>not voting for Beto

give me one good reason why i shouldn't for this chad

Attached: BetoGetHitSign.jpg (970x757, 169K)

Other urls found in this thread:


He's anti-gun.

He's a liar and a carpet bagger that is being financed from out of state.

Attached: why-does-kid-rock-look-like-dr-phil-dressed-up-as-kid-rock-atitshothappening-rbQFF.jpg (640x512, 44K)

checked and /thread

Attached: BTFO_BetoLogo.png (1500x1200, 14K)


His economic policies are pseudoscience.

>voting for beta
You have to go back

Attached: DONTCALIFORNIAMYTEXAS.jpg (1200x1200, 101K)

His name is Roberto yet he goes by beto
He should be disqualified and/or put in a FEMA camp

>He's a liar and a carpet bagger
Literally born and raised in Texas, can’t say the same for Cruz.