Is this the imminent future?
Is this the imminent future?
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>Is this the imminent future?
future is already here kek
does it look like the future?
No the reality is a small fraction of people race mix
God I want to die
El abominacion
I would marry her if she's exceptional but she must have my children first.
10/10 would deport to country of husband's origin.
Polak women are the biggest coal burners in the world and it's starting to spread into poland itself not only their emigrants. I was in Lodz, Tschenstochau and Katowice in the summer and it's frightening how many nigger babies i saw in those buggies, without actually seeing any adult negros around.
Are they importing the stuff?
It’s unironcally probably America.
I know her, she’s from Berlin.
Fucking kek.
>date her
>guilt trip her into strangling the mutt
>run away
Sorry to break your bubble Hans, but I, Polak, am in your glorious country right now and Uber is fucking full of this kind of shit. Like literally full
why is the baby so ugly!!
Fuck, I meant Tinder, not Uber.
She is exceptional, at shitting out turd babies, you disgusting cuck.
Uber is a massive failure in germany, no german apart from antifa hipsters would ever take a ride in this.
Tinder =/= Real life
Tinder is literally Roastieland
I'm not white myself dude.
>Polak women are the biggest coal burners in the world and it's starting to spread into poland itself not only their emigrants.
Bullshit, your inferiority complex is showing so you are trying to project your anger onto Poles because they still have their identity and culture whilst you don’t. Polish, Magyar women are some of the most traditional women in Europe. Your western Euro sluts are fucked since they’re the ones who want open borders
If Polish women hate muzzies, what in fucks name makes you think they’ll like other shit skins?:
oh you little sad retard
https www wykop pl ludzie waginator
>guy who posted the photo wrotes
>"i'm at the delegation in Germany and looking through tinder. Why does they do this to themselves?"
that's why you have polish words and name ANDY
>Andy is predominantly a diminutive version of the male given name Andrew, and variants of it such as Andreas and Andrei. The form of the variation is based on the Scottish "-ie" diminutive ending. Andrew is derived from the Greek name Andreas, meaning "manlike" or "brave". Andie is also occasionally used as a diminutive for the female given name Andrea in the English, German, Scandinavian and Spanish feminine version of the name Andrew
>polish immigrant speaking
My brother is in Lodz right now and this guy is full of shit. If there were any “nigger babies” there; they’d be in the trash.
Poland isn’t Germany. Their women are hedonistic degenerates.
>That man crying for his country
Look at my flag dumbfuck. I’m 4th gen American of Irish descent.
hahaha always good to have allies in a war, never let the american evil take root
This baby is what.. 12 months to 2 years and it's head is already larger than the mothers... Absolute mutant
ahh sorry, he wrote
>"single mom in description of course"
the other guy wrote
>"why do they do this to themselves"
Living in denial, sad!
I will be back in Poland in March next year for 2 weeks - you will remember me, this time i will get a picture of every polish women with a nigger baby.
1/1024 native american too i bet!
Nigger ugly genes are powerful.
She's pretty. Damn shame
The only one in denial is you, Hans.
You have no culture anymore. No ethnic unity. Nothing. Your women are getting bred by niggers and Muzzies whilst Polish women are defended by their men and partake in beatings of Muslims and niggers themselves (Nov 4th celebration last year for example).
You Krauts are pathetic, attempting to project your reality onto others to feel better about yourself. Fucking sad.
you mean her drowning that thing when she stops getting one-night-stands?
Don't think the white women having nigger babies is the future. However, you are seeing a lot of single mothers these days and that is not good for the kid or society.
But I've seen the same on the streets. Come on.
yeah good luck with that. we might see 1-2 if you look all the time
and while your at it. find a girl with name Andy
based and whitepilled. user needs to stop giving up hope. Sooner or later women will realize the hell they've given themselves. Either fatherless children or married to some simpering cuckold
What nigger babies? How would that be possible if 99% of Poland is white with the rest being Ukrainian and Slovak minorities? Where would such niggers come from for a scenario?
and in Germany it's real life
>t. Polak
i have no sympathy for these race traitors.
at no point to i even engage with anyone in public outside of my race.
if there are niggers working at a business, i dont give them my money.
its a free country and i can do what i want but what i dont do is contribute any of my wealth to any niggered bullshit.
and women who have black kids, they can suffer on welfare for the rest of their miserable lives for all i care.
