Seriously pol. Why do you hate the lgbtq community? is it because you are singled out at school for having the views common among people in the 1800s? It probably is, where i live if you dare to misgender or use words i see on here all the time like "faggot" you will get beat up by us. Fuck you retards.
Shame On You Pol. You Aren't Invisible
Faggot. Go shove a dildo up your ass and suck it. Does it taste like shit? Yes. Yes it does. That's how you know being a huge nigger faggot is wrong.
we are the cultural response to flamboyant faggotry and child sexuality that you faggots started propagating
heres an idea, stop living and identifying by your fucking sexuality you losers
do a flip faggot
feel free to chime in with sexual degeneracy
I wonder if these people realize we are everywhere
>don't mess with football
>niggerfaggotkike used more frequently than punctuation since 2003
>suddenly it's drumpf's fault
that's a straight couple though
Reminder that msm outlets run Jow Forums stories to herd their NPC retards here to be annoying.
and next week it'll be two faggots
you don't seem to realize how this works. for years society has been giving inches and it's adding up
Hey, look everyone, look at the retards who fell for the shill thread. Try not to point and laugh, they might feel dumb.
yet i'd wager at least 20% of MSM visitors become redpilled in some form
Horrible bait fag
Also, racist threads have been almost completely removed since CuckTrump won his roll as "President"
>t. raging homo faggot
Go suck your shit stained dildo turd sucker. When I'm done fucking, the room smells like wet pussy. When you're done fucking it smells like gaping assholes and shit.
The only person I remember ever reading Rolling Stone was this kid in my class that was more jock than band kid. Then he went to college for journalism and started playing guitar. Then when facebook came out he went from average football beer drinking fun to be around guy to insufferable faggot.
>the number of racist and other white supremacist has exploded on the message board since the start of the trump campaign
>since the start of the trump campaign
That's because we had an invasion of angry faggots coming here spreading their hatred.
Get out faggots. We're really gunna give you the rope this time.
Go bother bernie sanders
>People at Rolling Stone are being paid to look at Jow Forums all day
Put this on the front page of that shit rag you still publish that nobody fucking reads anymore.
How is San Francisco? Still dissolving under layers of bum piss?
Jow Forums bad place
Orange man fault
At least im not a nazi like you.
>Israeli flag
go fuckyorself, jewboy
Shut up faggot. You can't even beat off properly; you beat off to dudes. I doubt you can beat my ass.
Way to listen to an article written by a moron. The slurs only increased because said moron started coming here
With the exception of a few boards, namely the unlisted furry/fetish porn board and /co/, I think all of Jow Forums actually is unironically Jow Forums to a degree. I used to be a not all boards are Jow Forums person but you see Jow Forums jokes pop up randomly on other boards and, while you occasionally get the >>Jow Forums reply, sometimes you don't.
COme to think of it, I haven't been to /v/ since the NPC meme took off. I wonder how they're taking it
Arguably it's better to be nazi than a faggot because Nazis at least held some things dear and sacred, while sodomites like you don't
That is so uncalled for. What is wrong with Rolling Stone? I've explicitly stated I identify as a racxst. We can't must be lumped into a group like a bunch of niggers.
is that suppose to be colbert?
what a snarky faggot. Has he fallen to the Trump Curse yet?
His (((Satanic))) protection must be strong.
It’s current year man
>exploded since trump
lmao what
If anything this board has become more tamed compared to the walls of hate text from 2012
that's probably why your neighbourhood isn't as comfy as the 1800s
say what you will about right wing extremism, but the very existence of civilization itself is a pretty nice accomplishment to keep under our ideological belts
Meh. Jow Forums was far more racist and NatSoc before all the (((conservatives))) from T_D showed up. If anything, they've pushed the board more center than it used to be.
Gay people wanted to be treated equal and they got that right. A man can now "marry" is roommate. However, that isn't enough for some of you faggots. Now you had to go to the extreme of recruiting young children. Even that wasn't enough so you began cutting up your bodies. That wasn't enough so you began insisting everyone agree with your recruiting, body mutilation and child grooming.
Now middle America (the ones you have to convince) have turned on you. See, most people love their kids and don't want them turned into whatever it is you are. People want their kids to grow up safe, have a normal marriage to a member of the opposite sex and to make a nice big family. None of that is possible if you are having butt sex with your roommate.
Daily reminder. Sticking your dick in another mans butt is disgusting and having an adverse reaction to that is completely normal.
Fags are annoying, that's all.
>Growing up and not playing smear the queer?
>since start of Trump campaign
Rolling Stone confirmed newfags
I hate you, because you're a degenerate faggot.
>where I live
The city?
Where I live there aren't any faggots or niggers and we like to keep it that way.
kys faggot
nobody is 100% straight.
and no that doesnt mean that there are no gays. straight doesnt exist. its all lgbtq against nazis.
They really want our hides.
That doesn't even make any sense
it's still degenerate
I'm not racist or homophobic and use the words faggot and nigger.
It the context that matters. I'm left but this is where I draw the line. We don't need to ban words.. It's fucking pointless
Don't take it so personally
You need ANYONE else to fight for you.
Fucking aids ridden dog
You are an abomination
Cope harder
pol is against degeneracy in general. Faggotry is pretty high on the scale.
You're in the basket too.
you have more genders than number of pokemon exist
I'm a bi-gender-dragon-shark
and my pronoun is hellish
The best thing is Jow Forums users are the quiet kids that got called gay in school. And are.
Op is always a faggot.