Drumps BTFO!!!
Drumps BTFO!!!
Other urls found in this thread:
Including the part about her having any Native American DNA.
She's 0.09% columbian. There's nothing to argue
Every fucking time.
read:i hired a new (((dna company))) with better (((results))) in my favor
..So siberian-native american or latin-european?
> (((Washington Post)))
Spin doctors to the rescue.
Little late for the WaPo to try and run cover but the fake news never sleeps.
>She's part reptilian!
drumphgf btfod
How the fuck does this yellow journalism rage continue to get away with lie-spins for the fungus colony know as liberal democrats.
>Charley Hebo happened in the wrong place
Its beans all the way down
>(((The Washington Compost)))
There is absolutely no reason for them to continue harping on this.
Warren took the test.
No concrete proof of native american ancestors.
Cherokee nation dissed her on Twatter.
That's it, end of discussion. They really need to let this die or they're going to look even more fucking retarded then they already do.
Warren’s Native American DNA, as identified in the test, may not be large, but it’s wrong to say it’s as little as 1/1024th or that it’s less than the average European American.
I'm a dumb fag poster sorry. Someone else get it.
>(((Fact Checker)))
> Just about everything you've read on the Holocaust is wrong
I trust the professional reporting at the Washington Post.
I watched their little video on the issue and maybe someone can tell me if it's true. Essentially what they are saying is that the part of her that is Native American could come from anyone of her ancestors at anytime, its just that total she is 1/1000th Native American.
Soon user
I dont think that's how percentages work
I trust this is sarcasm
Are you fucking kidding? These are the supposed "fact checkers?" Were fucking doomed.
No what he said is true because we don't pass o. All of our genes. A parent could have 3% Asian and pass on all or none of it.
Ahhhhh...the damage control. I was waiting for the other shoe to drop.
So if my parent has 3% asian, I could or could not also have 3% asian. Hows that work?
>i am so clever a reporter that I can spin lies into truths.
It means that if your daddy has 3% Asian genetics on his Y chromosome that correspond with the genes that determine penis size then you're proper fucked m8
Oh please, do go on.
Why must it be my peenor
>Essentially what they are saying is that the part of her that is Native American could come from anyone of her ancestors at anytime
how could it be any other way?
>hey babe, got any italian in you?
>want some?
>stupid Cherokee goyim don't get to determine who's in the victim group
because sexual reproduction through DNA recombination doesnt half everything each time and even dominate traits may not win genetically. approximately half your DNA comes from each parent but which half varies each time. its not a perfect 50 / 50 split and some of the variance comes from which things survive the exchange. each persons DNA isnt the same length. there are noticeable differences between races. what do you think happens when you race mix? 2 uneven sets merged. blacks have short DNA and asians have long DNA. the bell curve almost shows who has short DNA if not for native americans being close to the bottom
These people are amazing. And prove why they fail. Accept failure and move on, something men do vs let emotions prove and explain everything about it, what woman do and why they fail. Theyre proving they cant hold a position of power with all this crap
and how are you going to spin this blatant lie number 3782 to keep sucking Trump's dick?
Quote from the WP video
“Genetic material does not move through generations with perfectly equal proportions, in reality some material might be more prominent in an individuals makeup, while other material might not appear at all…If Senator Warren had one native American great great great grandparent or dozens of distant relatives from generations ago, her genetic makeup would appear the same…the report notes that Warren had 10x the amount of Native American genetic material than a group of people in Utah with similar backgrounds”
This doesn’t explain why Warren claimed her Mom was Native American
She made a fool of herself and was exposed why do liberals continue to drag themselves
>keeps calling her Pocohontas
>offers her a million dollars for charity if she does a DNA test
>then denies ever offering her that
How delusional are you Trumptards?
I bet you a million dollars you're a genuine faggot.
Kessler's mother, Else Bolotin, was a psychologist who in Lexington "helped women in that era of feminist awakening confront a society dominated by men."[54] Both of his parents were Dutch, and immigrated to the United States after marriage.[55]
I knew there had to be a whack job in there somewhere.He probably pranced around in mommys pantsuit growing up.
its not a lie
he never offered 1 mil for a dna test
I heard he didn't want to pay up since she wasn't native but where is this complete denial?
Keep thinking that sweetie
Thanks for playing.
Breaking: The sun doesnt exist! trust us goy, close your eyes.
1/1024th delusional.
She lied about the DNA test though. She wasn't honest, nor is the company that did the DNA test. And she continues to lie. She was denounced by actual native groups.
Selective hearing is not a super power Mary Sue.
Watch his entire statement.. It’s a hypothetical based on a number of prerequisites.
Look at this entire screen cap, sink it in
>The Washington Post
>Democracy Dies in Darkness
(((Democracy))) dies in the light of truth
>Toothpaste nigger
She lied about how native she was. There is no discernable native dna in her blood. They had to aproximate with other races
He offered her a million dollars if the DNA test proved she was an Indian you retarded faggot
Problem is, Trump used "Indian", not "native american". She has no Indian ancestry. Not even a fan of Trump. I'm liberal and democrat.
He never offered shit! He made a joke to a crowd at a rally!
This isn’t hard....
nice arguments there "redpilled" "master race"
He offered 1 million to a charity of her choice if she took a DNA test, he denied on video that he ever offered her that. So please, go on weaseling yourself out of that one to keep claiming Trump didn't lie.
To be fair she never claimed to be native, she said she had native ancestry. Who fucking cares though? Trump, he kept bringing it up during rallies and now got BTFO.
No, he said if it proved she had 'native american heritage'. And she does.
