Grēat Englaland.
Angul-Seaxan Englaland
what affect does the dash above the e have and what is the point of this thread?
Means a long vowel in Old English. The point of this thread is to embolden the Englafolc.
Ah, the memories!
From Britannia Inferior to Caledonia i rode, an embassador of our imperator.
can anyone guess what this says in old English
>mīnes freondes hūse
My friend's house!
You lost me?
This looks like a celto-roman soldier, like the arthurian knights
That's an Angul!
well done
one more
Mīne ieldran sind dēade
Then the Frogs came along and fucked it all up.
Old English sounds like a scandinavian language.
here I updated your map
My ancestors are dead. Bit grim.
I've been going through some books on the English people lately, the best one I've found so far is 'The English' by Geoffrey Elton as part of The Peoples of Europe.
What he said.
I thought it was supposed to be some kind of Welshman with the imagery..
We wuz kangz with cool facemasks before Danes LARPing as frogs came and stole our incomprehensible language and brought a bunch of jews in that they later removed.
Modern Icelandic is similar to it with all of the incomprehensible-sounding words but most Old English dialects used the same sentence structure as modern German whereas middle and modern English use the same kind of structure as Scandinavian languages.
1066 never forget!
I demand appreciation for my saxen posts!
No, the White Dragon is English.
Britan a.k.a Danelagen belongs to the Big Scandinavian Cock (BSC).
It's all good! Thank you!
basically yeah, you're good at it
How can you claim that when you were beaten by a woman
Delete this
>tfw you dont speak Gaelic
Have some (you)s for saxon posting.
My only question is, why is an italian posting Saxons?
Thank you, I have to be off somewhere now so I will leave the thread to the people.
The populations were harder to tell apart back then according to genefags. Since then it looks like too many have fallen for the redhead meme and now there's a bit of genetic distinction closer towards general Celtic populations. Also a lot of English people today look like we have mild fetal alcohol syndrome because too many of our parents abuse substances, and for some reason we're shorter than them now but it wasn't the case back then since Scandinavian male skeletons during the viking age were around 5'8-5'9", same as the English ones.
It's aesthetic stuff. Did anyone really surpass these aesthetics until more than a thousand years later? Probably no.
Because it basically is
Cool map. I often wonder how relationships between the Isles would have developed if the N*rmans never came and ruined everything.