A lot of conservative people typically work in trade skills, they're farmers or other labor stressed jobs...

A lot of conservative people typically work in trade skills, they're farmers or other labor stressed jobs. I want to tell you all about the literal hell I am going through as a Trump supporting front-end web developer.

>It wasn't always this bad, this shit started in late 2015-2016
>Every agency doesn't like hiring white males, they pander to (((diversity))) and some positions will go unfilled for months because young white guys are usually who applies for these positions
>Our HR department gave us an hour lecture last month on using people's proper pronouns or facing termination from the company
>My current boss is this stupid blue haired bull-dyke who has no clue what she's doing and can barely work her iPhone but is in charge of project management that I have to call "they"
>Every day, they have these stand up meetings where they discuss their "feelings" and almost every day, Trump is the center of discussion
>I have to just nod and not say anything, I'm afraid if I stand up for Trump, I'll get fired and shamed out of any agency work ever again
>We have a company email system and they all share anti-Trump shit from CNN and Jow Forumspolitics all the time
>A new "woman" was just hired and it's literally like the OP picture, some fucking scruffy looking dude in drag who has never worked on anything development related

I want out of this hell. I love my actual job but I can't stand the agencies and every workplace today because they're all far left leaning liberal hell holes. We have incompetent project managers who were hired on for (((diversity))) and I would go on my own path but freelancing is a meme. You have to a $1/hr Pajeet to do freelancing. Maybe it's time I got out of technical work and worked on a trade skill like welding or trucking. I don't seen a escape from this and it's only getting worse. I would take a huge hit on my salary but I'm losing sanity.

People actually took days off of work and were physically crying when Brett Kavanaugh was confirmed.

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Be stoic and endure, OP. Or, find other like minded individuals, get some financial backing, and start your own company.

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>People actually took days off of work and were physically crying when Brett Kavanaugh was confirmed.
how did you stop yourself from laughing at them?

>everything we're ever hoped for in a child
>that lie was convincing!

Liberals are stupid. End of story.

Colon Mockery.

The father clearly would have died in old times, sparing us his yet weaker progeny.

>Every day, they have these stand up meetings where they discuss their "feelings"
discuss your feelings on subjects of relevancy to your field?

The person in charge of HR is this huge bitch, like 400+ pounds who hates me. She's already probably trying to find an excuse to let me go. I'm trying not to give her a reason until I find a new job and get out of this hell.

Yeah, I try to do that. I'm still waiting on designs, I'm waiting on people to do their job and I try to bring it up but there's no accountability. I even asked one day why we have no accountability within this company and everyone just stayed silent for a few seconds and moved on to a new topic. I walked into one meeting where they were discussing a fucking bake sale and immediately walked out. I'm not a popular person here.


OP we get it, software jobs are fucked. Really all the right needs to do is cut international communication cables and ((google)) will be fucked along with the rest of leftists power. Literally all they have is IOT shit on their side.

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There has to be a better job for you, user. Your story sounds like an adult being forced to work with toddlers. Are you trying to build up a rage so that you can then murder them? If not, fucking leave.

How did you get out need?

Nevermind back to your home goober

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why not start having fun with it and conduct your own clandestine psychological operations? it would be like shooting fish in a barrel.

How does your company turn out a usable product if everyone they hire is incompetent? Sounds like bs.

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>if you only knew

I know how you feel OP, I was in the same situation.

Its more geographic location than the job itself. Get out of California or New York or Masschusetts or whatever blue state hellhole you're in. There are plenty of developer jobs in places like Salt Lake City, or Omaha, or Kansas City, or Boise, or Charlotte. Your work place will probably still be full of bluepilled NPCs, because cities are blue regardless of the state they're in, but you won't be in the kind of insane, "analogous to Mao's Cultural Revolution" kind of environment you're in presently. And once you're there you, can start looking to jump jobs yet again to an employer in a smaller town or suburb, where you'll be genuinely comfortable. It's what I did. I used to work in fucking Toronto, which makes even San Francisco seem normal in comparison.

This will take time. Tech jobs aren't as common in these places as they are in San Francisco or Boston or New York, but they are definitely out there.

