Just saw this on the Donald. Dems operatives are making fake accounts with photos of young women on Twitter. They then message the account holders of the NPC Twitter accounts to talk with them and then encourage them to add them via their real accounts to stay in contact.
SHIT. One of these accounts actually messaged me today and after some ba k and forth I agreed to add"her" via Facebook. I did think it was odd she only had 12 friends. I should have known from that. WTF DO I DO NOW SHIT!
Isaac Howard
>believing grills exist on the internet >believing grills want to fuck some user ironyposter >believing grills Anybody who falls for this is a retard. Sadly that's a nonzero number of you.
Michael Wilson
>Just saw this on the Donald Go back
Colton Nelson
so pretend you are some lefty from your school
Zachary Clark
kys for allowing roastie to manipulate you
Ryder Hall
This would probably just weed out all the idiots who would give out their actual information because of a few XD :P :D faces
Mason Nguyen
You'll have to murder them, it's the only way.
Liam Carter
Liam Russell
You deserve to get doxxed if you’re that much of a brain let to even fall for something so obviously dodgy and stupid
Hudson Jenkins
>giving any contact info to random DMs
Yeah you kinda deserve it if you fall for it.
Justin Clark
Antifa is coming user, get out of there
Jack Allen
you are a normie in denial, go back to reb dit and stay there.
John Gray
XD :P :D
Daniel Carter
Delete system32
Xavier Reyes
If you're this pathetic you deserve to get doxxed
Wyatt Reyes
Trying to befriend meme accounts ran by people who don't trust people on the internet.
Your move POL
Lincoln Peterson
What kind of asshole would fall for this?
Easton Miller
Yeah because I like giving away my IP address.
Juan Miller
If they do anything to you, sue them
Ian Taylor
>actually thinking girls like you for your trolling they deserve to go down
it sound stupid but trolling has gotten me pussy a few times. Girls hate being bored mainly. If the troll is passable looking and somewhat funny that's enough sometimes. Though i'm with you on the second part of your post.
Jordan Rogers
give your fagbook a MAGA makeover
Camden Davis
barrel roll
Connor Ortiz
This site is for 18+ junior. But here's a friendly reminder of the internet.
We should give these shills fake contacts that waste their time. Give them your annoying lefty friend's account. Maybe if you're lucky they'll even start fighting.
Jose Allen
They really are scared of the NPC meme. It's the atom bomb of meme warfare.
Dominic Perry
What fucking idiot would be fooled by this shit. When strangers try to get personal with you on the internet, you don't let them in. People learned this back when fucking AOL was how we all used the internet.
This is Nigerian Prince bank account scam tier user.
Jaxon Reyes
The Buzzfeed article on you is already written user your life is over. Better pray the democrats win in November because you're going to be on handouts the rest of your life.
Dominic Baker
>being so triggered by a meme that you start a doxxing campaign
Fucking mentally ill fags
Austin Flores
Make fake real account to fuck with them even further.
Nolan Howard
Just tell them you are some super leftist. Very easy.
Samuel Johnson
>going on reddit Get off. Please, just fucking get off. Anyone stupid enough to fall for this DM thing is probably a NPC. That includes you, OP.
Samuel Powell
Who cares if they dox your twitter troll account. Are you guys really scared by this? Jeeesus, what a bunch of sissy boys.
Leo Ross
Stop. Go back to Redd1t. Never participate in the work of Jow Forums again. You are too stupid to be on our side.
Asher Mitchell
>Just saw this on the Donald Neat. Now go back and stay there.
>runs troll ops. >gets messaged by rosie >adds rostie to non troll social media accounts Why? Are you retarded user?
Tyler Baker
Low hanging fruit. Any man that believes that a random hot woman who doesn't know them is suddenly going to spark up a conversation with them is an idiot.
Hudson Hughes
this guy cointels
Mason Bell
Right? >random woman you've never met wants to get to know you over the internet >not a catfish C'mon this is internet 101, people.
Leo Foster
serves you right for having an irl zogbook acct faggot
Robert Wood
Nigger do you really think we'd fall for something as shallow as this? Maybe the amerimutts but that's about it.
Luke Nguyen
Why does the left keep using women as pawns in their games? They show a pattern of seeing women as simply tools to use in some warlike relationship with the right. Its pure evil.
And I say this as a guy that hates women.
