Why were the nazi's so smart?

These are the results from the IQ test, taken during the Nuremberg Trails. As stated, they were above-average intelligent. Were they right?

Attached: Schermopname (111).png (1385x740, 142K)

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link for lazy goyim

Of course the newspaper guy had the lowest IQ.

this is smart in Belgium?

Wow. I'm legitimately smarter than all those guys.

I tested at 147 but I never really took it very seriously cause sometimes I don't even know where my fucking car keys are.

They were white.

we're infested with (sand) niggers, whaddaya think?

You expect stupid people in a meritocracy?


Attached: 6c916cbb6a1f78b7c57b8541d5c5355047a8babd_hq.jpg (817x663, 91K)

man i bet having all those big brains sure helped when their white boy necks snapped on that rope :^)