We wuz indayuns n shieet
We wuz indayuns n shieet
Is this guy actually a paid right-wing troll? It's Avenatti-level over the top retardation like this that confuses me.
I don't know why you all keep posting him, ya'll realize he's one of us right? He's literally our controlled opposition.
i think he's semi-ironic, like he's enjoying being as over the top as possible but he genuinely is a black supremacist of sorts as well
He runs a clickbait site for niggers and is fueled by outrage culture and posts his own tweets and articles to support his crack habit
He must be talking about the slaves the indians brought with them on the trail of tears
Jimi Hendrix was the last Cherokang
Why does this look like Jordan Peele?
this shit has been a direct fucking hit at the heart of their worldview
That’s why you have controlled oppo, dumbass. You know how David Duke comes out and endorses everyone on the planet that might actually put the globalist cause at risk?
dis nigga fo real ?
I missed Tariq, I was getting sick of pussy ass Shaun King
This mother fucker Pic Related
Eating their own
No just the average stupid we wuz kangz nigger
How quirky
Does that mean warren was a pretendian too
Ayo whitey where the liquor at?
Cherokees had slaves
Freed slaves are African.
Africans are not Native Americans.
Tyrone Washington Jr, also known as "Tariq Nasheed" needs to find his Redneck grandparents.
He's right tho. Most "Indians" these days are 5 dollar Indians who might have < 5 percent Native blood but are obviously white.
Cherokees had black slaves. Based and redfeatherpilled
Based Cherokee Stand Watie was the last Confederate general to quit killing Yankee scum.
Then the Rayciss Negro soldiers were sent west to genocide Native Americans.
Check "Buffalo Soldiers" and "Tulsa Riot"
>The Black Cherokee
Fucking hell I love Tariq.
He's just a troll. He used to be a PUA, and then got into race politics.
How did this utter retard get his blue checkmark again?
he's anti-white.
>Posts screenshot from Twitter but not a link.
Fucking kill your self OP
Oh, this gunno be gud.
Fuck Cowboys and Indians, I wanna see niggers and Indians. Also, how will the left handle this? Niggers or Indians, niggers or Indians. Whose more oppressed? WHOSE MORE OPPRESSED? SOMEONE TELL ME. CANNOT COMPUTE.
>Africans are not Native Americans.
This is where you guys are fucking up.
The slaves were granted full citizenship by the Cherokee NATION; making them "Black Cherokee". No where did he say they were actual natives.
Stop falling for Tariq's bullshit.
Indians had nigger slaves. They were property not people of the nation
They weren't granted fuck all. The U.S. forced the Cherokee Nation to take them. As soon as the U.S. fucked off, the Cherokee tossed their former property off the reservation.
On August 30, 2017, the U.S. District Court ruled in favor of the Freedmen descendants and the U.S. Department of the Interior, granting the Freedmen descendants full rights to citizenship in the Cherokee Nation.
lel, even the Injuns are going to get DIVERSIFIED
So what you're telling me is that some Cherokee Justin Trudeau invited a bunch of nogs in and when they predictably chimped out and fucked up their society the next Chief kicked their black asses to the curb?