Luis Rivera
Lefties: These are russian bots they're not real people! Also lefties: Heheh, we're going to bait and catfish these guys to find out who they really are
Wyatt Rivera
Friendly reminder NPCs were a accepted species of human prior to 911 Today it has become taboo and dangerous to the point censorship is mainstream and people are being doxxed for greyface cartoon trolling. George Bush was wrong the terrorists have won because now the culture is being protected is labeled as terrorism wich means there needs to be a war on terrorism . Good luck laughing at what you just read because you know it's true but because this is how ridiculous it has become you might as well be a laughing terrorist
herd-mentality, and men always let their guard down with women
Adam Williams
they get you to add them on your real account
Aaron Carter
Give them other irl NPC contact info.
Brandon Hall
>implying I have an online presence that can be tied to my name, place of residence, or work
Asher Hughes
>Dems making fake accounts to dox NPC posters I have never seen the shills and kike media this assblasted over a simple meme. Twitter is already outright banning them. Jews fear nothing more than their normie cattle snapping out of their trance. We need to use the NPC meme to raise normie awareness of the kike control over their news media, entertainment media, educational systems, politics etc. It's obviously exceptionally effective. This meme is so dangerous for (((them))) because it puts the psychological tricks normies are subjected to into layman terms so well.
~80% of the population are NPC. The remaining 20% of the population fight for control of the NPCs. This was a well established fact long before the meme started.
If you want to dive further into it, that 20% is divided into positive and negative souls... Negative souls are essentially what we know as sociopaths... (((people))) who exist solely for their own benefit and view others as nothing more than tools to enrich their own lives. Positive souls are those who have empathy and care about the future of humanity. These are the people who would give up their lives for the people they love.
As you can imagine, Jews are the ring leaders of the negative souls.
>they get you to add them on your real account So? What are they gonna do? Show up at your house with a bunch of blue hairs and mtf transitions? I bet I can fight at least 5 of them at once.
Kevin Miller
simple solution, only allow DMs from people you follow. Don't follow any non-NPC accounts. Not that hard.
Im calling bullshit. Nobody is dumb enough to fall for that.
They are trying to scare you into dropping the meme. OP is a faggot.
Jacob Walker
What kind of fucking idiot responds to DM's on Twatter anyway?
Daniel Ross
>being this gullible
Caleb Clark
Just give them some liberal's Twitter account so they'll try to bully each other lol
Levi Morris
This very much
Henry Martin
Assuming this is real, which I don't buy for a second, what reaction do they possibly think would come of this knowing Jow Forums is responsible for this meme?
>"oh no! Ive been doxed! I literally am not smart enough to retaliate 10 fold!" They'd have so many hookers and pizzas sent to their house after the fact that it wouldn't be worth it.
Ian Rivera
If any of you faggots have ANY social media, you are a cuck NPC. Gtfo
Benjamin Sanchez
If you get catfished you deserve it.
Jordan Price
Reminder to feed them false info. Give them leftist accounts
Henry White
Say you're ben shapiro
Jacob Lee
Nice going having a real faceberg account genius.
Connor Edwards
Only reddit would have to be retarded enough to fall for it
Ryan Reyes
If you fall for this shame on you. Women never message you on the internet unless youre a singer, famous or rich
Mudslimes have been doing this for years. Usually they just ask for "bus fare for to be come seeing you sexy" or some similar shit. Anybody who falls for stuff like this is absolutely braindead. Even IF the random roast you met online were really who she seemed to be, you're only signing up to be her long-distance orbiter at best. Get a grip faggots.
Also: Always have at least TWO accounts you intend to keep legit on (((social media))) at all times and be a good goy on both. Memepic, memename, on one just for internet randoms and a real one for grils you've ACTUALLY MET AND COULD CONCEIVABLY INSERT YOUR PENIS INTO. GOD DAMN IT NU Jow Forums GET IT TOGETHER.
Now this faggot knows his stuff. ABO always be operating. And never let any of your goybook friends from reality know about your other account's existence much less any details, never post personal details of any kind on your meme or forgery account, COMPARTMENTALIZE YOUR SHIT.
Parker Mitchell
Yes goy, follow the golden rule, unless you're a socjus faggot then you go straight for the throat over any imagined sleight and it's a-okay. As for you bad goyim, do unto others...
>what reaction do they possibly think would come of this knowing Jow Forums is responsible for this meme? Read the OP. There are people fucktarded enough to, again, if you read the OP, add these random thots on their REAL goybook accounts. Imagine being that retarded. I mean your reading comprehension sucks but still.