That's one ugly ass niglet.
Yes. Nothing can stop Africanization now.
jest na pewno niemka ta kurwa
kys swedish faggot
disgusting niglet
>Is this the imminent future?
It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, identity-less, subdued sheep. They make up 0.3% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.
In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and to discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the past and present in that effort.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Why people are afraid of the facts about the Jews:
Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:
Why we are in decline - Cultural Marxism:
The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:
Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:
The full history of Jewish subversion in the west:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
The Jewish role in the porn industry:
>t. self-hating kr*ut.
some liberal feminists sometimes come home from UK to see family. i've seen one kid like that once but i'm living in one of the biggest cities
we should take the welfare away from them too
how do you overcome the blackpill that is roastie culture?
What a disgusting orangutan of a baby
Eh diaspora don’t really count since they are traitors to their own nation.
So was Hitler right to want to destroy those dumb polacks? Was the Führer right all along?
On your continent, yes.
Kek wheres the dad?
wrong, already happened
you wish faggot
spierdal bo ci wpierdol spuscze jebany muttie
What? This girl is German. Andy isn’t a Polish name.
That's funny when polaks try to rewrite reality to fit their muh victim german evil narrative, especially to a guy who worked with your government on your new census :> I just deleted 2.1 million of your population and have every true statistic available.
You won’t do shit, Hans. You’ll just sit there like the cuck you are.
The only one attempting to rewrite reality are krautcucks like yourself. How many times do we see posts of faggots like you claiming lies such as Poles attacked Germans which led to the invasion?
You have no history anymore so you resort to Nazi propaganda.
Lel where’s the women and children?
nigga like what the fuck are you on
I know it's hard and you need to project and seeth because hating "scheiß Ost Europäer und Polaken" is acceptable but the moment you say anthing against Arabs or refugees, the SEK comes storming down your door.
But come on,you will become a minority in one Generation. No need to go on a meltdown
>especially to a guy who worked with your government on your new census :>
we don't have to rewrite anything when you keep pushing such low quality baits and hope anyone falls for that
for women yes
>they can suffer on welfare for the rest of their miserable lives for all i care.
>getting to steal your money from you to pay for their mistakes instead of having to actually pay for their mistakes
you think you're red pilled?
these women deserve to starve and die if they cant fend for themselves now
La Goblina de los Europino
it is the present you dumb nigger that is incapable of comprehending the concept of time
seems like you are illiterate
don't call me a fucking kr*ut
I cannot wait till Kr*uts go extinct. It’s been a long time coming. When Germany is Germanistan in 2050, Poland will have to liberate it and as a result it will be their territory partitioned along with Czechia, Slovakia and Hungary. What comes around goes around.
Honestly her gene pool had nowhere to go but down.
Her kid will be in her and her grandma's basement for generations.
Look at him screaming about muh nazis when we were talking about polak women and nigger babies - always the same, no arguments, screaming a few buzzwords, sad!
Fucking kr*ut.
It is if you have anything to do with that whore.
kek, I wonder how many aids ridden nigger dicks those batshit women walking with them have tried to ride
The german diaspora is 278 million, growing steadily :>
I used that as an example. You accuse them of rewriting history yet have provided no example. Meanwhile you are exactly the type of idiot who would claim that Kr*uts invading Poland was justified.
no, that's the now
*angery NPC noise*
watch this boys
niggers will make Germany into Detroit
Working at a warehouse with hundreds of men and women. Every woman i talk to has at least three kids. And all three are usually from different guys. Even the sweetest most down to Earth innocent girl has at least five kids from three different guys. And the funny thing is not one of them can understand why they cant find a decent guy. First thing they tell me is always "why cant i find a good guy or why do guys learn about my kids and run away?"and of course these women only date or have kids with gang bangers, felons, and just the scum of the earth types of dirt bags.
Nigga, you're posting in a thread about Yuropean bitches burning coal and trying to blame this on Americans.
Do ya'll suicide snowcels have any other retort?
>and that's a good thing!