Besides just looking for a vanillia web development job, you may also want to consider expanding your skill set, and looking for companies creating open-source competitors to some of these cucked tech companies. Think of Shopify for example, banning gun dealers from the platform. There's a couple different companies building open source platforms that will be open to anyone willing to pay. You could find or even start something like that.

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learn everything you can about how a company runs. Start your own.


This, I feel like there are endless opportunities to low-key redpill these rubes without revealing your power level

I don't know. I worked for a startup company prior to this which was run by mostly the CEO. This guy was highly incompetent but he was extremely extroverted and he somehow kept getting people to give him money despite every project being a disaster.

True story, he conned one realtor out of a website that she paid in full for. He never delivered it and then she gave him a deal on office space. I have no fucking clue how he does it. As far as this company goes, this is fairly common now. These companies are being run like PC hell holes and still somehow manage to turn a profit and keep people employed. I genuinely don't know how they do it.

I don't think you understand what a mountain of bullshit the tech industry is built on right now. There's going to be another bubble bursting, and its going to make the dot com crash of 2000 look mild.

Dude, they're trying to prevent a suicide here.

I'm glad that shit doesn't happen here. It does in Madrid, though.

Work is work. Find likeminded people outside of work if your mental health is suffering

If you ever get asked, don't lie. If youre so scared of losing your job, there are ways to out yourself a Trump supporter without actually admiting to being one. But no one will know for certain.

I gotta say though OP that as a fag i feel much better at the work place now. I used to feel the same way youre feeling now.

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they do it by having the lion's share of the workload done by competent people and the rest profit off that small percentage's work
I live and work in NYC user. Every day I have to keep my mouth shut and smile and nod because everyone assumes I agree with them. It's exhausting and frustrating.

It's every company I've worked for. They all pander to this nonsense and they're all run like shit. The only way one of the previous companies I worked for stayed alive was because they charged hundreds of thousands for website re-designs. So one website deal kept them alive for quite some time.

Dude, when you finally find a new job, you MUST crack off on these fucks. Just unload on them like a disgruntled customer(after quitting of course).
A hilarious lambaste is in order.

Which is yet another mistake of theirs.

This country needs a cleansing.

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is that the comedian from whose line?

Yes and he looks defeated. The mother couldn't be happier.

Yes, and I can't ever watch it. It makes me embarrassed for them.I have to turn away from cringey things.

looks like the greatest joke colin mochrie made was his excuse of a son

if you have the skills, op, you can become a contractor. then you can be your own boss

just started watching the show yesterday, and now I can't but look at that defeated face
what if his son/daugther/??? saw his show, i mean jesus, that offspring will probably have a mental breakdown by watching animal planet

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>what if his son/daugther/??? saw his show, i mean jesus, that offspring will probably have a mental breakdown by watching animal planet

It might off itself after midterms. Failing that, it will suicide within 20 years easily.

Contracting is a meme. You have to get extremely lucky to find a client who actually wants to pay for a service. They all want cheap poo in the loos who will just slap Bootstrap onto a website and call it a day. My friend works as a high-end developer for a company in Sweden. He's far better than I am but he couldn't find freelance work for even $20 an hour. It's a joke.

Out of the hundreds of proposals I sent out on platforms like Upwork, I got one response telling me I was asking for "too much". Freelancing for web development is a meme and yes, some people do quite well with it but most have my exact story.

Admit your political stance.
If you're fired sue for discrimination.
If you're bullied report it to HR and then sue when they don't take any measures to solve the issue.

Don't be a raging faggot and just sit back

Most hippie companies here in my country are just a past time for rich kids to justify all the money they get from their daddies and make connections with other rich kids, they don't need to turn a profit, they just want to look like someone who earn their living.

>front-end web developer
and on Today's episode of "not a real job" meet user.
user do you even really have a job?
Are you sure you're not, unemployed?

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Get into a trade OP, then you can beat up fags at work with your bros

>I would go on my own path but freelancing is a meme. You have to a $1/hr Pajeet to do freelancing.
This is complete bullshit. Yes there are cheap Pajeets but you don't want to compete with them for the type of clients that hire them. Best specialists go freelancing route. They get so good at what they do and companies rely so much on them that they are paid really good. Leave, find some decent clients who know what they do or want from a provider. Work cheaper in the start (not by much but enough to be competitive). In time you will rise your rate and they will pay, because in the end they know that their diversity hires can't do the work. You make money and you're out of that toxic environment. If you have balls, start a fucking company. Find 1-2 similar minded people and do it. You won't get Bil Gates rich but services business is a good business, will provide for a life and you'll have anonymity. God speed!

their son already died, what's the point of keeping an empty husk around?

the thing looks so unstable it will probably collapse if you disagreed with it
its sad, look at that pathetic face

Those companies are doomed OP. Your animal instincts are telling you to get off a sinking ship. Find a job somewhere else, even if it means a pay cut.

