Why are moralfags still on my Jow Forums?
Why are moralfags still on my Jow Forums?
>unironically enjoying animal rekt
What the fuck is it with leafs and brutalizing animals?
Keep em coming, nigger. Shitposting from a turdphone here
Sadistic beast, I would flay them alive.
Nostalgia wave just hit me. I'm back in 2008.
People who aren't moral and especially those who hurt innocent animals, all deserve the rope.
The media keeps giving us free advertising
Based shovel dog poster.
Enjoy your ban retard
snip yourself OP
Bump. Fuck your sage.
Leafs wonder why Jow Forums fucking hates them. Prime example.
Not doggos you fucking leaf. Post minorities or something, I know you NPCs dont understand a mans best friend, but this sucks. I can watch minorities being killed all day. This pisses me off.
Speaking of animal curelty.
implying this is a natural leaf and not a malteser fresh off the boat
>post minorities or something
Got you covered senpai. A vid Jow Forums will surely enjoy.
True, could also be a Rabbi with a proxy.
the candian flag is a red leaf, red leaves fall.
the story of the flag tells who they are, fallen
angels from satan and lilith. just like the red
shield of the rothroaches.
cool guys
chink detected
What exactly is your definition of a moralfag? Because I'd literally crucify you.
Delete this
When you were 5.
>being this mad
was Jow Forums ever about politically incorrect stuff or was it always about politics?
>leaf making amerimutt posts
>pot calling the nigger black
Like half of Canada is Chinese.
>All this virtue signalling
Holy fucking 12 year olds.
>hahaha wow i'm so edgy XDDDDDDD
Fuck off retard. You're basically trying to virtue signal being an edgy faggot.
There's nothing wrong with having principles.
now make another thread advertising crush porn
it was always about hating jews
Whoever you are, you need a lobotomy.
More animal cruelty.
>Virtue signal
Your moron ass is doing this. Why so mad buddy?
fuck you mutt i was just about to say that
Most of us stopped being edgy for the sake of being edgy after age 15. If you post images of images of animals being harmed and actually act like hurr durr dis funny I'm so dark XD, you probably weigh about 400 pounds and have never talked to a woman in your life
Day of the rake soon
but why?
Seething and projecting
if you dont know why periodic guruposting & loliposting is good for this board, you have to go back
I laughed so hard at this. Fuck off. Day of the rake when?
Grimes town
exactly, this thread serves no purpose. Gore is just useful to scare off vulture journalists and redditers, no goal as it's own thread.
ironic how a leaf posted this. that being said it's just an animal, it may sicken me a bit if it's an innocent animal that didn't do anything wrong but at the end of the day it's an animal kek, not a fellow member of my species
If you don't care about morality in the first place then why care about politics? Why not just live as you please and fuck the law?
The only thing I like to brutalize is their anus. This is too far.
I was watching a video where some guy picked up a dog the wrong way and the comments descended into a torture fetish discussion. I can tell people like you are anti-social as fuck. If dogs could talk they'd hate your pimply faced ass too. You unfuckable loser.
Because he's clogging up the front page with pointless garbage. It's called quality control.
What purpose does this thread serve?
Nothing but to try to seek approval among the dredge of Jow Forums.
Because theyre cowards.
>every one of those vehicles designed and manufactured by a corporation based in a capitalist country
Check mate.
Jow Forums is a containment board.
>doesn't even know how to kill an animal properly
see this is just faggotry from an impotent beta male trying to be edgy. putting down an animal mercilessly for an actual reason or to eat it is fine but this is just larping and edginess
>Tfw when you are also mutts but want to act above us
>A board that regularly dreams about genocide now suddenly talks about morality
Oh I am laffin.
lol he's not even hurting it, just messing around. Although he should cause fuck cats.
whoa holy shit. this would cause a woman to have a meltdown kek
That's /b/, or at lease not /pol. you can tell because there's no flag.
fuck you nigger.
also wanna see the outcome of this
That was upseting. Are you even White? How could a white person watch this and not be uncomfortable?
>muh retarded shit is politically incorrect
‘Politically incorrect’, by your dumbass understanding of the word, is reserved for /b/
just taking the dog out for a drag.
nothing unusual.
Are jannies asleep?
>Jow Forums is one person
But you do have a point. People nowadays (not just pol) give zero shits when a human being is hurt. But hurt an animal? They will shit their pants with rage and indignation
Truth. They aren't even Western anymore.
Northern wall now.
Bump. Didn't even read the thread. OP is not a faggot.
Based serpent. Remember that dogs are the bitches of the animal world. Can't survive in the wild.
this is Jow Forums so most likely a jew
oh nonno we got a reddit faggot
only a literal subhuman would be capable of something like this. gas them now
That's called virtue signalling. I can sort of understand when it's an animal that can't fight back well against humans like a cat, but dogs are more than capable of defending themselves. Fuck em.
Newfags don't realize that the dog was rabid. Watch the full video faggots.
This thread does not seem organic at all. We only usually get dedicated gore threads to hate on china.
This was a turing test. If you're unable to logically and level-headedly interpret, process and assess images of reality as instead respond with pre-programmed, uncontrollable emotional outrage - you're an NPC. Sorry.
>hating jews
says the mongolian rapist's rape-baby.
Jesus christ. Doing this to a human is one thing, and if it's done to an NPC it's no biggie, but to do this to a dog, Jusus, string that fucker up by his micropenis and fucking drip dry him. Fuck.
>a place that wants to get rids of a threat that is a thorn of western civilization is the same as torturing an animal for the shake of torturing an animal.
I see you ahmed.
brb going to kill some children. They should be able to fight back
More like... WAKKANDA
Having no empathy for lesser creatures is a genetic defect that makes your emotional intelligence closer to an unevolved primate as opposed to a human. Even if you don't like animals subjecting them to wanton cruelty is unacceptable.
Snakes are evil. Die die die die die die die die die die and die
Because the alternative to a "moralfag" is jews and niggers, and you people will never run this place.
No children aren't a fair fight. Are you stupid? I know you're mad but calm down and think before you post next time.