Hurry up dad I am going to be late for school ( ̄ε ̄)

Hurry up dad I am going to be late for school ( ̄ε ̄)

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Shoot off a couple defense braps like I told you honey.

Are you the based oil driller Estonian? If so, I think I know what happens next.

See this doesn't make sense because girls dress like that due to a lack of attention from their father


Dad left a loooong time ago

Hm. I think we switch to homeschooling

I fucking hate full face makeup like this. She isn't even good at it, look at the area around her lips.

2/10 would not bang, sharp elbows etc.

I said call me daddy, I'm not your dad

>Get your fucking ass back in the house and change your clothes
>Why is your belly button pierced
>Give me all of your makeup
>--burns it in front yard along with iphone--

You can tell she's too young by her shitty amateurish make-up. Would not impregnate.

There’s prostitute schools?

God, I hope she gets BLACKED.

I'd fuck my daughter if she looked like this.

>I said call me daddy, I'm not your dad

Mr. Bong I suggest you try something before you criticize it.


That dress style tells me two things are possible.

Daddy loves her to much

Daddy completely ignores her and she begging pops to show fatherly discipline.

No healthy daughter dresses like that.

>I hate you!
>I'm staying out tonight
>Tyrone respects me
You went too far and now you have a coal burner.
Daughters need to love you as much as respect and respect is never treated out of violence.
If you ever get to the point she's at you've already failed and it's gg



based and redpilled

You'd be surprised.

I would too desu

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see you later, son :3 don't forget to take your onions


>If you ever get to the point she's at you've already failed and it's gg
I know. I have three daughters (and two sons) thus far.
Homeschooled. No cable TV. Filtered internet.
The job of a parent now-a-days is to become the wall between your family and the brothel outside that we call the modern world.

does anyone else jack off to the little girl in that pic?. she has a woman's face but a child's body.. it gets me every time.

>This is your brain on a diet of shit and piss

Look at her eyeliner, that's literally the bat signal for mudsharks.

Way to raise a bunch of pussy s oyboys fag

no you are sick

>check flag
like clockwork

Bring home a black boyfriend today sweetie

>tfw you suddenly think being an overt bbc cuck fetishists is the best way to turn your daughter into a nazi

The fuck is wrong with you....

>not homeschooling
I dont care what my daughter wears as long as she doesnt leave the house
She doesn't even need to bother putting on anything most of the time

To be fair that girl looks like she would be fat and ugly if she didnt go at least this far to fit in.

Careful user, keep them isolated like that and you might end up with the slutty experimental repressed girls I love so much.

>I'm staying out tonight
Oh no you're not. Get the fuck in the house, now, before I wring your goddamn neck.
>proceed to show her all the women burned to death by nigger boyfriends
>show her videos of people burning alive just so she knows what burning to death is like

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Lay off the Taco Bell, dear. You're getting fat

Do you take your sons hunting and teach your daughters etiquette and how to set up a dinner table and serve guests?
Oh wait, democrats don't have children. They have pets.

eight year old girl wearing makeup