>100 ISIS Terrorists Caught in Guatemala as Central American Caravan Heads to U.S.
@Judicial Watch


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>In a startling revelation, Guatemala’s president announced in the country’s largest newspaper that nearly 100 ISIS terrorists have been apprehended in the impoverished Central American nation. Why should Americans care about this? A caravan of Central American migrants is making its way north. Let’s not forget that Guatemala is one of the countries that bombarded the U.S. with illegal immigrant minors under Barack Obama’s open border free-for-all. They came in droves from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala through the Mexican border and for years Uncle Sam rolled out the welcome mat offering housing, food, medical treatment and a free education

>A terrorist could have easily slipped in considering the minors, coined Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC), were not properly vetted and some turned out to be violent gangbangers who went on to commit heinous crimes in their adopted land of opportunity. In fact, the nation’s most violent street gang, Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13), was energized by the barrage of UACs. The Texas Department of Public Safety even issued a report documenting how the MS-13 emerged as a top tier gang in the state thanks to the influx of illegal alien gang members that came with the UACs. At the time more than 60,000 UACs—many with criminal histories—had stormed into the U.S. in a matter of months. Tens of thousands more eventually made it north.

yeah they're coming and you amerifats won't do shit, just like the cheeto in chief. All talk no action faggots

>Guatemala has long been known as a major smuggling corridor for foreigners from African and Asian countries making their way into the U.S. Last year Guatemala’s largest paper, Prensa Libra, published an in-depth piece on the inner workings of an international human smuggling network that moves migrants from Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal and Bangladesh to the U.S. Individuals are sent to Dubai in the United Arab Emirates then flown to Brazil before heading to Colombia. Once in South America, the migrants are transported to Panama before moving on to Costa Rica then a central point on Guatemala. One Spanish news report refers to Guatemala as a human smuggling paradise because it’s so easy to get fake passports. A few years ago, the head of Guatemala’s passport division got arrested for selling fake passports to a group of Colombians, according to a government announcement.

All this makes ISIS terrorists operating in Guatemala incredibly alarming. President Jimmy Morales confirmed it during a recent security conference attended by Vice President Mike Pence and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo as well as the presidents of Honduras and El Salvador and other Latin American dignitaries. Morales said that his administration has captured “close to 100 persons completely involved with terrorists, with ISIS and we have not only detained them within our territory, but they have been deported to their country of origin.” Several of the terrorists were Syrians caught with fake documents, according to Guatemala’s head of intelligence. At the same event, President Morales also revealed that Guatemalan authorities captured more than 1,000 gangbangers, including members of the MS-13.

Many more probably make it into the U.S. via the Mexican border and a lot of them get released inside the country.

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>real sources
>actual content
OP is not a faggot

>In fact, Border Patrol agents in Texas have been ordered to release illegal immigrants caught entering through Mexico because detentions facilities have no bed space, according to a news report. Earlier this year Judicial Watch exposed a secret program—started by Obama and continued by Trump— that quietly relocates illegal immigrants to different parts of the country on commercial flights. Years earlier Judicial Watch uncovered a similar DHS initiative that transported illegal immigrants from the Mexican border to Phoenix and released them without proper processing. The government classified them as Other Than Mexican (OTM) and transferred them 116 miles north from Tucson to a Phoenix bus station where they went their separate way. The OTMs were from Honduras, Colombia, El Salvador and Guatemala and a security company contracted by the U.S. government drove the OTMs from the Border Patrol’s Tucson Sector where they were in custody to Phoenix. Some could have been ISIS operatives.

Wait isn't this the plot of Sicario 2?


fuckin gonna blow up big time in the media if its a thing believe that(not cause they'd like it to). mass tweet it to 45 he will do the rest

nah you amerisharts are complacent with your walmarts and mcdonalds. You won't do shit like every single time.

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Is this why Trump said there will be troops on the borders?

Literally who the fuck cares
Um racist much
That doesn't mean it's not true that there's millions of innocents that just want to escape their horrible life and find refuge here. As christians we should welcome anyone and everyone

Na, he wants to film Mexican babies getting machine gunned as they are thrown in the air for the banter

Look at that merchant

Yes. Another caravan of Hundorans. Check.

They both look like fucking space aliens. Deport!

>ice deports the brown people or the police rail them hard
>wahhhhhhhhhhhhhh stop shooting them they are good bois

shoot yourself faggot

kek. the kike even marks his women in public. Thats literally the type of shit they do in porn by writing heinous shit all over some whores body before railing her

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God commanded us to wage war on our enemies


Do you think they are organizing the caravans for this purpose or do you think they really are just 'tagging along' as the opportunity presents itself.

How long until South America becomes a muslim continent

marines at the border. shoot to kill. let god sort em out...

ISIS needs to leave America alone!

>having to drum up Islamic terrorism fears to justify controlling your border and preventing hordes of shitskins from colonizing your country
The absolute state of the west.

>100 isis faggots busted
Well that has to be some fake bullshit. But do we care?

Fuck off. Where did all these commies come from?

communists are funding this. all planned out. gas every communist asap

Welcome to Europe 2015.

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It’s Judicial Watch, far from Fake News

The President's number one job is to protect our borders and he is FAILING.

That man deserves a gold star.