People who are good at what they do are not freelancers. They get contacted by recruiters on Linkedin and work for agencies. I get at least one recruiter a week trying to get me into some agency. Ask any real developer about freelancing and how it worked out for them.

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For being a trips you sure a fucking retard on how the real world works

Yeah, I wouldn't ever say anything to it except maybe "go find Jesus", but even that may be too much for its shrunken fluoride damaged brain. Really, picking on weaker things ain't my bag, so it's best ignored.

Political affiliation is not protected.

>Trump supporting front-end web developer
Hey, me too brother!

I work in Academia, bitch. I get to listen to the highest-IQ NPC rant about shit they have no idea about.

I think it's time you start your own company. It's not hard, I just did it through LegalZoom (not a plug).

But they set everything up for you including setting you up with bank services and financing

is that why you became a fag?
peer pressure?

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It's ironic that Colin always played the woman in every skit.

hello user, I am also a web developer but I promote myself as a digital marketer. sounds like you're working with the wrong people. go freelance. business owners want to work with white men who can wear a suit. they will pay dearly for someone who isn't a faggot, takes care of business, and doesn't have a stupid accent.
take your life into your own hands, user.

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Nips always asking the best questions.

StuGs aren't tanks, user. The gun is fixed instead of being in a turret. You sexually identify as an assault gun, which is even more badass sounding than a tank.

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My HR head told my team lead that there were to be no more resumes from white men until we hit 50% gender/race balance

I'm very glad I left

All of tech is like this.
Equality fucked everything up, women are for the most part, abject fucking terror for businesses. They make bad decisions, they make stupid arguments, and they are bad leaders. They take something sacred, like a job, and shovel humanity and emotion into it. Worse yet, they shovel they worst parts of emotion into it, which typically fucks everything up from side to side.
Here's how you cope: stop thinking that your career makes you who you are. Those people are narcissistic NPCs who will never care about you or your future or your life because you are not them. The only response to that kind of outlook is shiteating grins while you do the same. Take advantage of your place and get them to pay for further training, certifications, classes, anything you can. Spend as much time furthering your education and training as you possibly can, and try to get the company to pay for it. If they dont? still educate yourself.
Secondly, never consider these people trustworthy, or your friends, and never ever bad mouth them EVEN AFTER YOU QUIT. Liberal NPCs will haunt you for the rest of your life because unfortunately the tech world is a very small world where anyone can turn up and sabotage further career opportunities. Speaking of, the best way to get a promotion is to look for a new job and move there. Never be afraid to drop you company in heartbeat and transfer for an extra 1$ an hour. When people ask why you want to leave just say the former company was a really strong place but you're looking to advance yourself, never bad talk a former employee or a former employer.
I circle back to the fact you are not your job. At risk of directly quoting Fight Club, abandon the work you when you get home, and find fulfillment at home, pursuing hobbies, activities, family and friends, going out, enjoying free time, or academia. Have a work persona, Have a home persona. This is not your last job, dont pigeon hole yourself into the mindset.

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Dude just find another job in your field even if you have to move to a smaller town. No need to go off the rails and throw away your career. There’s no way every office in america is going to be like the circus you’re currently in. I’m sure you’ll take a pay cut but your cost of living will decrease as well. You aren’t thinking rationally right now which is understandable.

how powerless would the morons of this
world be without technology :-)

you shall throw your gold and silver out
as things that are unclean.

computers use gold in their cpus and ram
and silver in the soldier. ;-) tick tock morons.

Your boss and coworkers are the weaklings. Pity them.

>There’s no way every office in america is going to be like the circus you’re currently in.
Tech fields and agencies are very much like this in most companies. If you find one that's not, let me know and I'll promptly move.

