>they think this will make Trump voters vote against Trump
Is CNN pro-Trump now?
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Actually they're anti-woman because their marketing department has determined that women are more easily influenced than men and their political strategists believe women can/will outvote men at the polls.
Do they really think that outraged female identity politics is a bottomless spring of votes? I'm pretty sure they do
Pocahontas, Bimbo, and Campaign donations have nothing to do with look.
>pic related
that's like a infographic some user would make
The so-called attacks on these women pale in comparison, for what President Trump has to endure with the attacks on HIS appearance, intellect, family, friends and cabinet members always under attack
They're not the brightest bunch.
They do have ruling class bucks backing them... but it doesn't seem like that's enough.
Where's the problem?
>would do anything for campaign donations
How is that an attack on her appearance?
hes not wrong about any of those things though
This is considered "news". God this society is shit.
I don't know but I was already ROFL at Pocahontas
maybe it's because she lied about being an indian
well she called trumps dick small first
objective fact about meghan kelly
>would do anything for donations
doesn't even imply sex but political favors, besides it's not about appearance
keep sucking that saudi dick trump faggots!!
keep jumping off the cliff
If you pay attention CNN is pro trump controlled opposition. I've heard several former CNN republican paid commentators say this as well
Women love nothing more than denigrating other women. I bet this graphic gave them lady boners for Trump.
Not even this is a rock solid attack.
Some women are going to respond positively to him attacks these finds because giving no fucks is alpha behavior.
Only the low sexual market value uggos are the ones that go apeshit over what he says. Since those are the lefts bread and butter, its just more preaching to the choir.
Le Orange man made comments about women's appearances (who are equal but must be respacted)
Their CEO was recently called out and made to look a fool on the so-sacred live TV.
They are trying anything to stop the ratings bloodletting they are experiencing. None of this makes any sense
Women say worse things about their friends behind their backs all the time
A swede who understands international diplomacy. Who is sucking who sven?
Red pilled and agreed
They are angry because their ability to influence minds in large part rests in making people subservient to politically correct censorship.
Trump refuses to play by their rules and says the things that many still think but few have the courage to say.
It's one of many reasons he's the boss and they're losing to reruns on Nick at Nite.
They forgot to put Rosie O’Donnell. Maybe she’s too much of a dyke pig for homophobic CNN
This guy is the greatest shitposter to ever ever become president. No joke no single president even Washington was this much of a IRL shitposter. He is what our australian shitposter aspire to become. This guy is on a different level.
Trump is sexist against men because he said things like "lyin' Ted" and "Little Marco".
We cannot allow his sexism against men to go on.
ascribing a sexual/appearance motive to "would do anything for donations" says it all, really
This is Trump’s biggest mistake. An unnecessary self inflicted wound that turns off many women who otherwise would support conservative values over the crazy left.
>Criticizing women's appearance
C'mon ladies, I thought you were strong queens who don't need no man and don't care about having your feminine looks validated by men. Surely you can handle some honesty about your looks.
This is Comedy Gold! And it’s all True!
CNN and the left in general would have nothing without hypocrisy.
>They forgot to put Rosie O’Donnell
not enough room on the screen!
>CNN is pro trump controlled opposition
Nigger levels of retarded
God Emperor BTFOing women is probably a real fetish now. Also fpbp
He will get women support regardless, many conservative women despise liberal women
Yeah thank God kikes have been blindsided by the internet now wer just have to hope we don't go full China level censorship.
>CNN’s Headline News will cease production at the end of October for most of its live news programs
women always want the opposite of what they say they want
The media is so stupids.
>Insults for me, but not for thee
>they think this will make Trump voters vote against Trump
How is saying Gillibrand "would do anything for campaign donations" an attack on her appearance? Also I would hardly say that calling Warren Pocahontas is an attack on her appearance seeing as the point was that she isn't Pocahontas at all.
KeK It’s all true...
Was that really the best they could come up with?
Also, nice flag
Yeah I kind of agree. I don't think it's a big deal and some of those in the picture are fine but some of them could definitely turn off potential conservative women. The Fiorina, Kelly, Daniels and Brzezinski ones are a turn off. The Clinton, Warren, Gillibrand, and maybe Omarosa ones are fine.
So in other words, CNN is praising President Trump as the first honest politician in DC.
Now what do these women say about other women behind their back?
I still love the fact that he was 100% correct about Gillibrand.
Oh noes! President Trump made BadThink! He would be so much more progressive if he raped them all like president Bill Clinton instead.
They omitted Maxine Waters "very Low IQ individual"
Maxine Waters' is like the DNC's organ grinder monkey. During each campaign they take her from her all-white neighborhood to chimp out in monkeyville and rile up the other monkeys before Soros' crew drives them to the polls to vote multiple times.
..."at a gas-O-line station..."