[sings in oppressed female]

>[sings in oppressed female]
This girl is a fucking hypocrite.
She has a good fucking life, but gets famous for singing about what a victim she is.
And if that wasn't enough cringe, Jimmy Kimmel invited her and at least doubled the cringe:

I'll follow up with a post about why she's a hypocrite precisely.

Attached: A Scary Time.mp4_snapshot_00.00_[2018.10.18_18.36.17].png (608x1080, 707K)

Other urls found in this thread:


fucking incel

>went a little autistic on her
>she (publicly) shared lots of images and info on her Facebook that contradicts her song
>she has since taken most pictures offline, but I grabbed them all beforehand
>arranged them all in a giant retarded jpg to show how full of shit she is
Due to resolution limit I downsized it. If you wanna see it in full resolution (highly recommended), go here: i.imgur.com/yaR3IyR.jpg

I also created archive links for at least a few of the images (mostly the ones where she's drunk):

This girl has a life quality in likely the top 5% of the world population, but gets famous for singing about how oppressed she is.
Fuck that noise.

(I shared this before as a main post, but I think most people don't know her name and it got buried, so here's another try with her picture as the thread image)

Attached: lynzy-lab-stewart-is-full-of-shit-collage-3-afterflatten-5000max.jpg (2273x5000, 3.27M)

>that flag
>almost getting quads


>wahh im afraid to go out at night

this is like a rich white man crying that he's afraid niggers are going to steal his sportscar

I like her boobs

what boobs tho?

Attached: 11870677_10155848688425401_7172221603953798482_n.jpg (640x960, 47K)


Attached: born_in_2000.png (434x327, 55K)

wow what a cunt. how typical. good work user. if only there was a way to spread this to NPC's en masse or even just post links to youtube

>Operation Spread-to-Normies
I could provide the screenshots and raw material if someone wants to make a video out of it.

>The Man Show Host

Attached: man-show-pc[1].jpg (1200x463, 171K)

>tfw you cant have another drink even when you want more

Attached: 2018-10-12 20_50_49-Photos of Lynzy Lab Stewart - Facebook Search.png (1029x558, 380K)

>that moment you're deciding whether it's rape or just being nice

Attached: 484487_10151846602525401_1849914091_n.jpg (716x960, 78K)

>tfw you cant have another drink even when you want more #2

Attached: 2018-10-12 20_45_16-Photos of Lynzy Lab Stewart - Facebook Search.png (1031x542, 307K)

>tfw you can't use public transportation after 7p.m.

Attached: 2018-10-12 20_45_00-Photos of Lynzy Lab Stewart - Facebook Search.png (1031x535, 356K)

>tfw you can't wear miniskirts (even if you only own one)

Attached: 1448_10152841466780401_576216060_n.jpg (528x528, 56K)


>tfw you pretend to be some scared little individual empowered woman who can't live on the first floor, but you're actually married

Attached: 20883096_10159100815050401_8290708860841045078_n.jpg (960x960, 146K)

>tfw you can't go out to dance with your friends

Attached: 2018-10-12 20_30_58-Photos of Lynzy Lab Stewart - Facebook Search.png (1072x938, 1.1M)

>tfw ur really scared of men and stuff

Attached: 248928_502341912003_3343_n.jpg (400x604, 62K)

Good video. I also kinda like this one, tho very different:


Her song contradicts the entirety that women are equal in every regard. Roastie logic as per usual.


It's like the better off white girls are, the more they need to somehow convey victimhood status. This is what cultural Marxism does to people.

i dont want to say i hate women, but a lot of todays young broads need a real wake up call

Women are fucking children good god! Grow up and be an adult you stinky whore

fucking top kek

he looks like a (((david)))

Congratulations OP you've discovered people using social media for personal gain.

Fuck off. Also fuck off with the memeflag.


She must live in the Hood? Catchy tune but you can tell she's mental when she starts singing faster and making her little facial expressions.

>she must live in the hood
Check the follow up post (it's the third one) with the collage image. I compiled quite a bit of info about how she is full of shit in that one.
She actually lives quite the upper middle-class life, all with fancy wedding, trips to Paris and whatnot

I finally decided to stop ignoring this bitch and listen to her song. I got about 30 seconds in before I tapped out.

why do all these complaints boil down to...

>I can't do stupid shit that is unsafe for everyone

Can't imagine living in the city and not being aware of my surroundings when going to my car late at night; or living my drink in random places at a bar without some random asshole doing some shit to it.

Okay so this about the 10th thread in 1 week about this video. Think maybe it's time to stop discussing it? She is extremely gorgeous and wrote a song. Time to move on to other topics.

So, you think people only like her for her lyrics? You don't think it has anything to do with the music itself? Or her looks?

Bump for a good cause

I mainly made this for the collage I also posted (3rd post). It took me a while to get it done, hence the delay.

das racist

What a fucking cunt. Exploiting victimhood for personal gain, just like a certain political party.

She deserves a bullet.

This group of performers is 2/3rds White. How do leftards cope with this?

They find consolation in the fact that everyone in that group is fugly in some way.

lmao what a slimy cunt

I saw this on facebook and decided to counter it with actual crime statistics

How'd it go? Usually these kinds of claims are met with less than average "rebuttals" of fags reeing instead of arguing like proper human beings.

