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Wait so Mexico has borders?

Holy fuck Mexico Is THE WALL

Cmon Mexico make us proud!


I guess Mexico actually is paying for the wall!

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I’m still skeptical.
Are they for protection or will they take action against the cockroaches?

Trump threatened to end USMCA and go back to implementing 25% tariffs on Mexico's auto sector.

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Oh shit

friendship ended with canada, now mexico is my best friend

Now come and get the chicanos that have left home.

Armed escort to ports of entry.

Not that I don’t believe it but is there a source?

Is USMCA good for both America and Mexico?

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just go on twitter my nigga its there

Yes, mostly to contain the more savage central American jungle beaners. When possible.

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spics never saw it coming

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Why is letting in 1k abit deal , When you already have 30million illegal immigrants in US?
Some day they will get amnesty

Yes and surprise surprise that actually deport people too who they catch that enter in illegally

Why do other countries believe this shit? Isn't the new NAFTA deal basically exactly the same thing as the other one thanks to Kushner being in charge of it? I don't see how Trump has any leverage at all when everyone around him and our Jewish media openly works for other countries against us.

Trump working fast to stop the brown like immodium AD

shut up bong.

Yeah it is but the US got some 1.5 trillion dollars out of the renegotiation.

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I din't vote for him, I voted for her
But God Damn am I loving this man!
He is doing so much good

It's about setting the precedent from now on.
We only have 30 millions spics because the older boomer generation refused to deal with this crisis like the lazy faggots they were.

It's already a desert wasteland, might as well utilize some of the dust dwellers

extremely, it is only bad for Canada as we forced them to allow us into their dairy markets

Are you a shill or just retarded?
The US netted some 1.5 trillion dollars out of the renegotiation and that’s just from Mexico alone.

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Never forget the 6 million, goyim

>pretending to be a liberal in Jow Forums


No. We are going to deport all 30 million in the greatest act of deportation ever on planet earth. it will be yuge

Trump is flexing. The fact that he can exercise his will on other nations with a couple simple tweets is astounding. Mexico knows that Trump can single handedly fuck their economy so bad they'd be venezuela in a matter of months. They know he isn't fucking around either, and is crazy enough to do it. They will bend the knee and kiss the ring, not because they want to, but because they have to.

Holy fuck Mexico chickened out didn't it. The absolute madman won again. I'm fucking jealous of you burgers now!

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Mexico is doing really well. I'm sure they don't want this headache anymore than the US. Hopefully, they can stop this crap.

It’s like I always say:

Believe it or not, all these people that we call Mexicans are actually Guatemalans that went through Mexico to get to the United States. Mexicans actually love their country, its those South American FUCKS that are ruining our country.

You seriously thought that third world shithole could stand up to the US with Trump in office? Trump can absolutely crush their economy unilaterally and within the limits of his power.

remove sudaca!

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I used to be full blooded commie. Now I'm commie destroyer

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We'll only cut off your voting hand.

But memeflags all get the bullet.

No I thought that the US will just do nothing and let them in like good goys. But I admit I was wrong this time.

As I recall, Mexico was supposed to take care of the last caravan too. And yet a few hundred still got here. I wouldn't be surprised if they drop the ball again. It's what I've come to expect from spics.

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I truly hate those centracas

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because theres isis terrorists in the batch you retard

Mexico is paying for something, ill give him that.
Still needs the wall though.

Unfortunately to many Americans anything south of the border is South America.

If they were competent they wouldn't want to move here.

Honeypot. Go back to your hole, CIA nigger,

Pic got a genuine laugh out of me, good stuff.

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What does that pic say?

Donald Trump is the most alpha male on the planet

So confused

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"Holy fucking shit!".

I suppose it is a game of wait and see, the Mexican president wants to fix Mexico and get respect. That will be a lot easier for him if we work together as opposed to against each other.

It doesn't help their cause that supposedly a bunch of ISIS members just got caught in Guatemala which if true could lead to a Republican super majority staying in place and the threat of Trump going full shutdown on the southern border.

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what the fuck are going to do with this poor,hungry people?

bully them back to their country?
kill them?

more blood in drumpfs hands

>federal police sent to stop illegal immigrants
Mexican President more competent than Trump

Who are these two fellows?

these guys remind me way too much of the hardy boys on south park

there are terrorists among the batch you donkey fucktard

kek clever


Google search this shit. Msm doesn't want Trump base to see this

>tfw Uncle Pat isn't in Trump's administration

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demotards who wait for trumps every tweet so they can pounce on it with (((something)))

Mexico has tougher immigration laws than the U.S, in fact, Mexico deports tons of PEruAnos, VenezolANOS, etc on a daily basis

Use Google Translate

Personally, i feel sad for the migrants, they just want a good life

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>and they paid for it

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Believe me, something epic is going to happen very soon on the weekend.

Screen cap this

It just keeps getting better and better

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Well I sure hope it's a big fucking war.

America is unstoppable now

You guys realize the police will literally let them walk?

The cops are not there to help them, they're there to help them with supplies.

Criminals. No really. The feds investigated their business for fraud.

i told you assholes, a big fucking chunk of the illegal immigrants come from the south, tons of Haitians that the BRs imported. Glad trump's helping to keep them out.

so uh..heh heh..what does this do about the huge caravan already plowing through..are the mexicans not allowed to guard their northern wall

>Mexicans actually love their country, its those South American FUCKS that are ruining our country.
Guatemala is in North America you burger brain.

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I try not to be blackpilled but the fact is, Trump is only going to be around until 2024 and there will never be another president even close to him. The unfortunate reality is that there are already so many of them here and they breed like crazy, it is likely only a matter of time before these brown hordes overrun and usurp this entire country.

fuck the migrants
if they want a good life BUILD it
do not come here to steal the works of others

Me too. Think of the improved relationship our two countries could have without them.

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If there was one politician I wish I could give back their youth...

I'm kind of wondering if he is an unofficial advisor, I could honestly see him getting asked for policy advice and being told to keep it quiet. Maybe wishful thinking but Trump would have free reign to bring him and Jim Webb in after 2020

This. Gotta watch yourself on there.

Why do you have pictures of some random nigger?

Why are you asking stupid questions?

I’ll believe it when I see the clash and rioting if not I’ll know they were allowed to sneak in

are they even real humans?

It's not our responsibility to clean up their mess.

Why dont you niggers both shut the hell up?