NPC quiz

Why don't want have an NPC quiz yet, Incase normies are wondering if they're an NPC or not?

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Fuck, messed it up.

Anyone got ideas for a quiz?

Something normie friendly with no obvious political leaning.

That poses key questions centered around developing an inner monolog?


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Golems are used to (((control))) the npc and block their 3rd eye from awakening

Attached: golem-mosaic_hp.jpg (352x245, 106K)

how do we identify these golems?

I'm thinking of something along the lines of the bryggs myers personality type tests, or the 5 personality traits tests.

how would one even go about making a quiz like that?

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Further clarification about the definition of an NPC is necessary, as well as what traits and behaviors are most closely associated with it.
I think the working definition we have now is "lacks an internal monologue" and the associated behaviors include a high trust in a preferred media source, complete assimilation into mainstream culture, and a strong lack of self awareness.

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You do a captcha like app but instead of pictures you put things like
>Diversity is our Strength
>No person is illegal
>My body my choice
>Black lives matter
etc etc
It's a little half baked but some smart user could tidy the idea up

It'd work, but it's not very subtle and doesn't account for the presence of rightwing NPCs - though I suppose keeping the focus on leftist ones would be more strategically sound.

Attached: dreamnpc.png (680x568, 227K)

Too political though. Media spin on NPC is painting it as political, when ultimately it's not at all. We need points that can trigger inner monologue.

This is good

1. Do you get your information from the news?

strongly disagree
strongly agree

2. do you belive that MSM(cnn, fox) do honest report?

strongly disagree
strongly agree

2. do feel an urge to be accepted by your peer groups and adjust your political opinions to match the group?

strongly disagree
strongly agree

>make it fancy like this.

fucking ha!

If you block the npc 3rd eye,
I think you will agree,
The (((golem))) is the best way,
To control your npc

Attached: Golem_by_Philippe_Semeria.jpg (595x1000, 412K)

Looks good.
>The music I like is often played on the radio
>I regularly watch popular television shows or sports
>I often worry about the future
>I have lots of friends with many similar interests to me
>I regularly critique my own actions hours or days after they occur

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Boomer talk radio hosts now talking about NPCs all over the country

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>Do you have an inner monologue
That question is the only way to possibly test it.

>Too political though. Media spin on NPC is painting it as political, when ultimately it's not at all. We need points that can trigger inner monologue.
This is correct. I know what I'm about to say is controversial on Jow Forums but imo you can not be an NPC and not have right wing beliefs. The inner monologue thing is a precursor to being able to think about things more deeply and not simply follow commands. I wouldn't consider leading leftist philosophers NPC's for example

It needs to be spun as someone who follows the status quo, which incidentally is neo-liberalism today

The NPC meme is beautiful because it calls out both sides for group think. It is anti group think in all forms.

how many questions should the quiz have?

NPC's right now don't have a good frame of reference due to media slander campaign of that question.

Quiz should present an honest and unbiased approach.

Good idea my dude. If by some chance we manage to spread this thing (not without the help of our beloved msm), this has the potential to be quite the bombshell

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Just need to figure out how to make one of those damn quiz things.

Call it the Turing test 2.0

you're on to something

Do you think that official history shouldn't be questioned ?

strongly disagree
strongly agree

Do you support total freedom of speech ?

strongly disagree
strongly agree

Do you think there are people, not motivated by economic reason, are ruling this world ?

Do you think that democracy is the best political system ever ?

Do you think the people can be happy under a non-democratic system ?

if you dont know by yourself whether you're an npc or not, that just means you're an npc

ever seen Blade runner 1 or 2? what about the mental stability tests that they have in those films. your given questions about situations that require solutions and the more creative and/or practical your answer is the less npc you are. a choose "your own" adventure test if you will.