German and Eastern European jewish "refugees" that arrived in the late 19th and early 20th century.

>At the same event, President Morales also revealed that Guatemalan authorities captured more than 1,000 gangbangers, including members of the MS-13.

I think Guatemala is making fun of Trump in a translucent way.

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So, george soros is trying to help invade America with members of isis?

I know the statement is real. I'm just saying this is way to convenient timing. Not to forget everyone and their grandmother knows who funds isis.

So yeah, guessing this is sloppy spook work in action.

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exactly how many terrorist activities does Soros need to be implicated in before he is arrested?


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You better hope something doesn't blow up for real.

Hopefully it does blow up at the wrong time so more Jews die.

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I'm actually surprised they wouldn't just come from Canada.


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>there's millions of innocents that just want to escape their horrible life and find refuge here.
We owe foreigners nothing, and they deserve nothing. Except for maybe nuclear holocaust.

>As christians we should welcome anyone and everyone
Fucking kek

We need a distraction quick!
Send in ISIS

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100? This trigger me to think two things
Would they form a single giant cell to occupy a place like Marawi or a lot of cells everywhere to do a Paris in every important city?
And most importantly for me
If they send them at batches of 100 in US, how fucking many already arrived here in Europe?

Here's hoping for a wall to be built overnight

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A massive Islamic terrorist attack within US borders (preferably in a sanctuary city) would be an unironically great thing.


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With 100 you can occupy a small city for a while

Please let them in, Mr. President.

More dead Americans are always a good thing.

Especially when the cops will be told to stand down for fear of being called racist.

meanwhile your sister was just raped by a a Somali......oops your mom now too. trump is doing what he can. congress makes the laws. national guard has been at the border for over a year already

whoops left your flag on

ow the edge

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The last guy who arrested a jewish billionaire caused WW2.

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Not going to happen. Best case Trump sends military to turn them back. Worst case: the migrants will be allowed to travel into the US in an orderly way and be greeted by extra forces that can process them.

>hello fellow white chritians

Cuckstians collaborators with the invasion get the rope too, Schlomo.

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This is fucked. It will only keep happening

Is that one guy wearing a MAGA hat?

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NGOs organize the caravans by promising the migrants that they can Just walk into the us and get welfare.

fucking shit.....that could've been fireworks, oh well

Thats some amazing acting right there.


*****Follow tweet to see Hondorans paid money to join caravan

Oh boy this shit is escalating by the hour.
I wonder just how many rednecks are celebrating in anticipation for a shoot out at the border with Mexican ISIS.

thats not how it works
if i told you one country is good and one country is shit, would your solution be to move all the people from the shit country into the good one? That would solve it? Youre a moron. If you want to solve their country, you have to solve their country, by letting a few live on welfare you are denying money which would go much further in their own country, you are increasing your own tax burden so eventually people will say, as they are in the uk, why are we sending money abroad when we cant even afford to run our own services, so you will gradually lessen any spare funds which could be sent over there, essentially drawing out and importing poverty rather than solving it by encouraging the shit country to develop an internal market. immigration is immoral by every metric, the only way you can support it is if you care more about your own vanity and looking like a good person than you do actually solving the problem. You are perpetuating poverty with your narcisism faggot, so dont bring God into it

MEXICAN ISIS could be heard yelling "Alluha Akhbar Gringos!"

right before they were arrested...

the race war is here

wtf im hilldawg now

u shit has been going on forever, the reds and blues are getting rich through illegal immigration...


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wow, thanks OP

I’ve been looking for this original video for years I’ve only seen the screen grabs

Now there is a clear reason to shoot at them.

not bad

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You're still thinking this earth is countries. In the far future they will read about people like you and think how sad and pathetic it was that you still thought imaginary lines in the sand meant some people were different than you and should die. It's so primitive I feel so sorry for you. If you believe in Jesus you will go to heaven. It isn't our duty to get everyone there with us. There is only one border. There is only one being who believes in borders. And he wishes for you to come to his side and not be allowed through the kingdom of heaven. His name is Satan

Fuck off we're getting high over here

what the fuck


Wouldn't it be great if anytime a dipshit television celebrity with absolutely no business making political statements, who really don't even give a shit but do it as part of their celebrity status, were zapped with a trillion megawatts of death laser from the sky? It would leave behind some crispy fried extra blackened skeletons. Oh man, that would be the best!

The fuck were those sand niggers doing there


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So what? Nothing will be done. Your politicians are literally trying to kill you by not fixing the immigration issue. Hell, democrats are blatantly saying open boarders and get rid of ICE. That means citizenship doesnt mean shit. Its worthless. The gift of your ancestors is being shit upon by your own leaders and you do nothing but hope Trump will solve all your problems. You fuckers need to get violent and start holding these traitors accountable or nothing will change.

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Sure we will let the subhumans in if you'll house some in your million dollar home. I'm sure you got alot of free space :)

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Only Israel gets to shoot people that approach their borders, the vassal state doesnt get a say.

Gee, I wonder how they got there

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Read the article

Real fucking happening if fucking real.

So ISIS is likely hiding in the caravan and despite this any attempt to prevent them from coming in will be criticized and when a bunch of people get killed it wont matter right?

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Tf is funny?