>A lot of conservative people typically work in trade skills, they're farmers or other labor stressed jobs. I want to tell you all about the literal hell I am going through as a Trump supporting front-end web developer.
we dont give a flying fuck you stupid nigger kike'


It's just a term. Freelancer/contractor is the same. You are self-employed and offer your services to different customers (mostly agencies). I know people who charge $200/hour for work like this (back-end though). Also I know the European industry pretty good (for more than 10 years). Also started with 0 capital in my pocket. There is hope.

>fuck my shit up senpai

How does it feels to be a glorified graphic desginer?

I’m not in tech so I don’t know for sure but you’re telling me a company in Salt Lake City or Louisville is going to have tranny managers and mandatory gender neutral pronouns? I can see that the field itself has a liberal bent but that seems behind the pale for certain regions. Of course all the big money is in the coasts but surely there are smaller companies in more conservative areas.

I dont really see how that makes sense.
I literally told him not to give in peer pressure but tell the truth. Just that there are many ways to tell the truth without losing his job

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an agency of....contractors?

Also you love your line of work so much.
Just move to a third world shit hole.
There you wont deal with reatard SJW, expensive cost of living or other bullshit.
Bossew might even get you management positions right of the bat just foe being white

>200$ an hour
Man i can only get so erect

Front-end isn't the designer (although in my case, I do both design and front-end). Front-end is the person who writes the application that manipulates and displays the data from the back-end. They build the site that the designers put forward, and then they use JavaScript or some JS framework to actually build the application itself.

If you're gonna go for a trade then I'd go for electrician. There are all sorts of things you can do as an electrician and it's better working conditions than a lot of other trades. I just sold my boat to an electrician who works at a factory in town and he mostly works on machinery and programming PLCs and microcontrollers for automation, it sounded like some really neat stuff. HVAC technicians are always in demand but fuck crawling around in attics all day, especially during the summer in the South. Plumbers can make good money but, depending on what you're doing, the working conditions are usually more strenuous and dirty than what electricians face, plumbing would be my #2 choice after electrical work if I was looking for a trade though. My uncle is a machinist and makes pretty good money but machinists in non-union shops are worked to the bone considering they're in a production oriented environment. He works shitloads of overtime and management always promises to hire more machinists & helpers but they never do so he has to do the work of 2-3 people, from what I've heard it's a similar situation in most shops. Stone / brick / block laying is backbreaking work, 0/10 would not recommend.

You can make bank welding pipelines but it's boom or bust with the petroleum industry, when oil prices crash there are tons of pipeline welders who all lose their jobs at once and flood the job market looking for new welding jobs. I live in TX and have friends who work in the petroleum industry, it's not unusual for them to be out of work for a year or two when oil prices take a dip.

That's not uncommon. I know someone who does SEO consulting that charges $500 an hour.

People in this field charge a lot of money not because the job is difficult but because they have to deal with designers, mental illness and incompetent project managers. Dealing with designers will turn your hair grey.

>I gotta say though OP that as a fag i feel much better at the work place now. I used to feel the same way youre feeling now.
clearly you're saying here that you used to feel oppressed in the workplace, but as a fag you feel much better... so therefor you must have become a fag to fit in better no?
If you're not saying that then what are you saying?

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Do anonymous Google reviews calling them whatever you want.

At least for the lulz. Call them the opposite of what they are. Trump supporters, bigots etc.

OP: I'm the wife of a developer & I'm also in SV. I don't work in it, my husband does.

There's a LOT of jobs out there in SV right now & Trump is thankfully making it hard for SV to NOT hire you.

There is 3% unemployment, sth like 1% in SV.

I have a group on FB, do NOT use your real name, use a fake name, there are people in SV in our group, we are almost 4k strong, just answer the questions asked.

LOOK FOR "CALIFORNIA STATE POLITICS" on fb, we are a closed group and have about 4k people in it.

Do not quit, just find another job, lay low. In this economy you will find another job. Work for Peter Thiel's place, PALANTIR, which has more of us working for him btw.

Also, remember James Damore's attorney is HARMEET DHILLION

Finally, my last advice. Document everything. Tape them. Release it to Project Veritas/Breitbart & send it to President Trump about this.

Tape them daily, if you can wear a body cam daily, do it. If you can't use your iphone to tape them daily. You will need a record. Also keep notes daily.

