There is a literal civil war starting to break out in Portland and NYC and the only people fighting against antifa are the fucking proud boys. There was a GOP staffers office that was attacked and raided by antifa earlier this week and street fights have been breaking out in areas of the city that are literally controlled by antifa. Why is no one talking about this

Attached: 725505E5-6193-4084-8AC7-7FF6A9246529.jpg (640x358, 51K)

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The media-jew is suppressing these occurrences.

proud boys are controlled OP. Americans in general need to come out and slaughter Antifa.

stream link?

I honestly don't know what to think at this point. I had written the Proud Boys off as gigantic faggots who seemed to roam around at rallies live-streaming and picking fights, but in places like Portland where their communist mayor has ordered the police to stand down against Antifa, the Proud Boys do seem to be the only ones putting up a fight.

This is nothing. It was more heated over the summer when PB/PP were baiting antifa into throwing shit at cops and getting flash banged. This is just a couple of fash bashers getting fag smacked, there's not even enough numbers to cause escalation just shitty blog posts.

Why contain it? Let it spill over the schools and churches, let the bodies pile up in the streets. In the end they'll beg us to save them.

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how is it legal for a mayor to let terrorists roam the streets and attack people for ideological reasons? Can't the feds step in?

NYC was hardly even a fight.
Portland is interesting because the lefty mayor has basically given power to antifa. I can see some serious shit going down there after the election.

I'll move out as soon as I can start bringing firearms into NY.
I'm not wasting time with melees.