move in start slowly and let decent people in especially women and children and men with families and persecuted minorities from other nations they cause the least trouble and contribute the most. Young men are young men they will always be a headache.

I think this is bait but i'll bite once and decide. I also want to end capitalism, how do you think ending the patriarchy and white men will help end capitalism?
Would you rather end capitalism or get rid of white men?

Isn't the British flag a memeflag, though?


It not to forcefully convert you at gun point that is what white men have done historically we are just say we are here to stay and will defend ourselves from bigotry we have a right to free speech just as you all do why is it you don't say anything about all the hateful propaganda by right wingers but when we say one thing on promoting our ideals we're shoving it down your throat?

Dont you know this is current year and we dont have to take this intrusion. Dont come here attacking Jow Forums when it exists as a place for everybody except pussys that cant handle strong language. Look at the options for boards to visit. We got it all a place for everybody from the faggot to the nazi to the bible thumper to the witchcrafter. Dont come here screeching about intolerance when you have come here with the full weight of intolerance in your message. Jow Forums is a board of peace so fuck off you faggot nigger cunt kike bitch retard.

>be in Germany 1939
Fuck niggers, gays and kikes.
You’re ability to try and spread your supposed good intentions, and virtue signal to your kind is like being a ballerina @ 250 pounds.
It’s fucked up and rather pointless.
You’re best off @ 9Gag or reddit normie shits stain

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It's the samething white men are the pillars that hold up capitalism. We live in an age of increasing automation and abundance wealth can not be horded and we shouldn't be treated like serfs let the wealth of this planet be shared amongst all it's inhabitants for the good of all not just a fraction of a fraction of the population. Let the creators be put an a pedestal as the best among us that drive humanity forward not as leeches sucking up the wealth of nations and the planet for their own selfish desires.

Thought you were just misguided but, either you're a tard or just a retard, fuck off to whatever shit hole you came from.

God I cant wait for you to finally get a caliph so that this bullshit posts will end.

This. I used to be "ok" with nigs and fags, but the more they are forced into my life, the more I hate them. The more they are forced into my life, the bolder they become, giving them the belief that they can also control my life. Going beyond that, they want to control my thoughts and how I express myself as an individual, too. This hatred has become so intense that the only thing saving them from me is my belief in law and order.

Sorry for disturbing your larp box circle jerk and bruising you fragile egos, fail bortler! Smeg file!


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Lets be honest here the only larp is you joan.

Goddamn, this is exactly what I've been trying to say, they're a bunch of invasive morons. Up until the whole Trump thing, I couldn't have cared less. Now I've done a complete 180 and gone full 14/88 because everything from vidya, to my favourite shows are full of this kind of tolerance loving bullshit.

You're recording a screen? That updates maybe once a minute. For what? Where is your gotcha? What's the point.

We got him call the mods gets his IP and MAC address. My buddies at the FBI will be paying you a vist for planning a terrorist activities. Get real how have they been forced on you? How are they trying to control your life? What fantasy world do you live in? Sharing the responsibility and you putting your part is not persecution you privileged man baby.

Hey soi_boi, wanna go role play elswhere.

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Blood for the blood god

Im going to videorecord everything then send all your hate speech to the human rights commission buddy, game over !

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I agree with you but dude you've gotta stop falling for obvious bait

Good luck cuckadian

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Hahaha Jow Forums has got the gay now how's that alex

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oh thats fine, ill just get koala and kangaroo human rights brigade to hop on over and detain you in a kangaroo pouch


Oh, shit. I've fucked up boys. Big man fucktard is gonna call me up? Guess what shitstain, I'm Australian, do you know what that means? Your nigger loving, snowboarding syrup loving ass is gonna be nothing but sweat and chafe marks by the time you track me down.

It's a serious habit, I know. You keep telling me, but I can't help it. ;-;
I'll go to therapy, I promise.

Remember to bake my cake bigot. That will sure show people that your brand of intolerance is okay because it's filled with diversity.

If any of you are bumping this bullshit \ thread you are part of the problem. Sage goes in the options field. This post is trying to incite a raid on Jow Forums. I wont stand by and allow this to happen. This memeflag larper is breaking global rule of trolling outside of /b/. Mods=Gods shut it down. Sage sage sage.

>when you’re country legalised pot, so white youth can become more fucked up.

You literally have nothing original or funny.

You can sage reality white boy

>I can't take the thought of my daughter going black


Whiteboy ready carefully your daughter going to fuck a nigger you wife will have fucked a rainbow before she settles for you aaaaaaahhahahahahabaa

I Also Enjoy To Have Penis In Rectum
Come Have a Party.
Come Have a Party.
I Do Cocaine

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Welcome all fellow immigrants, people of color, multi-ethnic and none gender binary individuals, women and members of the LGBT community. This is our thread let these racists and bigots know they have no future, not even on Jow Forums. Celebrate your diversity from the ideals of white men and share your experiences dealing with hate! This is our community outreach these people are too sheltered for there own good let's add a little colour in their lives!

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Wow they really stood up for you. Maybe gays could stop letting the left use them for politics, no one cares what you do in the bedroom, just quit trying to make us accept your degeneracy. BTW Muslims really don't like you.

When civil war breaks out you Untermensch cunts will be the first to die...

You feed the crocodile hoping it will eat you last.!!!

The liberal left and Jews are the worlds disease... pure Mind Aids.

I feel compelled to leave this here for OP

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