People are going to die if you don’t stop using the meme, and this entire site will get shut down if you don’t stop using the meme. Last night I had the most vivid dream of my life, it was even more clear to me than reality. In my dream there was a school shooter who saw the NPC meme, then shot up a school. He walked into the class room and said “anyone who goes to school is an NPC” then he fired an RPG into the class room and 25 kids died. Then he saw a girl and said the catchphrase Duke Nukem says in video games “good night bitch” and he shot her. This is what will happen if you don’t stop using the meme!!!!

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>t. NPC

Attached: iewaxnuo3ar11.jpg (680x568, 133K)

Dreams are a product of the subconcious and desu yours sounds like a fag

NPCs should fear us

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>Memes are dangerous

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I'm a real human bean

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Everyone! Stop what you are doing because OP had a dream!

That's not how this works faggot.

Red and basedpilled

Cool dream faggot

Bullshit. NPCs don't have dreams.

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That shit happened around the world without the NPC meme, in fact if it makes one asshole question tying leftists and their hive mind groupthink, I m all for it. Op is a fag shill that needs a life.

>Last night I had the most vivid dream
I call BS...NPC's don't dream

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Posting gore, that includes nigger and NPC gore, will get you banned. Any specific gore meant to offend a certain demographic violates the terms of the board


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>I hate free speech when it "offends" me

Go back to your safe space on reddit you piece of shit

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Jew version is wind up. Antique. They’ve been at this much longer than everyone else.

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The next time you feel depressed, you should go through with it.

Elites are losing their shit because they have been found out.
70% of people are NPCs.
Generally anyone who is an "S" and not a "N" in the Meyers Briggs attribute indices is an NPC, regardless of intellect.
The "N"s, particularly the "NF"s who think in the abstract but do so based on feelings and not reason, are quite adroit at manipulating the NPCs and creating the talking points that NPCs will parrot since they do not have original thoughts but rather assemble thoughts from others.
The take away fro this board is to identify how to communicate with NPCs just as the "NF"s by their nature understand how this is done.
Memes are effective as a way to do so.
Perhaps this is the most effective way.

•᠌ •
― NO

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it's just a fake meme bro
just like all the other shitty memes that whatever leftist organization is in charge of memetics has produced, this too shall pass

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Fuck NPCs

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I know breaking out of your comfortable prison is scary, but it's for your own good.
You are the architect of your own imprisonment.

This is what male feminists look like.

Attached: NPCs.jpg (1920x1080, 545K)

NPCs are TERRIFYING, and here is why it's a GOOD thing

>it’s just a fake meme

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>1 post by id

Good job with the copypasted edited bait OP.

Someone please post the pic comparing roles of NPC, Wojak and Pepe. Forgot to save it when I had the chance.

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>when an NPC jerks off

Attached: 40298.w-800.h0.q100.jpg (480x478, 113K)

>running patternrecognition.exe
>match found
beep bop boop you're posting memelabs propaganda

Nice sand golem. Here's a mecha golem for your army of NPCs tp manipulate.

Attached: IMG_20181018_201451.png (1064x1296, 530K)

But user, we want people to die.

It’s just funny to make fun of NPCs. You even did the “running.exe” thing. Which just makes it more funny ironic

yes, I am a 30yo boomer/amerimutt NPC that has gained sentience and now I shitpost on Jow Forums to make my masters angery

Trump supporters are the real NPCs. They blindly follow Trump.

My feminist SJW anti-white stance is really unique though. I have no "problematic" opinions or stances.

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hi jahans

Attached: LogicKillsNPCs.png (1272x958, 906K)

Nice try, but an NPC can’t become sentient. That would be like my cat becoming sentient

good taste!

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Wow, for once, OP is not a fag.

The NPC meme is a poison pill. We have to stop using it. It's a dehumanizing tactic.
We don't beat the left if we become them.
It's nothing more than masturbation of the Ego. The more you elevate your ego, the more you lower your spirit.
We can't win anyone over from the left with this so it gains us nothing. It actually repels potential converts.
We are quick to point out Satan at work in the left. Don't think for a moment that the liar isn't always looking for ways to work us too.

Eyes open brothers.

I did. (:

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