Any anons attending politicon this year?

If so who are you going to check out?
Who shouldn’t be missed?


I myself can’t wait to see pic related.
Looking forward to the Tuck burying that genocide denying sociacailist NPC in there debate

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What the fuck is this bullshit. Look how they block out the face of Tucker and make that dirty t*Urk face stand out.

Cenk looks much most masculine I think he will beat the shit out Tucker if he gets too uppity.


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You can try but you can’t Chuck the Tuck
Lines or not he’s gonna destroy Cenk and it’s gonna be glorious

I don’t think it’s that kind debate, if crank even thinks of making a move I’ll rush the stage

Tickets are 70 smackers. I dunno if i wanna throw down that much.

Does anyone have the "when your mom asks where all the Armenians went" pic of cenk?

BUMPing for this

Yeah it’s more the twice as much as last year which sold so I guess (((they))) saw an oppurtunity to cash in

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>Tucker is gateway to Alt-Right

They have no shame

Why is Tucker blushing like an anime schoolgirl?

I imagine the majority of people who go to it are left leaning. They actually try hard to push collegiality there though, so you don't get as many HIV positive Skrillex clones

There's a decent line-up of conservative speakers, but yes it's about 1:2 ratio with a bevvy of people I never heard or care about.

There's a comedy panel featuring Creepy Lawyer Guy Avenetti with Kathy Griffin as the host.

I can only imagine what that one will be like.
Pretty much an NPC jamboree

A whole hour of 2 old media faggots saying
>"Oh please come on!"
>"Hey are you gonna let me finish!? I thought I was talking?!"
>"So what you're saying is _______"

Ben Shalomo vs. Roach was at least a good debate because Isreal's star child actually made contentions, defended his points, and had actual cites for his sources to rip apart Cenk's blubbering and strawmaning.

Despite his smugness, Tucker is an old media style personality which is just about being defensive, accusing, and derailing your opponent with a vaguely relevant alternative

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maybe so, but not only is he good at, he's funny at it, Crank is less humorless then Ted Cruz, so I'll be expecting a few chuckles if not a full blown guffaw

Big Brown Buffalo vs. B A S E D Tucker

against who shapiro will debating?

Fucking Leaf. Cenk is a fat fuck

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Based Moeshe is giving 2 talks
The Keynote Speech on Sunday and a Daily Wire Town Hall meeting with the editors of Daily Wire on the same,
no debates this time around which is a bit of a shame

high iq top kek

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look how they try to make the Buffalo look like a Chad

Tucker "The One Man Shoah" Carlson

Trump's Pornstar mistress Creepy Lawyer. Ftfy

Ty user

Why does Tucker Carlson always looks like he doesn't understand wtf is happening?

Have you ever talked to a liberal? If you had, you'd know why he's confused.

it's incredibly frustrating trying to speak to someone whose sole arguments are based on emotions

Just google it!!