What qualities does your ideal woman have

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A pulse


She swallows and speak as little as possible.

no dicks

logic > feelings

XX chromosomes
Not fat

White, 18-27 years old, red hair, proportional body features, not fat, preferably no penis

Wide hips


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Knowing how to cook and take care of children.

And this

Personality wise?

not a low class uggo chubster alcoholic with tattoos...

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Fear → feeling of being afraid, frightened,scared .
Anger → feeling angry. ...
Sadness → feeling sad. ...
Joy → feeling happy. ...
Disgust → feeling something is wrong or nasty.
Surprise → being unprepared for something.

Not be a cheating whore

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the personality of a guy and the body of a cute grill.

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>preferably no penis
so you're saying you're willing to negotiate on this point

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tight pussy, an asshole that stretches just enough..she swallows with enthusiasm, and she has her own thoughts and ideas.

She cooks
She doesn't waste money or travel
She makes me nut

That's literally it.

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Battery powered

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10 million bucks.

Big ass, and big tits.

big tiddies

>has a job/career that she enjoys
>cooks nice foods
>does not want kids
>no tattoos
>makes good sex
>fertile body with big tits and a fat arse
>tight and good looking vagena and pretty anus
>pale skin
>preferably is a jewess
that's all

I don't think you can afford to wipe out 60% of women like that

A pink asshole and sissy white skin.

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So a Swedish trap boi?

Is Ayanami Rei

House slave ftw

if youre afrikaans, these women are semi easy to find


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A gamer girl with feet

>Beautiful in my eyes
The rest is just icing on the cake

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Conservative ideas.
Imagine having to talk to a liberal npc woman every day then tow the line of npc thinking so you can get the pussy prize once in a while.
Don't do it

>What qualities does your ideal woman have
>posts a whore

Big ass and standard tiddies
The contrast is great


This. Fidelity would be nice.

This but white. And we have separate beds, leaves me alone most of the day as well, she doesn't need to be as motivated as me, but be supportive and enjoy the ride.

>Bitch that list is 4 things long!!

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Feminine but not girly,
no tattoos,
no kids,
not fat,
no STDs,
doesn't use tons of perfume or make up,
can spend more than 5 minutes without looking at her fucking phone,
isn't a "feminist",
not drowning in debt,
is able to spell most words.
She literally doesn't exist.

She wants at least three kids and homeschool them.
You wouldn't believe how such a seemingly simple statement allows you to filter the roasties. It implicitly means some level of self-discipline and confidence, long term thinking, a sense of heritage and at least superficial independence from the hivemind.

Exactly what my gf has

>these women are semi easy to find

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tits and penis

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Nipples like pacifiers.

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also no plastic surgery, no artificial hair color, no piercings

Fertile body but no kids?
What a damn waste.
You piece of shit.

She is Based and redpilled

Tits the size of my head that keep growing due to hormonal imbalance
weighs 120lbs without her tits

has really big tits, has wide hips, isn't fat, has hair she takes care up down to her lower back, does what you ask of her, isn't consistently annoying, likes sex, likes consistent sex, wants lots and lots of kids(fertile), works part time or from home (part time, work-from-home call in center job making ~$10-15 an hour would be perfect), uses her money to pay a share of the bills, doesn't want to go out to eat more than once maybe sometimes twice a week, doesn't believe in abortion or divorce, doesn't drink more than around once every two weeks, maybe a cocktail or two at that, can run errands and keep track of dates and obligations, has a family that doesn't suck, has a few female friends that don't suck so she isn't up your ass constantly and at all times always, and cleans house/cooks well in addition to watching our children with the free time working part-time allows.

Does all those pointless but comfy Martha Stewart-type women craft things, like make cupcakes with sugar cookies that have smiley faces on them and such crap. Maybe has a small gardening hobby, both flowers and vegetables. Some hobbies in other words.

If we're talking super-ideal she's a low-end trust fund baby that draws like 1000 extra income a month. Not too much but very helpful supplement.

is that lorena g?

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I must have hit the jackpot. You've described my wife 15 years ago, though she has 2 kids now.

A cock

Natural blonde hair that's very light. Very, very white/pale skin. Petite body, maybe around 5'3", with wide hips and preferably a big perky rack, but that last part is not necessary (just not uber flat chested). Small shoulders. Very cute face.
Dresses very cute sweaters over dress shirts, skirts, leggings, etc.
Quiet and shy but not like socially retarded quiet and shy. Can cook and clean and will be a good companion.

>Non-fanatical Christian
>No ex husbands
>Still a virgin (not a blowjobs aren't sex virgin), so no kids
>No tattoos
>No piercings that aren't singe and earlobe
>No slutty habits (bathroom selfies, stretch pants, shorts with pocket flaps)
>No short hair or clown color hair
>Not out to compete with me
>Not stronk and don't need no men
>Good hygiene
>Totally loyal
>Doesn't hit or slap me
>No BPD or Bipolar
>No cutting scars
>Doesn't drink except on social, and then never gets drunk
>between the age of 18 and 24
>Primary ambitions include being a devoted wife, mother, and homemaker
>Is worthy of trust and fidelity

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Just to clarify: The hips (and ass) are pretty much mandatory (butt has to be at least cute). I meant the rack is optional.