Why do people have such an issue with Hispanics in the US...

Why do people have such an issue with Hispanics in the US? Aside from Whites we’re the minority most likely to be conservative and vote Republican.

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Ignoring everything else that's wrong with them, spics don't vote republican.

Not true. Mexicans are Puerto Ricans are the vast majority of hispanic voters and both of them love them gibs too much to ever vote republican. Spics are horrible, but those 2 are nothing more than fucking leeches and barely qualify as human.

nice loaded question pablo.
are you working for the media?

i keep telling my people in chicago that hispanics would be better off under republicans but no one ever listens

Fuck Mexicans. Nuke Mexico off the map and I am ok with the beaners from other countries. All Mexicans should die.


i like the Hispanics, but we still gotta keep the borders tight. its the morons who constantly conflate Hispanics with illegal emigration 100%

because you fuckers breed like rabbits. You're worse than blacks for that reason alone. At least they maintain their population, you fuckers explode.

I hate illegals. Legal Mexicans hate illegals more than whites do tho. They are affected by the competition the most.
People here hate Mexicans cuz muh nonhuwites and because they are swing voters. Socially conservative but economically liberal. If [R]s continue to push towards nationalism instead being neocons maybe they will relax their ideas towards healthcare and education spending, which could win them the hispanic vote.


You mean abortion helps maintain their population at a lower level than it would be if abortion did not exist.

Because you're all disgusting brown goblins with your obnoxious, reedy voices and shitty language. Get out of my fucking country.

Minorities are immune to abortion.
> have more kids
> import more kids
> commit heinous crimes to compensate for their small numbers

Immigration needs to be locked down

>spics are good if they vote republican!
>niggers are good if they vite republican!
>faggots are good if they vote republican!
>jews are good if they vote republucan!
be white or fuck off

And legal Mexicans are far outnumbered... even then they still fucking suck. The green card status of a person doesn't change if they are a change on society or not.
Bottom line, spics don't belong here.

So sick and tired of this fucking bullshit.

FUCK Jow Forums for being just another place infested with spic trash constantly defending themselves.

Its true there are a lot of good hispanics but unfortunately they vote democrat far more often than republican and are grossly over represented in welfare and other govt. gibs. Look at what has happened to California. It used to be a red state with Republican governors and senators. Now its a socialist hell and this id directly related to the mass migration of hispanics into the state. This is why the dems fight tooth and nail againsts tougher immigration. They know hispanics are turning the country Dem. They are going to destroy us and turn us into just another fucked up latin run country. Corrupt, apathetic, hopeless.Chaos is in their mestizo veins.

Whites are THE minority.

Go back to your country.

You're invading scum and I want to kill you fuckers every time I hear your shitty accent.

>Why do people have such an issue with Hispanics in the US?
No snitch attitude. Chickens in the front yard. Drink and smoke while pregnant. Drink and drive. ect.

and you wonder why these people stick to themselves?

In my experience, only Hispanic adults who are from places like Cuba or places that experienced commies are based. Their kids fall prey to socialist leftist rhetoric as easy as blacks.

They also don't understand why some neighborhoods are just nicer. They think it comes with the land and has nothing to do with their own shitty standards.

Only Cuban spics vote Republican

They are fucking invaders!

We are supposed to welcome them with open arms while they openly celebrate taking over?

>they're all so based
Hispanic single mothers produce dog shit children.

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i haven't seen any celebrating, most i know were born here. but what i dont like is not knowing English. fuck even people who have never been in the us/uk/can can learn English. but there are so many Hispanic communities and i've met a few of them we cant just put all the brown eggs in one basket

>i haven't seen any celebrating,

Then you don't read.

Congratulations for being uninformed and openly celebrating it.

>t i dont like is not knowing English.
I used to work with a Mexican guy who has lived in this country for 25 years and can only speak a few words of broken English.

FUck you spic defense force.

i dont think you understand what celebrating is, but i dont read in Spanish anyhow can you link me to something or somewhere where they are celebrating taking over the country? or is it just people with sour opinions

yeah i have no idea how that happens unless someone just stays within their own community for years,


Mother fuckers that play dumb and just fuck off and die.

>issue with Hispanics
Because you're fucking ILLEGAL. You think white Canadians are crawling through the mud to get in? Go back and fix your shitholes, mutts. You are are here to parasite off of the wealth of others and are lower than niggers
>Vote Republican
Sure thing, Che. GTFO

Every other American flag has a spic behind it and they stir up tension between white Americans and white Europeans

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oh hunny.... heres a hug for ya love
shh shh shh its ok....

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From a traditionalist's perspective, your conservatism is flawed because:
Your family values are consummately foreign, and are as unfamiliar and seemingly-hostile as the Arab's. Family values are in, just not yours. This is one of many, many aspects of cultural conforming that is expected of you.
Your language is not English and no part of your accents conform to any area of the U.S. This is subtly terrifying, because Americans are not bilingual, and the potential for subversive dialogue exacerbates an already irritated xenophobia.
Your reasons for being pro-life are Catholic and therefore are Shit; and anyway, when white America talks about being pro-life, they are not referring to minorities.
Everyone is pissed about even just hearing about the Aztlan movement, whether it is practicable or not.
Whites (correctly) perceive your nations of origin of possessing crime as among their chief exports, but not the kind of crime that makes them money - yours is a culture of criminal laborers, and any labor occupation - as always - is seen as a simultaneous mark against their profit-optimized sensibilities as well as against their masculinity. Both of these provoke uncomfies.

It is really depressing man..

I am so fucking tired of spics.

70% of abortions are either directly to minorities or are white women aborting their halfbreeds

If abortion was as legal in Mississippi as it is in Vermont, the non-white birthrate of the USA would decline by another 400k births. Take away 14th amendment "rights" for non-citizens and it falls by another 700k. Whites would make up nearly 70% of births.

White christcucks whose daughters use birth control pills anyway are to blame for the browning of America.