You idiot.
He was talking about a hypothetical scenario where she became the democratic nominee at a Presidential debate in which he would give her a test and if she took it and it came out she's indian he would give her a million dollars.
1.) It's hypothetical scenario
2.) She isn't the democratic nominee
3.) It's not the Presidential Debate
4.) It wasn't a test that he provided
5.) She didn't come back as indian.
the fake news media is just taking the part of him saying that if she came back as an indian he would donate a million dollars to her charity without explaining the context of the situation.
>whenever he lies it's a joke
Even if it was, why didn't he just say: it was a joke, instead of: no I never said that? Because he's a liar and a retard.
>I'm liberal and democrat.
So......? Communist?
He said "DNA that showed Indian heritage" you stupid faggot. She showed with this DNA test that she is not an Indian. Trump wins again, kys
>gets misquoted
>that isn't what I said. read it again.
he said if she was. which she isn't. wtf you assface
Why did you post WaPo?
That's fake news for ad views
Fucking open your eyes
>He offered 1 million to a charity of her choice if she took a DNA test, he denied on video that he ever offered her that. So please, go on weaseling yourself out of that one to keep claiming Trump didn't lie.
you never watched the rally in question, clearly...
Why continue to talk out of your ass?
Lol, even the Hill is bashing pocahontas. She's finished
he didn't say it faggot. He never said he would pay her a million to take a fucking test
>you said you offered a million dollars to charity-
Okay so this is literally how delusional you cultists are? He LITERALLY says it, ON TAPE, and you still deny him literally saying literally that. You people are even dumber than him, kys.
this is as stupid as claiming he asked the russians to hack emails.
I never claimed that anyway retarded leaf.
he didn't say what the reporter said he said. it's so simple, even more so than your brain
Your memeflag must be the result of a vpn. Even dutchniggers arn't this stupid.
Democrat here, most lefties I know have laughed at how stupid Warren is for coming out with this shit. She killed her chances at 2020 long ago but this is just digging her grave further. Sadly she's the only Democrat that's put herself out there as 2020 material. No joke you assholes can bet your mortgages on winning 2020 again. Democrats have 0 political IQ.
>“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,”
How fucking stupid are you people? He says exactly what you claim he didn't say and you still go: NO HE DIDNT SAY THAT. How does your brain even function? I know cults that question their messiah more than you do this complete fucking idiot.
You have to link the video, not really sure what they are trying to say. It seems to just be an attempt to obfuscate with pretty obvious facts.
But long story short, you get half your DNA from your mum and half from your dad, but that doesn't mean you get 25% from each grandparent, so yes, that is a bit of a simplification.
Also, yes, the test doesn't really say that she had *a* ancestor, it just looks at some genes and compares it with the corresponding genes from other people.
>able to find
that's not hacking you idiot. the server had been wiped with a cloth years earlier.
You seems to be confusing the word hope with a request or demand.
Because he didn’t say what the reporter stated..
Watch the videos
Lmao you are backtracking so hard on this it's sad. Learn how to debate if you're going to take a leftist standpoint you absolute brainlet.
They're trying to emulate Trump doubling-down but they just can't play the game at that level. Being that pathetic and wrong is not a good look for them.
So WaPo is claiming that Warren's DNA test is significant because you have to compare it to a subset of people from a single state known for its high rate of socially isolated people, instead of the wide pool of people across the US.
>dna kit costs $2
He said if he provided the test, and it proved she was Native American. 23 and Me doesn't even report shit under 5% because it's so low as to be margin of error, she's below that by a lot.
lol trump can say literally anything and deny he ever said it the next day and trumpfags will believe both things (that he said it and he never said it) at the same time because logic and consistency is a jewish lie
I'm staring into the void.
That’s why Trump wants to test it himself...
Cut some of the labor cost..
And, scientists don’t have an effective union enforcement
We don't give a shit because he delivers on his promises. He had one job and he is doing it.
It does because of (((mixing))). Take a pure blooded white and a pure blooded black. If they (((mix))) then the offspring isn't pure black nor pure white. It's not even a straight 50/50 mix, it's why some look more nog and some look more white (albeit with nogcentric memes like that nappy hair etc). What would happen if that crossbreed met a gook, or better half gook and half poo? Suddenly those genes (if you even want to call them that, mistake is what I would call them) get diluted even further. If those even more diluted genes start breeding with some, for example, Finn, then they get diluted further.
Let's say the part white, part black, part gook, part poo, breeds exclusively with a pure Finn. Then their child breeds exclusively with pure Finn etc, hundreds of years down the line you might have someone who can pass as a Finn, but they still retain the white, black, gook, and poo, genes.
There was a case here about 10 years or so ago where some white women was pregnant by a white man, yet she had two black twins. This wasn't a case of "you need to ask questions Dave" and instead was a case of black "genes" having already infected one of their gene pools (I can't remember which of the two), (((Google))) it and you'll easily find it.
You're making that mistake of thinking you can't have more than 100%, but that's only really true based on what you're doing. You can't have a group of people and say "30% are white, 30% are black, 30% are Italian, and another 30% are Abos" because the total has to add up to 100%. However, if you have a business and make $1m one year, then $5m in the second year, then you've made more than 100% profit, you've made 400% profit because they aren't the same thing as having a set number to work from that has to total 100%.
>He offered 1 million to a charity of her choice if she took a DNA test
no he didnt. repetition is not proof.
no , if shes peruvian/colombian then shes actually probably spanish conquistador
Let's be honest. How much did Warren paid for that article.
Too late the NPC's think it's true.
fucking kek