Everything this guy does seems to lead to a fascist world order.
Pushing worldwide degeneracy, taking part in political violence and accepting islam doesn't really make the left look sane to world and sooner or later they will realise that themselves.
I don't see how he will kill all whitey before they wake up to his plan, then shit will go the other direction really fast.
the complete and utter extermination of all non-jewish people (aka goyim)
Nathan Wilson
It's the hegelian dialectic. Basically, history is like a dump being flushed down the toilet. As it approaches the end of the bowl its circular movements accelerate. Some have called this the quickening. Some the approach to the singularity. You will see a sharp turn left because of Trumpism. Then yu will see an even sharper turn right into response to this. I guess it's the end times.
Adam Davis
I don’t get it. Why would Soros, someone who sold out his fellow jews to Germany during ww2, all of a sudden become a hardcore zionist that work for Israel. And what the hell would Israel gain from removing white people?
Aiden Robinson
wasn;t mccain the same way? And then it turned out he had a brain tumor
Robert Sanchez
Jewish conspriacy theories are retarded.
>hurr durr we are jews and muslims are trying to kill us. What should we do fellow jews? >lets undermine white countries, our only allies, and flood them with muslims so that they one day will take over >fantastic plan shlomo
Cooper Baker
>Everything this guy does seems to lead to a fascist world order.
Let's be real, a neo-feudalist Zionist world order, with Jews as the new royalty and everyone else a mixed race goyim peasant
Parker Sanders
He is recreating Weimar.
Ayden Wright
I honestly think he is a rogue kike, just an unfathomably evil bastard that wants to fuck things up.
Aaron Hall
>And what the hell would Israel gain from removing white people? they aren't removing white people , they are removing the white bad goys who doesn't work for them you are very dumb and childich if you think jews or zionists are this powerful , yes they are supporting a lot of degeneracy , but white people are removing themselves by themselves abortion , less children , homosexuality , no marriages .. all of those came automatically to a high developed civilization