Europeans we must gather around our man.
Europeans we must gather around our man
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I have no issue when the eu electons comes around next year to do my part.
what is salvini about? I know nothing about italian politics, other than his anti-migration stance
salvini looks like a street shitter from Punjab
He's against the actual EU establishment and in favour of eliminating the sanctions to the Russian Federation. And much more, what do you want to know?
He wants to destroy tge EU and probably kill all the ones responsible for it. He is currently trying to pass a reform that would greatly improve our situation but it has been struck down by the EU, he is not giving up tho
Except there are no streetshitters in Punjab. Can’t even form your insults correctly, fucking Romanian.
okay those are common sense policies
what actually makes him /ourguy/?
and if he is so based how the fuck could he go into coalition with those fucking cucks from M5S
are there any of those "send bobs and vagene" dudes?
>street shitting intellectual