Your mission, if you should so choose to accept it:
This halloween, place one NPC Pumpkin on your doorstep (pic related is mine). Everyone who gets the joke will immediately befriend you, because they seek non-NPCs too. Those who don't get it may ask - tell them it's a robot.
Et vois la, you all know which neighbors also want to break free from the matrix.
Lore sometimes travels round here, saved in ancient screencaps. One dusty post (I lost it on old hard drives) pondered the farthest reaches of the black art of memetics. The question that emerged: Can memes (collective phantasms, shared language, that may relate to truth) be born into the material realm? The meme would need to be transmitted to many with no attention span, but dense enough to land a philosophical payload.
The ultimate meme is one that enlightens the recipient. The NPC meme causes recipients to self-reflect on self-reflection. The beauty of the digital age is that information travels so quickly. The ability to propagate your message has not been stolen from us completely yet. But soon.
This meme, this holiday, and this time in history (with respect to big tech, deep state, and big media) is ripe for the MOAMs (mother of all memes).
We have to imagine a better alternative to the way things have been. We need to be strong and lead our communities into the light. This simple step of making a jack-o-lantern about consciousness could deal a crushing blow to the grip that social engineers have over the minds of those you love dearly.
Feel free to rip this post and LARP as me elsewhere, I don't care. We lack our own leaders, and are being actively silenced from the shadows -- we must act as our own leader would.
We must seize the memes of production. The fire rises.