Oregon Governors Race

If its Brown, flush it down.

Attention all Oregonfags, Kate Brown is a lesbian socialist who will drive our beautiful state into being just lots of mini-portlands. Oregon has a culture that is being destroyed by Californians and Portland. Do your part, Vote Republican. Kick the commies out and turn Oregon Red.

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I'm voting for him but I wish he was better

SOuthern oregon here doing my part

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im voting for him but he's a liberal faggot

>for abortion
>against the ballot measure that would repeal oregon's sanctuary state law
>pro gay marriage

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The current governor should have been arrested when they failed to request government assistance when it was clear that the police were being told to allow antifa to terrorize Portland by the clearly corrupted Mayor,

No one did shit.

Brown is going to lose


Yeah he sucks. But.. The alternative is Kate Brown. Voting Brown is equal to voting for Hillary.

How should I vote on 103 we dont have taxes on our grocery's already but this bill seems really shady.

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Project Veritas busted Brown


Taxation is theft user