GL. There are more of us here in SV than they think.

I'm so fucking done with Trump and these kiss-ass cunts in Congress I'm voting a straight Dem ticket in November.


Pugnus Pugna Pugnum

I work as an Engineer at Tesla. Nobody ever talks about politics. We actually work extremely hard and get shit done every fucking day. Have you considered working for a real company that expects excellence from its employees daily?

Sorry to hear it OP.

What's really weird in tech, is how PC everyone is except when it comes to Asians.

Im of Korean descent, I used to work at Dell. HR would go out of their way to hire blacks, Latinos, and mentally ill trannies. Yet the second I would have complaints or issues with a policy or new project, my team would be give me the fall in line speach.

I fought back though, I started dressing traditionally Korean, and using their own language in office war fare. "As a person of color, I find it troubling that I'm expected to hit double the metrics of (tranny x), I feel that it may be white privilege in action"

I'll be damned if they didn't cut my work load in half, and let me work from home to keep me from stirring up trouble at the office.

I have since moved on, but yeah the whole industry has a bunch of people that actually do great work beholden to a bunch of NPC gatekeepers.

Honestly, this stuff should be written up and put out to the world. Like a blog or ebook. It's not just wrong, it's halting progress and slowing civilization.

only a leaf would be dumb enough to think that places like salt lake city and charlotte are bastions of conservatism

I wish i could do this as a Sicilian american. My people were killed in the largest mass lynching in US history and I've never gotten any special treatment

Stopped reading at blue hair
You need to man up and get a new job or career.
If I came into work tomorrow and my boss had blue hair Id beat his ass and quit

Seriously, start recording this stuff secretly. Even if it's just audio on your phone. People aren't aware how much this has affected the work force. Stuff like this could go viral and redpill some normal folks.

Save up and go to Lincoln Electric's weld school in Cleveland. Fat cash and you work with people who are, mostly, no faggots.

As opressed as he is. And still would be in certain states.
Im saying that just like he for his political opinion could lose his job, be bullied or simply "go insane" (as OP said lol) that fags back then had the same shit going on and still have
In the US you can still be fired simply for your sexual orientation.

So yes it is refreshing to see that it isnt as bad as it used to be. Doesnt make it right to shun conservatives though.

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I'm graduating with a degree in computer science in May and I'm fucking terrified this might be my reality for the rest of my life. I would like to freelance, but I'm not sure I have the rapport to get clients. I'm scared senpai

Keep your head up my friend, and wait until the time is right. Work your way up to management if you can and then you can have your vengance

God I wish. Half of the designers would be gone.

>I know the client isn't asking for these changes but I feel the site would be prettier if we did this

God damn I hate designers.

Being a healthcare provider is just as bad, we have to give medical approval for the mentally ill to receive gender reassignment surgeries....

Can't speak up...

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My family emigrated from Germany to the US around the turn of the century. They didn't speak English and the only work they found was working in coal mines, living in the "company town", and being forced to buy everything from the "company store" which perpetually kept them in debt to the company and guaranteed their servitude. It was more or less a form of slavery or indentured servitude. Even though my family arrived well after the Civil War and were poor as fucking dirt, somehow I'm still privileged and it's still my fault that black people can't get their shit together.

I can't even imagine working in the ER and having to treat some mentally ill suicidal patient knowing that an older patient heart attack or stroke could come in. You know, real emergencies. Meanwhile, you have to help Francis, the """trans-gendered woman""" because """she""" wants to kill herself.

>A story I've actually heard from a nurse who works in the ER locally here

My advice OP.

Find a new tech that has real world application, get certs pertaining to it. Then corner a market early.

I got certified to work as a diagnostic tech for DaVinci Surgical Systems, put in my time at the company. Learned how they work from point of sale to end user support. Went around the country got in good with hospitals, then went free lance.

Hospital higher ups love surgical robots, as they are lower cost than surgeons. But to keep their malpractice decent they have to keep the robots in perfect maintenance.

Now they pay me 250 bucks an hour to keep the robots in working order. Which is cheaper than what DaVinci charges.

I have managed to scalp 3 other techs from DaVinci, I pay them 90 bucks an hour. Everyone is happy, and no mentally ill blue haired trannies trying to keep me down.