Why is the like/dislike ratio so heavily in favor of likes?

because it's a powerful message

Attached: 1539828706890.png (374x229, 29K)

Attached: 417411.png (443x716, 349K)

Weirdly that's often the case on Youtube, even if the video is stupid. It takes a rather extreme amount of stupidity (yep, even more than this!) to get negative ratios.
I think the reason is that recommendations are often tailored towards what you already like, so someone who will hate this video is unlikely to get a recommendation for it.
In short, I think it's simply because the majority of people who watch it are people who like it, however infathomable that is.
Similarly how the Captain Marvel trailer has a positive ratio.
Ofc manipulation is also an option.

Based hero

Well done user

I saw feminazis post that shit on faceberg, but didn't know she was on jk yet it doesn't surprise me anymore


also ukulele unless your tiny tim or a fat hawaiian...

music discarded

Attached: howbrave.png (442x199, 26K)

This is extremely stupid she complanes about things she "can't" do but in reality she can do anything she is just choosing not too fuckin feminazis

Holy shit that's so fucking gay.

Seriously can any Chads tell me what fucking gym thots is like? It must be fucking painful, the only thing I can see being potentially rewarding is making masculine women learn their place and become submissive as hell.

Dunno, maybe it only spread to lefty circles and not many right wingers saw it.

Attached: SO BRAVE.png (658x794, 14K)

Wow, a white woman crying about her life is so shit while all the people who actually have it bad kiss her ass. Never heard this story before from the left.

Nice job

Damn Kimble took it to extreme cringe that bitch isn’t even playing the instrument and what’s up with the lard ass roasties surrounding her

Like holy shit she has no tits and batman shoulders lol.

Fuck this cunt and anyone stupid enough to believe women in the US have it tough.

Attached: 79C21854-491A-4250-B915-71659405FFDF.png (600x439, 126K)

>choosing not to
Not even. Check 3rd post. She is doing many of those things, provably. This whole song is just a sham.

You can always count on Canada for unending faggotry.

It's how both them have politics completely opposite of each other

>It must be fucking painful
It is actually, I lost interest in girls like that 100% because one time I put a girls legs above her head and the bottom of her pelvis I guess was actually hammering me in the crotch as I fucked her and it left 2 painful bruises about 2 inches above my dick I had for weeks. I don't recommend it, women need some meat to them.

This has more to do with niggers than it does men.

The condescension is the most annoying part

>I'll follow up with a post about why she's a hypocrite precisely.
Don't bother.

Look at the NPCs together United

Attached: 2259EEE8-9FD7-4951-B1AF-CD0243EEC5EC.png (1136x640, 2.58M)

Attractive White women are the most entitled creatures that have ever existed in the universe.
Whatever sympathy I might have for some women quickly evaporates like piss in the Sahara when I see basic bitches like these.

I have, it's the 3rd post.

Attached: 1536509365089.png (430x441, 120K)

When are we gonna embrace artificial womb nationalism, user?

Attached: Am I human now.jpg (1000x1000, 114K)

Weaponized Autism is our greatest asset

Attached: 1523374517595.png (550x600, 316K)

She blocked me in about two minutes on Instagram once I asked why she deleted the pics of her being a hypocrite

>Canadanon right now

Attached: 420.png (420x420, 165K)

What's a safe file host? I could at least upload an archive of her Facebook images before she deleted them. Maybe someone else can find something interesting in them I missed.

So is this supposed to be sexy? Powerful? Skinny girl with slut pumps with kid boobs and man abs in front of pool?

Attached: D9C60E22-F2D7-4DFA-BA89-4E3F82DB3170.jpg (290x162, 16K)

I have no clue but I'll bump for you

Attached: The Handmaid.jpg (2175x1333, 278K)

Create an instagram account and post what you have with her stupid name as the hashtag. Lynzylab and lynzylabstewart. You'd get lots of traction there because people search that dumb bitch on there all the time

Would smash

Lol the legal weed shop i just went to forgot to charge me for a $8 prerolled joint because we were both so stoned hahahah

incel is newspeak shorthand for:

>nurr nurr you can't get a girlfriend!

Always said by some dipshit.

I am married and have two daughters. Married one out already and working on the second one. You can never be a father until you can be a husband. I'm sorry user, women free procreation is just a dream

Great work user. Just by looking at her you know she is incredibly privileged, and flat out lying about it for attention - but it's always great to have proof of it.

Here's a big bunch of the now removed images:
It's not all of them, but it's something.

disgusting roastie, S.

It's okay user, you can show your flag we appreciate the work you've done.

> I can't speak earnestly about all my fears.

As a man, I'm concerned that the definition of "sexual assault" is moving towards the most routine things such as eye contact and that a mere accusation can have me publicly shamed, fired from my job and potentially cause the breakdown of my familial relationships.

> Oh man up, you know how rare it is that woman lies about that kind of stuff? You're pathetic.

>Caring about women.

Get this to the edgy youtubers aka ecelebs as most of pol calls them, they are actually effective at spreading the masses of contrarian viewpoints, and it will work with this entitled bitch. There’s a lot to hate, like the stark hypocrisy and entitlement feminism

Why does no one ever mention Jimmy's bullshit when he got his start from The Man Show.

How'd I know leaf, that's the powers of burger intuition

Attached: MURICA.gif (376x328, 3.7M)

Jimmy Kimmel's diseased son has a message for him

Good idea, which one is most likely to do it


Someone needs to rid this planet of Kimmel. Such a little faggot and the biggest hypocrite out of all the talk show NPC's

Why link to it and give these kikes more views?

nice job